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adam :)

I need a answer.

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Well ive always had this issue on the "shel" map, The one that you go into the vent in the cells and you instantly spawn ontop of the armory.

Now i want to clear this up to know if it is freekilling or not, With the amount of T's who rush the cell and spawn ontop of the armory, Barely any survive once on the roof. So my question is, If a CT does NOT see you go in to the armory, Can they shoot the doors of the armory, Throw nades to open the armory door, Then scream out " THERES A T IN THE ARMORY " and kill you.

I have personally been confused with this map because of all the chaos, On a round with a wardan who is strict and controlls the T's you have to be lucky to spawn on the roof and even make it in the armory, But if a CT does NOT see you and only hear's you picking up gun's CAN they kill you through the door. I Know all of you will say, NO THEY CANT READ MOTD. But honestly most admins on this map are as confused as me ( No offence ive seen admins doing shit all about it when they get killed and no CT's saw them go in )

Alot of people have asked me to slay whoever kills them while in armory. I cannot do anything on this shel map because i have no clue. Well if it's oblivious that they camped in the armory i slay, Sometimes restrict if it's more than 1 time.

But also with other map's, It tends to happen alot, A CT is afk, He comes on while a T/T's come through a vent in armory (Campus map) He looks at the T, and kills him. ( Although ive seen alot of nice CT's just let me do my own thing in the armory) That is still considered armory camping. Correct?.

Because they always argue. No it isnt i was afk.

But the main question is directed to the "shel" map.

Because of the amount of T's who die, Even I get in armory without any CT knowing because of all the rebelling and i still get all the CT's shooting through the door which leads to me dieing.

So can anyone clear this up please.

Thanks :)

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"( Although ive seen alot of nice CT's just let me do my own thing in the armory)"

- Those are the CTs that understand the rules, by being AFK they fucked up (probably from being alt-tabbed or dealing with IRL shit while waiting for a round to end), they're not being nice, they're being legit

- A CT should be out of the armory by 4:30, until then the CT has free reign inside to choose weapons and kill any terrorists they encounter inside

- A lot of people have spawn lag/bad computers and the 430 mark gives them time to get going

CTs should NOT be shooting randomly into areas where they *hope* a T is.

This also rings true on the jail_lockdown map where you can see the shadows of terrorists traversing the vents above the main room. CTs should not pump ammo up into the ceiling hoping to kill rebelling Ts.

CTs should be professional and only shoot at targets that are openly rebelling, anything else is not proper prison etiquette, its battlefield etiquette. The prison does not become a battlefield unless it is a war day or last ct is declared.

What I would say is hardest in this situation is the job of the admins, to distinguish who actually saw a T enter on shel in particular, because the map is so confined, its easy for other CTs to join in the mass shooting. The admins on sG have shown themselves to be fairly reserved in the proof department, giving out restrictions mostly when they personally witness something. Hearsay doesn't really have a place unless there is a number of complaints.

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Erm, there isn't a rule against spamming the armory door because people do it with any map, so pretty much yeah they can.

They don't have to see anyone in armory in order to shoot through the door... I mean i guess it's bullshit for the T's inside because the may die but they can hide in there w/o getting shot.

So the rule where you see a T go in armory you may pursue but shooting through the door you can pretty much do whenever.

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Guest Waffle

If you see a T in the armory, even for a split second, get your ass in there and kill them if you want. Plus someone is bound to get a lucky shot by just shooting through the walls/door.

CTs should be professional and only shoot at targets that are openly rebelling, anything else is not proper prison etiquette, its battlefield etiquette. The prison does not become a battlefield unless it is a war day or last ct is declared.

I fucking lol'd, uncontrollably. Etiquette on a game? Yeah... Right...

If you guys have a problem with shel, then make a thread to get it removed, I could careless.

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Guest Waffle

The fact that there isn't a rule on "shooting random walls/doors" means I won't do shit to enforce it.

I'm only enforcing what is actually said on the rules.

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Guest Waffle

Sure, why not since I have no idea what ceiling you are talking about and what map lockdown is.

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I'm going to get some clarification on shooting into vents randomly.

About a week or so ago, on Blackout, we had some CT's that would just spray the secret hiding spot/vent next to cells.

This cause some drama and Mitch made some clarifications on the matter which resulted in noone being allowed to simply spray random vents or hiding spots.

Again, I will try and get ahold of him today after work and point him to this thread for clarification.

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Alright basically on shell the cts have until 4:30 to get out of armoury, But they may not stay in armoury and aim at the top and wait for ts to enter that is vent camping and may not do that. They have to get their gun and get the fuck out. Yes, cts may randomly shoot into the armoury and if the armoury door opens then obviously there is a t in there.

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Guest Waffle

Or they are using peripherals and see the T teleport onto the roof of the armory and turn to shoot them.

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