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Happy Halloween

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So... If anyone did wear a costume at some time today, what did they go as?

I went as a rapist wearing some dirty biking boots, and I had a shirt that says "You can't have manslaughter without laughter."

And I stole some quick bags of candy. I was surprised kids were out early enough.

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lol kelso! Anyways my sister had a halloween party this year and I went as a senorita. I had the outfit custom made, so it turned out pretty good. Also I was surprised how many trick or treaters hit my street this year :) I ran out of candy!

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i was goin to go, but no one else wanted to so we hung around my house till dark. then we were goin to a cemetery in the woods on my property, but we only got half way there because some people got scared.

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Halloween is the international day for girls young and old alike to dress up as sluts without anyone actually thinking they are dirty sluts. I saw a girl wearing a goth themed costume with a corset and everything...all I could think was who the fuck does she think she is. It takes a lot of balls to dress up like that in an institution where everyone is extremely skeptical and believes themselves to be better than everyone else.

I handed out candy to kids all night. A trio of aboriginal kids came to my door not wearing any costumes. wtf, they must have really wanted some miniature potato chips. I was not impressed. I ended up just assuming they were actually of some other descent and were wearing costumes to resemble aboriginal children. I decided they didn't deserve any candy, so they treated themselves to my rake instead. I swear its like the 5th one this year.

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I, personally did not go trick-or-treating, but I DID hand out the candy.

Who wants to hear my tale of last year's T-O-T experience? No one? Too damn bad :P

So, the jist of it is that I stole a group of kids' candy, tp'ed a bunch of houses, and smashed in all the windows of a Pontiac Montana. I got arrested shortly before 10 PM and the rest of my buddies didn't xD

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I, personally did not go trick-or-treating, but I DID hand out the candy.

Who wants to hear my tale of last year's T-O-T experience? No one? Too damn bad :P

So, the jist of it is that I stole a group of kids' candy, tp'ed a bunch of houses, and smashed in all the windows of a Pontiac Montana. I got arrested shortly before 10 PM and the rest of my buddies didn't xD

Lol, blade is back.

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