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Games for Wardens - List

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If you're playing that AIR RAID game, I think the playable sound clip needs to be a set length. To make it variable length that stops whenever you feel like it seems unfair, bordering on favouritism if you're looking around at T locations as they have their "free time".

It sounds like an awesome game though, Ts can do whatever they want so CTs have to watch out, when AIR RAID sounds they SHOULD run for the shelter... or they can run for a vent/CT kill :P a good choice game with a lot of potential for success and disaster. :)

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Air raid was great and it worked like a charm. A few people complained that it could be favortism but honestly the mass running to the shelter is too large to single a person to be in favor of them.

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last night we had tried out a few new games

Marco Polo: kinda a blind sharks and mineos / 1 vs 100

Bingo: (difficult to manage) but T's pick 5 numbers (1-25) and type them in chat a CT will record them as being official record keeper and the T will also need to remember their numbers. A T or CT will randomly pick numbers (preferably using a pseudo random number generator or non-biased picking of numbers, if a T then you use trivia to pick who is number caller). The first T to get a verified bingo (has all numbers called on their card) wins LR.

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I came up with this on a nother server. It was pretty damn hectic

Barracks Freeday:

Normal freeday with random Airraid Sirens going off(follow standard Air Raid rules)

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NO 'Cause Miley Cyrus is good, my other invention however, taylor swift freeday is great. Since everyone commits suicide as soon as she sings.

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Here's a list of games I had come up with:

DragonBallz Game - a selected amount of T's and Ct's fight to the death in an open and large area of a map with low grav and with knifes while DragonBallz Rock Theme goes on. Winner lives and loser dies.

Dance Dance Revolution - (Like Yoga) T's are Set to stand on the center of their spray, The warden then gives them these directions in chat "< > v ^" the T's must go do that command and then go back to the center of their sprayand jump in place after doing the command while facing downwards at their spray and towards a given direction(Must be facing the same way as the warden) The way to fail at this game is to mess up on a command and not finish before the next command is given, They do this while listening to Rave music being played by "Warden" And -ONLY- Warden. I haven't had much of a chance to do this game cause of rebellers *cough* Tubbles :3 *cough*

World War 2 Nazi Day - (Like Vietnam Day in a way) Couple of Ct's are given saws and are set to stand at the start of a field, T's are too run once they hear a "German song" Playing such as Rammstien. They have to run to a designated area while being blind, The Ct's are to fire their saws non-stop (to reduce aim and only stop when reloading or when someone makes it to the end of the field -such as a soccer field-, The Blind T's who are running away from the Ct's only stand a chance while being blind by changing direction around while blind and trying to find the end of the field without dying, The T to make it to the end of the field first wins(Or a set amount depending on Wardens Mercy)---I haven't tried this one out yet but I've always wanted too

I also have a couple other games set in mind such as "Safari Day" and "Marco Polo"

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Marines dance dance revolution is fun, Yet maybe next time have them split up into groups so CT's can see who stuffs up and who doesn't, Like 10 T's alive 5 on one side and 5 on the other in a straight line.

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Marines dance dance revolution is fun, Yet maybe next time have them split up into groups so CT's can see who stuffs up and who doesn't, Like 10 T's alive 5 on one side and 5 on the other in a straight line.

Yeah but so many people already need it explained so much to an extent, and leaving anyone out gives T's a chance to rebel in most maps(Unless knife pit in Space_Jail)

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