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ok, get a life now milo. i would care less

What that makes no sence. I go get a life you would care less? So in other words you care more now?

Lets see if people are stupid. How many planets do we have in our solar system, remember what happened last year :(


Captain! We're losing planets fast! We can't take much more of this!


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There was clearly some form of life on mars, as you could see where the water was. They now say theres a good chance water is under the ground and there will be some life down there, not saying it's going to be all inteligent or whatever, but where theres water theres going to be life.

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Honestly the figures don't lie. And the figures say that with as much as is in the universe, it's almost impossible for there not to be life somewhere.

With our galaxy alone having 100s of billions of stars, and there being 100s of billions of galaxies, how many solar systems is that? How many possibilities is that?

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There was clearly some form of life on mars, as you could see where the water was. They now say theres a good chance water is under the ground and there will be some life down there, not saying it's going to be all inteligent or whatever, but where theres water theres going to be life.

The existance of water is not proof of life, just a condition we assume is required for it. As far as water underground on Mars, the planet definitely contains water, but it is all frozen. It is highly unlikely that liquid water exists anywhere on Mars because the atmospheric pressure is too low. At lower pressures, water can only exist in two states: solid or gas. What we would most likely find is proof that life once existed on Mars, not that it still does.

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ok. there is so much god dam planets out there that there has to be or had to be some kind of life form out there. look at how close the other planets were in getting water or other crap like that.

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The view that we are the only planet out there teaming with life is laughable and oh so egocentric. Of course we want to be the only ones out there like we are, what an accomplishment. Like fox said, there are so many possibilities that it would be improbable for there not to be another planet oujt there with sentient life.

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The universe is endless. How can we be the only life? I believe there is life out there that is more intelligent than us. God believes something else but who the hell listens to him anyway?

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