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Definition of a vent.

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Guest Waffle

A vent is obviously a vent. I don't see breaking walls as the ones on prison_break_final vents. I consider them to be just really shitty walls. It IS a prison.

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Another argument over something that should be fairly common. How about this.

Vents are:

The obvious vents/openings from the cells.

The obvious vents/openings that go into walls/floors.

Any passage that isn't "in the open" (side passage on top floor near soccer in Space Jail, etc)

Also, remember that you can't camp said openings that are beside cells at the start, namely that hallway in Prison Break.

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armory is where the t spawns no?

You couldnt be more wrong. Armory is the corner slot on Monopoly where you get all the money in the middle.. no wait.. that's free parking...


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You couldnt be more wrong. Armory is the corner slot on Monopoly where you get all the money in the middle.. no wait.. that's free parking...


ct's are restricted from collecting these rewards. right?

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Only if the warden specifies to go directly to jail, and says "Do not pass go, do not collect 200$"

what if they have one of those fancy get out of jail free cards?

how do you pay your taxes on houses/hotels in this game?

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Guest Hardcoreiswindows98

A vent is an area in a map that can be entered by breaking the seal of vent.

Hidden rooms/hallways like the one on mothership, lego, Black Ops, Soccer, and a couple of others are considered vents. These are areas where the isn't a wall/seal that needs to be broken open, instead you're able to jump through a hallowed part of the wall, or are able to be teleported to the area.

Rooms where the atmosphere dramatically changes. (This isn't something as simple as it's light one minute, and dark the next.) An example of this would be rooms in the pool, where you go from a water atmosphere to a suddenly dry one.

CT's should only enter the vent before the 1:00 mark if the CT sees the T enter the vent or sees the T inside the vent.

Anything I miss?

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Guest Hardcoreiswindows98

you saw the T enter, you can chase him down. You just need to see the T enter, but you need to announce the T has entered the vent. Also, keep in mind, you must use the same entrance they used for clarification purposes. I don't know a map that has cameras on it that aren't in armory, so if you have one for JB I'd be interested in hearing it.

Mitch, that isn't a hidden room. That is a room you have to be teleported to by performing some task on the map. The same goes for the hidden section in Russian Roulette, the hidden top on teleport tower, ect. Those aren't hidden rooms, those are rooms that are rewarded by teleporting. Those are 'secret' rooms.

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Urm another issue, at Lego Jail...when its like a Zombie freeday or freeday and its the last CT, this CT camps in the very top of teleport tower, some say he not camping because he can see T's and if its ZFD they can get to him, but the T's dont know that the CT is there until theres only a few left as it is basiclly a secret room.

Im wondering if CTs should get slayed here or not.

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