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sG League: Rules and Deadlines.

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Ohai guys.

We're going to restart this and hopefully get it moving along. We're going to keep this mostly as it was before.

- 5v5 teams.

- 15 rounds per match.

- All talk will not be on, only team talk. Spectators cannot type/talk to others.

- 1:45 time limit with 15 seconds of prep time before a round begins.

- No rematches, only one scrim per team. Winner moves on to compete against the next group afterwards.

- If the whole team and/or subs cannot make it within 10 minutes of their game time, they are disqualified from competition.

- Subs ARE allowed if posted with application or added in by me through PM's.

- A cash prize will be given out to the winners and will be determined based on the turnout. You must have paypal to receive the prize money! The info regarding paypal will be dealt with after the winner is decided.

I'd like to get a very good showing for this, and since it is summer now hopefully more will get involved and may also increase the prize pool! Pass the word on to friends and get your groups ready in Team Applications!

The deadline for apps is June 25th, competition will be June 27-July 3rd.

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