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[GMOD] Basic RP tutorial

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Hiya, this is a basic RP tutorial for those who have just stumbled onto this server.

A few things to keep in mind when Roleplaying:










This rule is VERY important. It keeps the RP server clean from "random deathmatches". The rule goes as follows:

1) If someone kills you, you MAY NOT return to the spot and kill the person again. (Once you die, you come back a new life and you "do not remember" anything from the previous life.

2) similar to the rule 1) , if you are killed through raiding someone elses home/room/etc., you MAY NOT return to it to finish off the raid.


secondly, "JOBS", there are many different jobs in our RP server and still some to be added. Each job has its specific role.



GANGSTER'S take orders from the Mob boss- we'll get to Mob boss after. As a gangster, you mainly RAID other people's houses to steal whatever they have. May it be guns or money printers.

MOB BOSS is the leader of gangsters. He sends out good to go's for which house to raid next and sets up raiding times. Mob bosses usually provide (sell) lock picks to gangsters.

COPS are the civil protection group of RP servers. They keep the server clean of Random Deathmatchers , thieves, and people who possess illegall materials.

In order for cops to keep the streets clean, they arrest people and put them to jail for 120 second time frames.

MEDICS provide citizens and people of the server with health kits and/or heal people. This is their job and they also have a higher salary. They can also SELL to you health kits if you with to buy them, but they don't have to.

CITIZENS are the "normal" people. They are the median and don't have much. Their salary is basic and they can be undercover. They may even steal stuff from you :).

THIEFS are "theives" - self explanatory. They will go around raiding your homes and steal your stuff. May it be money printers, or your drugs etc.




RAID - RAIDING is the term used when a person or a group breaks into a locked door to steal stuff from another person. Usually it's gangsters that are on this business, but there may be others.

LOCK PICKS - LOCK PICKS are self explanatory. The mob boss usually provide these tools to gangsters. This is used to pick locked doors (to unlock them). may take a few tries.

There are more, I will add to it as soon as the server is up.

RDM(Random Deathmatch) - is a term to describe an unnecessary damage inflicted upon another. You are usually put to jail from this. Some servers may kick you.

THIEVES - Thieves are people who break into your home and steal your stuff :D of course.

ILLEGAL - Illegal materials are obtained many ways. The most common way to obtain illegal materials is to buy them from your F4. Money printers are illegal so hide them well.

MINGE - Minge/mingebag/minging/minge-etc. are people who do not know basic rules, do not know how to obide by simple rules. You will tend to find them around the servers RDM'ing and F'ing everyone up.




A basic command that everyone know know and use and how to use is

/ooc - to talk to everyone.


// <message>

When to use /ooc:

So when do you use it? well basically any time when you want to talk to everyone on the server.

How do you use it?

/ooc <message> don't include the brackets. (OOC means out of character)

// <message>

/pm <name> <message>

/drop - to drop your current holstered tool/weapon/etc.

When do you use it?

when you want to drop anything i guess.

How do you use it?

/drop - that's all.

/dropmoney - to drop a certain amount of money.

When do you use it?

you can use this command when you wish to drop some money to bait someone with or when you want to make a purchase off another player.

How do you use it?

There are three ways in which you can use this command.

/dropmoney <amount> - don't include the brackets

this method will allow you to drop the money in a physical manner.

/givemoney <amount> - don't include the brackets and make sure your cursor is pointed to the person you wish to give money to.

this method will allow you to give the person the money and no one else will be able to take it.

/givemoney <name> <amount> -same as above but this will send the money to the player. (safest method)




to own a door, first, it must not be owned by another person.

Press F2 on the door to own it,

Press F2 again to view the options.

The options are as follows:

Sell door - self explanatory. It will remove your ownership of the door.

Set Co-owner - in this, you open up a menu of player's names. Choose the person you want to give a key to so they can too, open your door. (Note: when you set their name, they also must press F2 on the doors to get co-owner.)


Make sure you find yourself familiar with basic rules before you begin playing. You can get kicked for being a "minge".

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