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Well, sorry guys

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Yeah, i really had no clue where to put this, so i just put it in the server area that i frequent most.

But yeah, holy shit, i'm alive. How long has it been, a couple of months? Where the hell have i fucking been, i must have missed a shitload of stuff. But yeah, here's the situation.

1. The CS:S update came out. I had no other computer to play on besides my desktop. My computer was already failing on the normal CS:S. The update bricked my compy. So, i have a $1000 paperweight.

2. No computer = me no play.

3. Got a friend's computer that i'm able to use now, but it's on certain occasions.

That explains the limited play time. Forum usage, i kinda didn't really have much to say or do, being unable to play, so i got too lax on that.

So, yeah, i'm going to be doing better on playing with ya guys, cause that shit was fun. However, that goes to part 2.

1. I don't have a Steam Account. I had a system me and my dad created (This was years ago back in his clan) where i would use his account when i played. Since CS:S pre-update let me change my name, it worked well.

2. CS:S post update won't let me set up a different name. This is problematic cause he still uses the account, so changing account name every time i get on and off is too tedious, time consuming, and possibly confusing to work with.

So, long story short, I'm getting on at weird times, and when i do, it's under the name "Aries".

But yeah. So, i'm back. And i'm here to kick ass and play some CS:S. And i'm all out of ass, so let's have some damn fun.

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