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cookie eater

=EGI= Fwirl

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Hey guys,

This was kind of funny but in a sad kind of way..

I wish i would of kept the chat logs.. but ill describe what happened.

=EGI= Fwirl had messaged me when i was in MG, Telling me how MG was gay.. i told her sometimes it can be but its pretty good overall.

Next i switch over to JB because of a Rage Quit xD.. Then she tells me JB is gay because of 10 year old wardens who spam mics.. so i tell her Yes they are and do .. thats what im here for.. to make them STFU!

Later on after we get done complaining about 10 year old wardens and how "gay" Jailbreak is.. She started making comments on how sG admins the servers! SO i get a little pissed.. because she's all like.. All admins are gay because they have to buy it then abuse their admins on every server...

There are some people who abuse there admin.. and get banned for it.. but a lot of people are good admins..

SO i get on her case about that .. and she eventually starts to make fun of sG as a whole.. i really got on her case about that one.. so we get in a big fight, and in this fight she talks about well.. EGI has GOOD servers to where sG's servers suck.

Later on i ask her "why do you care about me? " because she thought that sG was going to make me a bad person or something like that..

She responded.. "You seemed like a decent guy and so did Oracion.." I wont get into what she said about Oracion because of that privacy policy thing holding up.

*Oracion if you wish to know xfire me "cookieeater1994" *

Then i tell her No im not going to leave sG just because she told me to.

After that

She said "Ok , Either you delete me or i will delete you.."

3 sec. later

*=EGI= Fwirl is offline*

So after that Ragelaugh i go into Deathrun..

Guess what!

=EGI= Fwirl is in Deathrun right there .. As soon as i spawn..

[sM] =EGI= Fwirl has disconnected

That made me LMAO!

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She thinks everything is gay. Apparently I'm 'not cool' for disagreeing or debating her opinion as is.

I just let her go on. Not like I can really do much about what she says cause I can't act on things with no proof.

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Lol, she expects us to care, but we don't because shes fat.

She was trying to tell me how arrogant I was and how candyman was a thoughtful individual.

After telling her I didn't care what she had to say and to stop talking to me she finally put me on ignore.

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I went on the EGI servers and they suck...bad...

1) Theres never ever admins on

2) The admins suck when they ARE on

3) The amount of players on their 26 slot servers is usually...5?

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I went on the EGI servers and they suck...bad...

1) Theres never ever admins on

2) The admins suck when they ARE on

3) The amount of players on their 26 slot servers is usually...5?

Considering they're pretty new, I'd imagine they're having quite the time starting up. So, by all means sir, take a seat. I know you're standing.

It's not like they're sG/UV which has been around since before time began and has always been relatively popular.

We're the seventh CSS clan on GayTracker.

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Considering they're pretty new, I'd imagine they're having quite the time starting up. So, by all means sir, take a seat. I know you're standing.

It's not like they're sG/UV which has been around since before time began and has always been relatively popular.

We're the seventh CSS clan on GayTracker.

True, but they don't have to be dicks acting like their all that.

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i don't script.

She thinks everything is gay. Apparently I'm 'not cool' for disagreeing or debating her opinion as is.

i never said you weren't cool. heh.

Lol, she expects us to care, but we don't because shes fat.

She was trying to tell me how arrogant I was and how candyman was a thoughtful individual.

After telling her I didn't care what she had to say and to stop talking to me she finally put me on ignore.

have some roidrage zach. candyman IS a thoughtful individual.

I went on the EGI servers and they suck...bad...

1) Theres never ever admins on

2) The admins suck when they ARE on

3) The amount of players on their 26 slot servers is usually...5?

i'm sorry, who are you? egi isn't new, it's a couple of years old. the admins we have are fine, you probably spent a total of 5 minutes in one of our servers. and yes, our servers are underpopulated because our head admins are away a lot, because they have lives. i'm sure you wouldn't know what that's like.

WE IZNT NEW CLAY. but that's ok, a simple mistake since you rarely see any egi members, and i only rejoined in the past year so yeah.

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