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Remelia Scarlet

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Yes, I do still believe this race is overpowered. Many people on the server agree with me, Yiyas and a couple of others do not.

While I like the idea of only shooting the chest, there comes a time where this gets cheap. For example, 12 shots with an M4. Basically 5 feet away from each other, I do 290 dmg in console. Two of those shots were chest shots (the text box told me that).

Another opinion I overheard someone talking about Remelia. "It's not unintentionally OP, it was made to be this OP"

Some suggestions to change it without toning down its evade.

- Don't let it avoid HS (Normal damage HS)

- Replace the ultimate with something weaker (Maybe only 25 hp per 30 secs? Maybe another ultimate? Low Grav for 5 secs?)

edit: Would we ever allow another race to have an ultimate that heals 50hp every 30 secs? I don't think so.

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Sorry for double post, but here's some more evidence:

Player: sG |βяόş| Empirian Indian - Damage Given


Damage Given to "Operator" - 566 in 6 hits

Damage Given to "Ranix" - 126 in 3 hits

Damage Given to "Interfect" - 111 in 3 hits

Damage Given to "QuC]Angel" - 118 in 3 hits

Damage Given to "¤ĢS¤use your illusion" - 33 in 1 hit

Damage Given to "Duke Nukem" - 189 in 2 hits

Player: sG |βяόş| Empirian Indian - Damage Taken


Damage Taken from "Operator" - 255 in 11 hits

Damage Taken from "Interfect" - 237 in 9 hits

Damage Taken from "QuC]Angel" - 111 in 1 hit

Damage Taken from "¤ĢS¤use your illusion" - 17 in 1 hit

Damage Taken from "Duke Nukem" - 106 in 3 hits

Took 726 DAMAGE

Damage Given to "Wolerean" - 99 in 3 hits

Damage Given to "( )___Black___))>" - 33 in 1 hit

Damage Given to "Ranix" - 109 in 3 hits

Damage Given to "beefy-nosound" - 117 in 3 hits

Damage Given to "-]CG[-I like pie[PVT]" - 101 in 3 hits

Damage Given to "QuC]Angel" - 78 in 2 hits

Damage Given to "¤ĢS¤use your illusion" - 126 in 1 hit

Damage Given to "Cyno" - 193 in 4 hits

Player: sG |βяόş| Empirian Indian - Damage Taken


Damage Taken from "Ranix" - 27 in 1 hit

Damage Taken from "QuC]Angel" - 108 in 1 hit

Damage Taken from "-]CG[-I like pie[PVT]" - 66 in 3 hits

Damage Taken from "Cyno" - 202 in 4 hits

Took 403 damage.

Ill be getting more evidence of how OP this race is. Still thinking its balanced?

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Remilia dies in 2 knife stabs at full health and MAYBE 3. He is extremely vulnerable to knifes because usually it's 1 hit kill if Remilia is <200 hp.

As for the damage mitigation for bullets, it's fine. At long range, it's pretty hard to kill them, but get in there close, it's extremely easy to get 2 headshots on him.

Would we ever allow another race to have an ultimate that heals 50hp every 30 secs? I don't think so.

Yes, we already do. Blood Mage gets 40 hp every 30 seconds.

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Hey Empire,

" TVdie plays this race, every time he's on the server, every map."

That statement is totally not true. It is a fault statement. I hope you can edit your post because you are giving people a wrong image about what is going on.

You are a SG member, you know better than that.


For the topic, Remelia is not overpower.

There are different ways to defeat it, such as knife and team up.

With two teammates, it is so easy to kill Remelia. Same apply to Zombie, is Zombie OP? No

There are always races that defeat other races.

"Still thinking its balanced?"

For that topic, once again. It is all depend on the players when there are no admin around to enforce the rules.

If ones see it is stacking, they should change to a lower power race to even out the team. If the player doesn't care, it doesn't have to be Remelia, it could be Orc general or shoppkeepr... Team would still be unbalance.


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so you're saying a race that can take 750 dmg and still live ( i still had aobut 75 hp left that round) is not OP?

blood mage only gets 40 hp, troll gets 45

both have no evade

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Empire, I swear you told me before that evaded/resisted damage doesn't cut the number from console logs. Going by that, your 750 damage could have have been 300 or so for all I know.

As to the class itself, it's really not OP, but the headshot evasion makes it really, really gay.

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Yes, console doesn't show how much the race evaded. This would mean Remelia could evade ~500 dmg (-200 because of ultimate)

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Yes, console doesn't show how much the race evaded. This would mean Remelia could evade ~500 dmg (-200 because of ultimate)

Which in turn could mean that 290 damage you supposedly did was a lot less, thus not killing him.

Honestly, I agree with you in not letting them evade headshots, or at the least, reduce the reduction rate it has for them. Chest shots for whatever reason don't seem to hit much when I spray into a body of a Remilia.

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Oracion, my point in listing total damage taken is showing how much of a beating this race can take before dying. 700+ damage means its basically an Infected with a deagle.

I am just showing the incredible amount of bullets needed to take one of these down. Even Cass thinks this race is OP o.O.

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Oracion, my point in listing total damage taken is showing how much of a beating this race can take before dying. 700+ damage means its basically an Infected with a deagle.

I am just showing the incredible amount of bullets needed to take one of these down. Even Cass thinks this race is OP o.O.

I'm just saying the argument can be skewed because people know that's not the 'true' damage that you did to him.

However, it does further that it's evasion is higher than it should be, IMO.

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The race has similar has similar evasion %ge to Judge and similar healing rate to Blood Mage. The only situation I feel it'd be a little bit hard to not shoot remilia in the chest is when they buy disguiser/cloak of invis/mole to drop the color. Did you buy those when you played? Sure it can take up to 700 dmg but it can also take as little as 57dmg to die. The idea of remilia is to aim to kill and as such people have to do the same on you. You may be used to spraying that m4 at 5ft praying for that lucky headshot but in reality you have to aim.

A troll/savage/infected/stealth assassin can destroy a remillia in avg 1-3 hits. A savage will deal 192-247dmg per stab.

A shotgun passes through all evasion, too.

I -could- make the regen delayed by 1s... allowing you sprayers to brute force your way through the evasion.

Oh and Blood Mage heals 25hp every 15s.

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lol, that wouldn't be fun, delaying regen D:

Oh yeah, if you really wanted to kill one in 1 hit, just go jihadist and blow up. Really, I've done more than 300 dmg with the bonus effect as it targets the chest when you blow up.

It's really as simple as taking the gun and spraying at the target, just lower than normal to get your shots on the chest.

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lol, that wouldn't be fun, delaying regen D:

Oh yeah, if you really wanted to kill one in 1 hit, just go jihadist and blow up. Really, I've done more than 300 dmg with the bonus effect as it targets the chest when you blow up.

It's really as simple as taking the gun and spraying at the target, just lower than normal to get your shots on the chest.

I've also done under 100 damage with Jihad, and also not killed people RIGHT next to me. Jihad is a terrible solution unless you're Kai.

While Remelia *is* very vulnerable to knives, on a 12v12 server someone playing a knife race will not do anything to tip the scales.

Usually when I see anyone, I immediately go for the headshot and adjust if necessary. Unfortunately, if Remelia is in middle range or closer and has any kind of decent range, a deagle HS is ~140 damage and will kill most non-OP races. I don't think it's fair that I can get four AK headshots on a remelia, then have him one-deag me and still live with something like 150 health.

Generally though if I'm playing a race like Keeper, Remelias are no problem for me unless the teams are stacked. I just don't like how facing a Remelia forces me to spray at the body rather than get precision headshots like I do with most races.

tl;dr my main gripe with remelia is headshot evasion. If it took headshots as full damage it wouldn't be a problem at all. Unfortunately if you made headshots full damage, it would kind of defeat the purpose of the race...

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I brush my teeth with remelia's blood. The worst I could say is the it's evade might proc a bit more often than is fair, but come on seriously, it's not that hard to kill. Neither is infected. You just have to adjust race tactics accordingly. That's the point of having all these races, isn't it?


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Alright, some FAIR changes that should be put on the table.

- Make it so Remelia canNOT lose it's red color. Disable Disguiser and Cloak of Shadow

- Have it regen like Judge. You only regen your HP back after the fight is over (or a 1-2 sec cooldown on the regen)

- Make it vulnerable to HS. Meaning it takes normal damage for HS. (You can still blow Vampires' heads off)

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Go a +dmg race like orcish chieftan, it always fucks me up.

Some people always shoot for the head because they're used to wanting to have "kill-shots".

Some people always shoot for the body because it's a big fleshy area.


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The race has similar has similar evasion %ge to Judge and similar healing rate to Blood Mage.

Did you notice though how judge does not have any skills to gain hp and blood mage has no skill to evade dmg?

its like having your cake and eating it too.

I think of it like this, since blood mage gets no evade, it gets 2 in healing. Since judge gets no healing, it gets 2 in evade.





Now remilia has evade and healing that is on the same level as the other two races. That means it also gets a 2 for evade, and 2 for healing.







best way to balance this out would be to take 1 away from one section, and put it in the other. So many half the healing for scarlet and half the evasion. That way it will be more like







This way they only have 2 points of skills rather than the 4 points (the point way seemed like the easier way to explain it, but I have a gift of making the most simple explanation into something that would confuse most)

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What about deagle only? Both Blood Mage and Judge can use any weapon they see fit. Blood Mage has 3 attack skills, Judge gets +8dmg with the UMP45. Judge evades knives 100% of the time, restores 66% of ALL damage after 3s and starts with bonus HP+Armor. Blood Mage can give you a 2nd life. Judge can freeze people without even attacking them, it essentially has no weakness in the slightest. Have people forgot how to kill Remilia or is it just after 5/6 months people actually started using the race?

This is how I see it::


2 for weps | 2 for attack skills | 2 for healing | 1 for banish


2 for weps | 1 for dmg | 2 for evasion (1 for 66%, 1 for knife)| 1 for roots | 1 for free HP+Armor


1 for weps | 2 for evasion (3 for instant, -1 for weak spot)| 1 for freeze | 2 for healing | 1 for LJ

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Judge is weak in the middle of a firefight; I've never had a problem taking out a judge, mainly because of its slow speed. Remelia is just troublesome because it evades headshots instantly, and can cover long distances quickly with LJ. By the time you are done spraying at it from a long distance it can jump right next to you and 50cal your face. In the hands of a good player Remelia is a tough ass cookie to kill.

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Guest Hardcoreiswindows98

the race isn't op'd its just pretty mutch fail

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