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L4 Admin Commands.

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Admin for L4 is basicaly useless. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining since it's free and I rarely use admin anyways but we can't even mute spammers in game.

Just wanted to know if L4 users could get a few more commands like changing map, muting and slapping to actually have the ability to control people in the server when they're being annoying.

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well kick and ban work.

we need mute other wize for spaming and being a annoying twat its kick kick ban ( You Do Not Have Access To These Commands)

depending on the severs i got Team switch and map access

L4 gets

Kick and Ban

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Admin for L4 is basicaly useless. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining since it's free and I rarely use admin anyways but we can't even mute spammers in game.

Just wanted to know if L4 users could get a few more commands like changing map, muting and slapping to actually have the ability to control people in the server when they're being annoying.

Agreed. Was in WCS the other night and some fgt was spamming. couldnt mute almost had to kick =\

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It seems like it would make more sense to give L4/L5 the bare necessities, and give paid users this plus the fun stuff, like skins, fun commands, noclip, etc.

If anything, at least give us slay and mute.

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It seems like it would make more sense to give L4/L5 the bare necessities, and give paid users this plus the fun stuff, like skins, fun commands, noclip, etc.

If anything, at least give us slay and mute.

These two are the only ones we're really missing, they serve the most purpose (mute especially).

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It seems like it would make more sense to give L4/L5 the bare necessities, and give paid users this plus the fun stuff, like skins, fun commands, noclip, etc.

If anything, at least give us slay and mute.

Agree'd. The lack of slay and mute is kind of ridiculous. They aren't even "fun" commands. If someone is 12 and the general consensus of the server is that he/she is annoying, a kick doesn't exactly work. A mute works perfectly fine. I've ran in to that myself, before.

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some people get offened when they be annoying as hell and u cant mute and so u just kick em XD

Who gives a shit if they get offended, maybe they'll learn their lesson. And if they don't and continue on when they come back, ban em and let them come complain to us on the forums.

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That's not even the point Karma.

If you're in the clan for a year, you should get some privelages, which you do. Admin is one of these, but to effectively use it they need more commands.

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Why is it that members of sG who have been in the community and helping the server/community for a year or two get less privileges than people who just use money to buy admin and have probably been in the server for a few months

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Why is it that members of sG who have been in the community and helping the server/community for a year or two get less privileges than people who just use money to buy admin and have probably been in the server for a few months

Money > Members.

If you have 5 members who donate regualarly, and have been in for a month, they are worth more then 300 L5s who never donated. Simple.

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