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adam :)

New version of miley cyrus/Justin beiber?

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Tubbles needs to get a youtube page and start covering songs for the hell of it. He'd probably be featured in every category by just singing the original pokemon themesong.

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Tubbles needs to get a youtube page and start covering songs for the hell of it. He'd probably be featured in every category by just singing the original pokemon themesong.

I've heard tubbles sing. His good, Yes he should make a page and start singing on you tube, Imagen all the views he will get =/

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Nawh, Justin Bieber has a mini-clone already


Cody compared to bieber, I kinda want bieber to kick the shit out of cody. Theres enough successful kids already :(.

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What is with all these guys without the descending of balls.

If I listened to that song and didn't watch it, I wouldn't doubt for a second that it's a girl singing.

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I'd have sex with Miley Cyrus because she 100 million views on her videos, that girl with braces and flamed up eyebrows only has 4000.

---------- Post added at 11:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:46 AM ----------

Dude and why do 10 year olds sing like Flo Ride and talk about missing girls.

They haven't even grown their first hair on their nutsack yet.

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It seem's the world is getting worse by the day lopez. With all these kid's singing song's about there first love and shit like that, Imagine kids in 30 years. lol

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When I was 14 I started smoking a lot, smoking weed and drinking.

I also had sex for the first time when I was 14.

I also had my first girlfriend I 'loved' when I was 14.

Smoking weed , drinking and having sex with random girls you meet at clubs, <-- this , is much better.

I'll go for love when im 30.

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It seem's most peoples life are like that, Depending on if they're lucky or not, I Mean if you were to sing them song's justin beiber sings, Then it would make sense, But I doubt his even gotten past kissing a girl it doesn't even make sense.

My younger life seem's the same as your's though, But when I was 14 it wasn't weed and smokes it was extacy, Sneaking into nightclubs and sex with girls and "Drink ups", Waking up in the morning in some random house having the girl's parents come home and most likely get chased out or if your unlucky get pinned down, Beaten up and left for the police. When I was 16 I started coke. But Now that i'm 20 i'm happy without the drug's and with the nightclubs. Oh and my girlfriend. When she's home =.=

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It seem's most peoples life are like that, Depending on if they're lucky or not, I Mean if you were to sing them song's justin beiber sings, Then it would make sense, But I doubt his even gotten past kissing a girl it doesn't even make sense.

My younger life seem's the same as your's though, But when I was 14 it wasn't weed and smokes it was extacy, Sneaking into nightclubs and sex with girls and "Drink ups", Waking up in the morning in some random house having the girl's parents come home and most likely get chased out or if your unlucky get pinned down, Beaten up and left for the police. When I was 16 I started coke. But Now that i'm 20 i'm happy without the drug's and with the nightclubs. Oh and my girlfriend. When she's home =.=

I've done x twice, it was some crazy shit.

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It can be good, But the long term affect's still get me to this day. I constantly feel the need for it lol, But anyways on topic. They sing about things they learn in the movies. It's pathetic if you ask me.

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It can be good, But the long term affect's still get me to this day. I constantly feel the need for it lol, But anyways on topic. They sing about things they learn in the movies. It's pathetic if you ask me.

It is pathetic, JB I can still understand somewhat, I think he's 16?

Coming to that age where he sits on the toilet and goes liek, damn,whats the little black curly thing on my sack.

But the kid that failsniper linked...he hasn't even grown his teeth properly .

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Yeh I think he is 16. I don't know why everyone likes him. My girlfriend's sister obsessed of him. If you watch this.

I had to supervise my girlfriends sister. The girls there were so crazy. It was like 500 kid's on weed.

Meh, I'm guessing in the future there will be 10 year olds like justin beiber singing infront of 2000 people. The world get's worse and worse by the day.

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Who's Aaron carter=/ LOL.

Come on. You've never heard of Aaron Carter!?

Justin Beiber is a Fag (in the Southpark sense of the word).

Miley Cyrus is Gay.

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