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Halo 3

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Actually, tard, I was mentioning that I had it for quite a while before getting rid of it, so I saw it in it's prime. I sold it so I could get a 360, as back then, I had no means of income.

I've never actually tried the games? Sure... God you're an idiot, I'm still playing PS2 games at my friends houses because they don't have next gen systems- and most of them are the flagship titles like Gran-Turismo or God of War (fun game by the way) and Final Fantasy. Those are the 3 titles really anyone looks for in a PlayStation console; though I'm sure you'll mention Killzone, right? There is only one out right now, and it got shitty reviews and pretty much everyone was disgusted with it. KZ2 won't be much better.

*Sigh* Im not gonna bother responding to this mess of a response...

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Guest some fag
*Sigh* Im not gonna bother responding to this mess of a response...

Good, because its not a mess of a response, and you would most likely try to misconstrue it.

You just can't hold your argument, so you might as well give up.

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well now im having 3 of my buds over every week to play 4 player multypler and its awsomeso

I got the game the other day and still havent played.

Trying to rank up in bf2. . . .

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Guest some fag
I got the game the other day and still havent played.

Trying to rank up in bf2. . . .

It actually is a fun game. It exceeded my expectations (which were pretty low because of Halo 2), and I'm actually having fun in MM, which I didn't in Halo 2.

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Good, because its not a mess of a response, and you would most likely try to misconstrue it.

You just can't hold your argument, so you might as well give up.

Lol ok since I held up an argument against you and ross. Your statemenet=phail.

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Guest some fag
Lol ok since I held up an argument against you and ross. Your statemenet=phail.

No, you posted a bunch of blather and thought it was good. You didn't hold up an argument, you made yourself look like a tard, just like you always do when you try to argue.

This is an example of what you do:

"Ross that pint you made is shit. PS2 has worse graphics cause it came out first!

And anyways, Donkey don't try and argue,even if you prove Zeus wrong ( like I did) he stil lthinks ehs right so this topic should just be closed."

That is retarded, because you just say you proved me wrong without actually doing anything, or even have a valid argument.

Another example:

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE
he realized that the earlier agreement essentially handed Sony complete control over any and all titles written on the SNES CD-ROM format.

complete control over any and ALL titles. case and point.

also i got thoses figures from Forbes, and Playstations own financial statement on there site.

a good researcher gets their information from multiple, CREDIBLE sources. Wikipedia is not a credible source, it is a guidline for research, it is also one source, not enough to support your point.

You then responded with this:

Yeah well you cannot deny the fact Nintendo backstabbed Sony. And anyways, its Sony's format so they should have full rights.

You're a stupid little fanboy for even thinking Nintendo backstabbed Sony, when Sony did the stabbing trying to take the product they were paid to produce for the SNES by Nintendo, and produce it for the industry using Nintendo's funding. You also sat there and said that the figures he did pull up (which are factual) were more or less bullshit, without knowing any better.

You can't uphold an argument if you don't research the topic, or even have the slightest clue. You go on a simple notion because of something you heard from a biased source.

Yet one more example of when I gave you proof of what you were saying was wrong:

Really? Nintendo backstabbed Sony? Seems to me it was the other way around.


That means you were WRONG.

Supposedly, Sony went to Nintendo and offered to help with Nintendo's idea. They struck a deal. Sony gave them no control over the process of this new system. The agreement said that Sony had the rights to license all CD based games for the system. Sony went and decided to try and sell it off for the whole industry, thus breaking the contract.

Nintendo went with Philips to gain control over what they should have had control over to begin with. They didn't backstab, as the contract had already been broken.

You replied:

Just stfu and get off the foums. You have been banned now what? Like 2 times or some shit like that? Talk about fanboyism. You are the one who thinks you are 100% correct in everything and post links to random sites to try and prove your point. At least I can admit when Sony fucks up (as in the case of no rumble, but its going to have rumble now so w/e) unlike you who DENIES THE 360 HAS A HIGH FAILURE RATE. I mean wtf, its proven the 360 breaks a lot and what do yuo say? Oh thats bs, I still have mine!!1111. And they did backstab. They didn't ask to sort out the deal with Sony, instead Nintendo went to a WESTERN company and made a deal. In the end I guess it doesnt matter anyways, I mean look at how the PS pwned the N64 and the PS2 pwned the GameCube. Lawl. Yeah the Wii is winning right now but that is after two solid generations of being at the bottom.

And that you posted

+1 Phail

+1 Idiocy

-1 /End Topic

Well, good luck in real life.

Wow, I prove you wrong and you try to switch the subject by telling me to get off the forums and trying to show how many times I've been banned. Then you speak of fanboyism and a bunch of other shit, because you are wrong and WON'T ADMIT IT.


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No, you posted a bunch of blather and thought it was good. You didn't hold up an argument, you made yourself look like a tard, just like you always do when you try to argue.

This is an example of what you do:

"Ross that pint you made is shit. PS2 has worse graphics cause it came out first!

And anyways, Donkey don't try and argue,even if you prove Zeus wrong ( like I did) he stil lthinks ehs right so this topic should just be closed."

That is retarded, because you just say you proved me wrong without actually doing anything, or even have a valid argument.

Another example:

complete control over any and ALL titles. case and point.

also i got thoses figures from Forbes, and Playstations own financial statement on there site.

a good researcher gets their information from multiple, CREDIBLE sources. Wikipedia is not a credible source, it is a guidline for research, it is also one source, not enough to support your point.

You then responded with this:

You're a stupid little fanboy for even thinking Nintendo backstabbed Sony, when Sony did the stabbing trying to take the product they were paid to produce for the SNES by Nintendo, and produce it for the industry using Nintendo's funding. You also sat there and said that the figures he did pull up (which are factual) were more or less bullshit, without knowing any better.

You can't uphold an argument if you don't research the topic, or even have the slightest clue. You go on a simple notion because of something you heard from a biased source.

Yet one more example of when I gave you proof of what you were saying was wrong:

You replied:

Wow, I prove you wrong and you try to switch the subject by telling me to get off the forums and trying to show how many times I've been banned. Then you speak of fanboyism and a bunch of other shit, because you are wrong and WON'T ADMIT IT.


Biased source? Like the ones you get your BS from?

Just shut the fuck up you stupid fat c u n t.

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Wow guys shut up. This is about Halo 3. I haven't played it yet, but judging by Halo 2, Halo PC was the best halo game.

ya guys shut up if you want to fight about which console is better make another topic or x fire each other.

btw ya halo 3 is a great game but i expected more from the plot

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Wow guys shut up. This is about Halo 3. I haven't played it yet, but judging by Halo 2, Halo PC was the best halo game.

ya guys shut up if you want to fight about which console is better make another topic or x fire each other.

btw ya halo 3 is a great game but i expected more from the plot

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Guest some fag
Biased source? Like the ones you get your BS from?

Just shut the fuck up you stupid fat c u n t.

Biased sources are the pro-Sony sites you get all your info from. Everything I post is factual, as I have seen/read it from many sites/publications before even posting it. Hell, Ross even got some info from Sony's site that you were wrong about the profits made by each company from their gaming divisions and such.

I'm right, so why don't you shut up, and go take a nap. You seem cranky.

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Biased sources are the pro-Sony sites you get all your info from. Everything I post is factual, as I have seen/read it from many sites/publications before even posting it. Hell, Ross even got some info from Sony's site that you were wrong about the profits made by each company from their gaming divisions and such.

I'm right, so why don't you shut up, and go take a nap. You seem cranky.

I haven't gone to a Sony site in months. I get my info from mags and various game sites, unlike you who goes to sites no one has heard of and say OMG LOOK AT TIS TEY ARE TEH RIGHTZOR!!11.

And no I am not cranky, just tired of your mindless arguments.


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Guest some fag
I haven't gone to a Sony site in months. I get my info from mags and various game sites, unlike you who goes to sites no one has heard of and say OMG LOOK AT TIS TEY ARE TEH RIGHTZOR!!11.

And no I am not cranky, just tired of your mindless arguments.


Mindless arguments? Ok, well seeing as how I'm the only one to provide ANY scrap of proof around here, show me yours. You can't because you're wrong.

Yes, you are cranky, like a little baby. You can't handle losing an argument so you bitch and moan and drag things out. Take a nap, young'n.

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I started playing it last night, beat it today and am part way through on Heroic right now.

I rate all criteria on a scale of -5 to +5.

-5= It's mother was a Jackal

0= Garbage, failed attempt with obviously little or no refinement.

+5= Fantastic execution, makes the game worth having

Story 0 weak

The story did not seem nearly as integrated with the setting of the game. They maked strained attempts to make the game connect with the earlier titles by making reference to specific events in them bu ultimately fail. The story is lamely told through flashy F.E.A.R-esque flashes of Cortana that get very old and annoying near the end. It gets even worse when you are cawling around in the hive and hear a gigantic fart-like voice talking shit to you and then have to put up with that whore at the same time. This is a real distraction, a rip off of F.E.A.R. and never really explained in the game. How are people suddenly in his mind? WTF? He acts like he's in love with her too. Weird.

Weapons +5 put BFG to shame.

The weapons take a huge leap in Halo 3. Every weapon that I used was not only highly effective when used properly but unique. Even weak weapons like the plasma pistol and the mauler were effective with the right strategy. If you get low on ammo a plasma pistol is amost always around and can take enemy shields down very quicky. The brute shot saw the most impressive upgrade with markedly increased range and power. In H3 there are levels with plenty of ammo for any gun so you get to spend some time with each.

Music +5 rock out with your glock out

Takes the tradition of excellence in Halo's music a step further with symphonic renditions of Halo faves and all new tracks. The music seemlessly picks up with the action and really helps the atmosphere.

AI +3 tricky little bastards but some must have come on a short bus

The enemies in Halo 3 are much better at dodging fire and grenades. The littls smurf-looking fuckers will gang up on you now. Several times I had a hole troop of them get the drop on me and all throw plasma grenades. Your allies are better too. If you let them drive the warthog, they are really great at giving you a good line of sight to the enemy and will stick around until they have all been defeated. They always know where to go too. AI would have gotten a +5, but I did see guys get confused and drive back and forth instead of around something. I also saw enemies get stuck doing the run animation into a rock or corner. Also if you were walking backwards, Master Chief gets stuck by the smallest obstacles instead of simply walking over. This really shouldn't happen in a game that has been in develpment for so long.

Graphics +3.5 "WOW" this looks familiar. . . .

The graphics are great, but could have been better. The forest and snow levels look kind of like they belong in a WOW map. Explosions aand lighting effects were a big plus but there was some frame dropping when doing something like blowing up a scarab. The loading screen was neat the first time but got very old. They should have thrown in some Halo 3 artwork. The graphics of the levels did seem to blend together terribly in some levels. Sometimes it was so hard to tell where I was going that I would get lost or fall off a cliff and die.

Controls +3 Masterchief still can't run

The controls are almost exactly the same as they were in Halo 2. Vehicle controls did improve on existing vehicles but sucked on some of the new ones such as the chopper and the Hornet. The Banshee and the Ghost own with cookies for desert. Controls take a hit for not being customizable enough but I usually play PC games and use my Zengine to do anything I want. I really miss my mouse when aiming and looking around.

Gameplay +4.5 Power in numbers

Kick ass weapons and lots of ammo are balanced by enemies that are easily defeated man to man running in hordes. Expect to be out numbered 20 to 1 in certain areas. It gets a little tiring and I wished that the enimies were tougher but fewer to even it out instead. There are plenty of very cool parts where you blow up a massive ship or scorpiona nd the last level is one of the coolest videogame moments ever. I loved the new grenades and special items. Stealth was still one of the greates because you could just get the drop on a group of guys and kill like 20 in a few seconds.

Online N/A have yet to experience


All in all it is a great gaem that gets annouing in some parts. Achievement is evenly rounded with disappointment and results in an overall decent game. Halo 2 really shined in its online so I am really tempted to start up another live account. Definitely worth renting if you cant't play online.

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Nice review Opiate, seems you took soem time for that :D

Zeus stfu I am a year younge than you and you can't even argue without insulting people. You are probably one of those ritch fat kids who thinks theya re always right cause there mommmy told them that.

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Guest some fag
hot damn... didn't mean to cause a ruckus...

You didn't, Project did.

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Guest some fag
Nice review Opiate, seems you took soem time for that :D

Zeus stfu I am a year younge than you and you can't even argue without insulting people. You are probably one of those ritch fat kids who thinks theya re always right cause there mommmy told them that.

I can argue without insulting. I only insult people when they are totally wrong and being stupid about it- much like whats going on with you.

Ritch? Thats a word? Sure... I'm not a rich fat kid. I'm FAR from fat, and I'm FAR from rich. My mom is probably going to have to sell our house because she doesn't make enough to support it; I guess that would be because I'm so rich, right?

I'm not always right. If you can prove me wrong (which you have YET to do), then I would admit it. Either way, thats not going to happen.

Its not my fault I research a topic and make EDUCATED decisions on where I stand in a subject.

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I can argue without insulting. I only insult people when they are totally wrong and being stupid about it- much like whats going on with you.

Ritch? Thats a word? Sure... I'm not a rich fat kid. I'm FAR from fat, and I'm FAR from rich. My mom is probably going to have to sell our house because she doesn't make enough to support it; I guess that would be because I'm so rich, right?

I'm not always right. If you can prove me wrong (which you have YET to do), then I would admit it. Either way, thats not going to happen.

Its not my fault I research a topic and make EDUCATED decisions on where I stand in a subject.

I ahve proved you wrong many times, dumbass. And judging by your pic you posted ,I would say you are far closer to fat than you think.

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