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Age limit to apply?

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Box rating = epic win.

Only question i have is why the hell it's rated M in the first place. There's no real blood, i don't think standard voice commands involve any profanities or anything. If it's just because of online, that's stupid, but whatever. The box is always right.

Age is never detirmination of maturity. I've met mature 14 year olds, and i've met immature 40 year olds. I say that if the community generally likes you, you'll probably get in regardless of age.

i think this was released before the time of like manhunt and all those uber gory games... so blood splatter was considered rated M.

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This is mean but sometimes when I see a 10 yearold playing I tell them I'm going to call child protective services on their parents and have them taken away forever because they play an M rated game...I know I'm an ass hole.

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i dont recal seeing an age limit when i applied, but if you want to get technical with xfire, then we should also consider the fact you need to be 17+ to play, which would kill off some of the current sG members

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i dont recal seeing an age limit when i applied, but if you want to get technical with xfire, then we should also consider the fact you need to be 17+ to play, which would kill off some of the current sG members

Well, to be technical... Xfire states the services are only allowed to people 13 years or older. The ESRB rating stays it MAY be suitable for 17+. If anything you are confusing M with A which states its not for anyone under 18 years of age.


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An age limit would just ostracize people, and reduce some of the cash flow you have currently.

There's already such a bias against the16- kids that they lose alot of votes in the recruitment process...

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You're not even allowed to sign up for a BLOG on the internet without parental permission before the age of 13... I would think that would be the very bare minimum for applying.

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well if you think about it, if a 13 year old could apply (not saying they can) who would really vote for him to become a member. what could he bring to the sg community?

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technically he can't

I think xfire requires you are at least 13 to sign up

Xfire is req for your app

O rly?

I applied and got accepted with out xfire.

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O rly?

I applied and got accepted with out xfire.

Actually you stated you HAD xfire, but wasn't going to publicly give it out

Which is why they told you to add one of the staff on xfire for the app process


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"Follow these 3 steps for a better life:

1) Delete him

2) Get a girlfriend so you don't talk to 12 year olds all day

3) Why do you have a 12 year old friend?"


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"Follow these 3 steps for a better life:

1) Delete him

2) Get a girlfriend so you don't talk to 12 year olds all day

3) Why do you have a 12 year old friend?"



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If that's Lt. Lemonz, Then I think most members on jailbreak would probably say no because of age and because he always breaks the MOTD and causes problems on the server. I've seen him restricted more then I could count with my fingers.

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If it is Lt. Lemonz Then I doubt anyone would even say yes, The kid has no clue about the motd and gives orders like " WHEN THE DOORS OPEN SIT DOWN AND WAIT TILL I GIVE ORDERS " Everyone just laughed and killed him

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