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remilia 50 round clip

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Should the remilia be restricted the 50 round clip??

---------- Post added at 12:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:27 AM ----------

I think that the 50 round clip gives the class that edge that is needed. i think it doesnt make the class op and you should be able to use it. without it the class is useless.

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Guest Horny©at

I totally agree. It is incredibly underpowered now just because it gets normal ammo. It doesn't have to be a 50 bullet deagle, I think the server and everyone would be satisfied and pleased with a 30 or 35 bullet deagle.

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Yup, its underpowered...

couz now Remilia only has 42 bullets, 7 bullets + 35 extra bullets.

42 bullets won't last long.

is it possible to increase the extra bullets???

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It's not hard to kill with a deagle, really. I've done it on remilia and it works fine.

Reason it was out is because we're talking about a race that can basically kill you and not take any damage due to it's insane evade. The class is still damned strong, you just can't spam bullets like a tard now. It's a deagle, not a P90.

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I just think there is not enough amunition. i persolily im vary good with the deagle. when i use the remilia i usualy end up running out of ammo before the round is up. i think a 30 or 35 round clip will do or just extra ammo in the gun will do. it will not make the class op and it could only make it a more widly used class for people who r not great with the deagle.

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It seems like it has been nerfed too much.

The 30 second HP is a joke, in most of the map it will take as less as 5 seconds to the other spawn.

And now you only have 7 chances be4 you get kill. Reload = Death on this race now.

Even extra damages to the heart?

Oh yeah don't forget you have a pistol versus a M4?

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It seems like it has been nerfed too much.

The 30 second HP is a joke, in most of the map it will take as less as 5 seconds to the other spawn.

And now you only have 7 chances be4 you get kill. Reload = Death on this race now.

Even extra damages to the heart?

Oh yeah don't forget you have a pistol versus a M4?

I noticed you didn't bother to mention the advantages the class has

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pretty much anyone here can attest to the fact that I'm one of the least skilled players on the server, yet with remilia and a 50 round clip, I can easily go over 4.0 on most gun-friendly maps. I say it stays.♠

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It's not hard to kill with a deagle, really. I've done it on remilia and it works fine.

Reason it was out is because we're talking about a race that can basically kill you and not take any damage due to it's insane evade. The class is still damned strong, you just can't spam bullets like a tard now. It's a deagle, not a P90.


it's A DEAGLE, not a spray and pray pistol like elites or a 5-7. If you can use the deagle reasonably well, which takes -omg- practice, this race is still very good. It starts w/ 200 hp, gets 50hp per 25? seconds and gets another 50 for a kill. IMO, if you want to change the race, give up the LJ and put in a bullet enhancer in it's place. It doesn't need LJ

(anyway, did any of you see those SS where i take practically over 300 dmg every life? - thats an incredible amount of hitpoints)

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I noticed you didn't bother to mention the advantages the class has

Cause the disadvantage of the race is way too much over the advantage as of now.

Have you use that race lately?

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I suck with the deagle, so me using it wouldn't prove anything (never was too good at using it, it never seems to shoot straight for me)

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I think we could restrict the secondary ammo and rebuff it back to what it originally was. I haven't played on server 1 in a long time but that might fix any issues.

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and then we'd be back to square one, too many ppl whining about the evasion ability being OP

maybe so, but the evasion isn't a problem when the remelia can't spam bullets like it used to be able to with the secondary clip. it dawned on me a while ago that the 50 clip might've been the root of all the problems. I only really cared about remelias when they spammed their bullets, not when they got good headshots.

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I think the only real problem now is the amount of ammo the remilia has. im not talking about the clip sizes, but the overall amount of ammo. the low overall amount of ammo is a big problem to me. when i play the remilia (being super good with a deagle) i tend to run out of all my ammo before the round is up from killing so many people. giving the remilia more ammo will not make the race op, it will just be more resonable and make it a more playable race. also the 50 clip seems to be the sorce of the problem, so i think u need to give the remila bigger clips or just more overall ammo.

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Or you could just take a few shots, LJ away and reload then rush again.

You don't have to stand there and take shots like a bitch.

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Guest Horny©at

He is talking about the overall ammo not the clip.

It currently has 7/35, 5 full reloads and you are out of ammo. I would like to see something like 7/60

Maybe someone can add the skill to resupply ammo. +3 bullets every 10 seconds, doesn't sound op at all to me.

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Actually, a race in WCS2 (Nailgunner) has a skill that adds reserve ammo. Something like that could easily be done with the deagle. Yiyas should consult Kai on that one.

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I don't think Yiyas needs to get a clue how to do it when there's already a race on WCS#1 that auto-reloads. Can't remember if it's gunslinger or outlaw.

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