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Existance of God

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Why not just tell them to listen to some George Carlin? Then you'd at least get a laugh out of realising the truth.

If that's for atheism, check out Dr. Kent Hovind.

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Why not just tell them to listen to some George Carlin? Then you'd at least get a laugh out of realising the truth.

yea, i find that a lot of comedians have really good philosophies

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Originally posted by Shady

Read above post.

Well I figured I would give you a chance to clarify. Some people fail to differentiate between an agnostic and an atheist, but there is an important difference.

See, the reason I ask is that the agnostic is the only one who is not an "extremist." Knowing something is true when there is no way to prove it--when it is not logical to know it to be true--makes you irrational. Just like a believer cannot prove the existance of God, the nonbeliever cannot prove the nonexistance of God. Thus the atheist is just as extreme in his views as the believer.

The only rational approach is that of the agnostic. He simply believes that these are questions we cannot possibly answer and chooses not to try to create an answer that he knows cannot be found on this plain of existence. That doesn't mean the agnostic is correct. (No one knows who is correct) But it does mean that atheists who claim to be more rational than the "extremists" are fooliing themselves. To know the unknowable requires faith; atheists are no exception.

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Well, me, I'm the kind of person that likes to live his days as if their his last. Saying that, I'm not really a religious person, so if there is a God, and if there isn't, wouldn't affect me that much.

I remember one of my teachers saying "Religion is used to explain what science cannot"

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The only thing I can really think of is over 300 prophecies have come true and that stuff is happening right now that's in the Bible...

But I have a hangover, so I don't feel too smart right now.

A lot of stuff from the bible comes from ancient sumerian texts. They talk about some interesting things. They had knowledge of all the stars in our solar system, and knew about the extra planet that comes around once every 3,625 years or so. Thats how they based their calendar. (Which coincidently is where their gods came from)

As far as the topic of this thread goes, I think it is hard to understand concepts that defy 3rd dimensional perception.

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Pretty much the only reason I believe in the one God is because if there really was, and the end of the world came, and I didn't believe in Him/Her/It... I'd be fucked.

Ya know? Like a safehold.


Ok, this is nothing against you, but in my religon(which is christianity) and in other denominations, if you believed in god juet to be safe, not cuz of what he has done for you, like sent his only son to die for us, you would be fucked(sorry just found that ironic)lol

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exactly thats why i believe in him. what your wrong and there is a god. well your fucked

Ooh I wanted to reply to this for a long time but kept forgetting...

So you believe in God simply because if you don't, and he does exist, then you're fucked?

Well if that's your only reason, then you're fucked anyway. :P

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Ooh I wanted to reply to this for a long time but kept forgetting...

So you believe in God simply because if you don't, and he does exist, then you're fucked?

Well if that's your only reason, then you're fucked anyway. :P

Well there's an extent to this.

You believe in Jesus Christ, the Almighty Savior, that he died and rose again. Believe and God and other stuff i'm too bored to type.

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I think that the bible was made up by leaders to help controll their people. People can get away with the law but they cant get away from god...

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As someone else said ( forgot who )

As long as there is no proof that god does not exist i will always believe in him.

Nor is there any proof of him alive i will not listen to others but believe what i think is true

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<div align="center">Our Father, who art in heaven

hallowed be thy Name,

thy kingdom come,

thy will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those

who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom,

and the power, and the glory,

for ever and ever.


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<div align="center">Our Father, who art in heaven

hallowed be thy Name,

thy kingdom come,

thy will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those

who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom,

and the power, and the glory,

for ever and ever.


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I think that religion is good and bad. Good in the sense that it gives clarity to those who are in the search for a reason to live and a higher meaning and bad because religious fanatics and otherwise use the religion to justify acts that otherwise would be condemned.

So in my opinion religion is a double-edged sword.

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i am Deist, what most people in the world, they just don't realize it.

Deism believes that the world was created by a God, but then he just let it evolve, thus denying the existence of Jesus and the Bible.

so basically, I believe in God, just not the crazy stuff he does in the Bible, he is just there.

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Guest dagminn

Interesting posts here, but there is a lot of misinformation and confusion.

Without getting into too much, please note:

I see a lot of posts trying to define God within their own little boxes. It was apparent to me many of the conclusions were being made on false pretenses - something that causes me to sigh and respond.

One thing Shady said was Christians say atheists are fools. Well God said they are fools for saying God does not exist. My question to them is where have you looked? Have you searched the corners of the universe? Hmmmmm

Another point. There was some comments about how can God create man and then punish him? Well, God created man in a "clean" sinless environment and let man choose. And he chose to rebel against God. So what is God to do? Actually allow man what he asked for - the boot. Now God in his wisdom and love again gave man an opportunity to restore the relationship thru Jesus Christ. That is each individuals choice now. So please don't blame God for punishing men. He is only giving them what they chose. For some of us that recognize our hopeless condition, have accepted God's offer and have been given wonderful gift.

Another point - creation. Some ask if God created the universe, then who created God? I tell you that is a fine example of how we cannot understand all about God because of our limited understanding. If God is timeless, which is alluded to in the Bible (I am that I am; I am the alpha and omega; etc.), we still try to put things on a timeline. Well, in eternity, timelines don't exist or make sense. Also ask any decent statistician, the odds of this world happening by chance is so small it is considered impossible. And the age of the earth? If billions of years old, consider this: the earth's rotation slows by .1 seconds every 100 years. If the earth was billions of years old, then it was spinning like a top back then and no life could have existed, let alone there being an atmosphere.

Excuse me for the brief comments, but the vast verbal bloviating I saw in some earlier posts wore me out!!!!


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People believe in religions for the sole fact of what the point of life really is.

If you don't believe in an after life, you might as well just die now, because life is a bitch and then you die.

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As someone else said ( forgot who )

As long as there is no proof that god does not exist i will always believe in him.

Nor is there any proof of him alive i will not listen to others but believe what i think is true

There is no proof that he does exist either lol

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Also ask any decent statistician, the odds of this world happening by chance is so small it is considered impossible. And the age of the earth? If billions of years old, consider this: the earth's rotation slows by .1 seconds every 100 years. If the earth was billions of years old, then it was spinning like a top back then and no life could have existed, let alone there being an atmosphere.

So your going against yourself here? You are implying God who have had to create the world as the chances are so small of it exsiting, but then yet you say life couldn't have existed with Earth's creation as God did?

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For all you athiests out there, think of it like this, if you are wrong about atheism, you burn in hell forever. If you are right about it, then you get to sit in the ground and rot. Have fun!

Agreed. Either way being an Athiests is a sad hopeless life.

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Guest dagminn

"So your going against yourself here? You are implying God who have had to create the world as the chances are so small of it exsiting, but then yet you say life couldn't have existed with Earth's creation as God did?"

Actually, Project, it does not conflict at all. This proves the young earth theory, which demands a creator.

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