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wtb humanity and common sense

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Ill be the first to point out, yeah i complain a whole fucking lot, but seriously i dont get how half of the people who play on the wcs 1 server havent been like gangraped in real life. Do people just enjoy trolling soooooo much in game that no shred of decency come out in game? There are some phenomonal players and admins and great sports that play on here, ill point out. but damn i get so pissed when i see people like dr fuzzy who are fucking 98 and 18 and think its cool that they are pissing everyone off and unbalancing the teams. is it really so hard to just play a race youre mediocre with? i mean it doesnt seem like too much to ask, we all play to level ourselves but id like to imagine the server should be a place for everyone to play and have fun together at. and when people like high jack and dr fuzzy are playing i literally hear like nothing but negative conversations. its the times when teams are relatively balanced and cool people like oracion are playing that we actually have fun and laugh about shit and everyone seems to enjoy themselves. i just dont get why people cant try and contribute that kind of environment to the server. ive even been trying to bitch less the last couple days, jsut ask ora, ive been playing with him a lot, a lot of the bitching i do now is light hearted and not as often, i do it with a laugh at myself, like when ora fucking spams hit orc chieftan crit nades! hes a bastard like that sometimes but i love him <3 XD (no homo)

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Guest Horny©at

Can you gimme a TL;DR?

You organization skills are horrendous.

IT'S ONLY A GAME DUDE!!!! Most people play css to get away from the real world and reality, not to hear your bitching about how we break the rules.

If you seriously are a goodie-two shoes then go to jailbreak where you can exercise your hatred for people braking the rules.

WCS1 is probably the most calmest server we have, we rarely get complaints on that server.

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psh alright dude, do you listen to people in there? some people at times rage harder than i do, the only difference is i dont leave after i say shit and i dont scream into the mic at the top of my lungs about shit. idk what wcs1 server youre playing on but it must not be sg if you think its calm. when i play without my mic late at night, i hear people bitch way worse than me. im just the only one who has enough balls to call out enough of the rule breakers.

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People rage and that bothers you? Uhh.. that's retarded. Just tell them the shut the fuck up and laugh derisively. That's how I usually handle it. Otherwise, just play some WCS. Not hard.

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And here I thought WCS1 was just a chill server where I just yell loudly and have some fun.

If you wanna have fun go to JB and do some of the following

a) Go into JB and go on the CT team and shoot the whole T team, then laugh at all the people complaining and shouting 'OH MY FUCKING GAWD, FREEKILLER! MY NIGHT IS FUCKING RUINED!'

b) Go into JB and spam songs (especially Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift) people hate it.

c) At every beginning of the round try and take warden by shouting into mic and then open cells so you either actually have warden every round, or that every round is freeday.

d) Change your name and try and take warden using a 10 year olds voice so everybody shouts out 'OH MY GAWD, BALLS HAVEN'T DROPPED.'

That's the only fun things left to do in JB.

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If you wanna have fun go to JB and do some of the following

a) Go into JB and go on the CT team and shoot the whole T team, then laugh at all the people complaining and shouting 'OH MY FUCKING GAWD, FREEKILLER! MY NIGHT IS FUCKING RUINED!'

b) Go into JB and spam songs (especially Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift) people hate it.

c) At every beginning of the round try and take warden by shouting into mic and then open cells so you either actually have warden every round, or that every round is freeday.

d) Change your name and try and take warden using a 10 year olds voice so everybody shouts out 'OH MY GAWD, BALLS HAVEN'T DROPPED.'

That's the only fun things left to do in JB.

ilu lopez, good answer XD

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Teams on WCS are NEVER balanced.

We never play the good maps, and ALWAYS play the shitty ones we've played a thousand times.

And a good number of the people there suck. Myself first and foremost included.

Think of it this way: if your team is getting rolled, then personally zerg rush every round, and you'll make easy bets that will be right almost all the time and get tons of levels using Tomes.

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Can you gimme a TL;DR?

You organization skills are horrendous.

Define TL;DR and ROFLMAO for using horrendous.

Teams on WCS are NEVER balanced.

We never play the good maps, and ALWAYS play the shitty ones we've played a thousand times.

And a good number of the people there suck. Myself first and foremost included.

Think of it this way: if your team is getting rolled, then personally zerg rush every round, and you'll make easy bets that will be right almost all the time and get tons of levels using Tomes.

This is what I used to do till I maxed everything but shopkeeper.

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