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Syndicate Gaming Digest 3 [2/07/2010]

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Guest Fohacidal

Alright FINE yiyas JUST for you.

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I voted yes on Noires removal as well.

I have seen him one time in vent throughout the months of me being a staff/advisor (whatever you want to call it).

In no way am I saying he did not help with the warcraft servers, but, as a staff you need to talk to the other people you share power with. I do see it a bit lame that he was basically forced to step down and never really told to communicate more etc... We gave Mario a second chance when he had his COD addiction, why shouldn't we give the same to Noire?

Also, /agree with Yiyas.

If we are going to give Cassboys admin etc... then that is crap. Cassboys should not have admin if Noire doesnt.

/2 cents

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still beating this dead horse even though Jason already loaded it into the truck to take it away.

FYI, I am not going to read every post. [i am mearly speaking for myself and should not be taken as a direct representation of the staff's opinion][post not complete because i dont have all day to write]

To clear things up. This is not an issue relating to Noire's performance as an admin/css player. It is how he went about things in staff-related matters. So please, stop saying that he did this and that on this server. He can still do all those wonderful things you guys appear to like, whether or not he will still do it depends on what kind of person he is.

This staff happens to discuss things via Ventrilo. I mean seriously, the recruitment process even tells you to download it. The stuff we discuss [as a staff] on the forums are only issues that targets staff members who are too inactive to be staff anymore. I personally hardly see Noire on xfire so the only way to contact him is via forums. That poor hobo cant afford a Mic but he does come on vent and we make fun of him. I know there are other staff members who should have given the boot. I agree.

LD and BC should have been demoted. Thats right, I said it. But the only reason why they didn't come first, in my mind, they did not act by themselves in staff related issues. Nothing against you two, you guys are just not active enough to be holding onto staff. But then again, you guys wont read this for said reason.

Go fucking make a complaint if any of you want to beat this dead horse.

Apathy, stop being a little kid. You got an infraction because you are stupid enough to troll the thread with your "inb4 lies" He may have communicated with people in-game but what happen to all the love toward the staff members?

Noire, even though this staff does not perform at a professional level, that does not mean you have to act like everyone else in a ranting blinded matter. This really isn't an issue that should be discussed fully here in front of biased ignorant people that will only slow the process.


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"Noire, even though this staff does not perform at a professional level, that does not mean you have to act like everyone else in a ranting blinded matter. This really isn't an issue that should be discussed fully here in front of biased ignorant people that will only slow the process."

This comment was totally uncalled for here.

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As much respect that I have for Noire

He did seem as if he was instigating it and causing people to "rise up" to the man per se. It may have been a bit uncalled for but it was not really trolling but more of an opinion to which he thought of the situation at hand.

People have their opinions about him already, more than likely, it is not going to change.

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Noire is pretty cool guy, eh kills terrorists and doesn't afraid of anything.

Seriously Noire is a decent guy, I think I was the one who first suggested him for staff, but it took 6 months for it to happen, (not a dig at anyone) and I honestly thought he would be a brilliant staff member. He definitely did give it a good shot, but I guess being a good person and a good admin doesn't necessarily equal amazing staff member.


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Foh, I see you are still legendary at making yourself look like a complete asshole.

Vote was not unanimous since me&cat&chaos didn't vote. Not sure how many actually voted at all to begin with. Saying it was "long time coming" was no reason either. You can't just kick a guy out, say it's for personal reasons and not even have a prior agreement with him.

First, truth on everything I cut out. I think. I thought it was said numerous times that it was unanimous among the 11 of us that were present at the time. We never said it was long time coming either, at least I don't think so. And Yiyas, it's been done numerous times before.
So you give me an infraction huh.I see this as an expression of what was and did happen. Plenty of half truths and cover ups. I'll take that infraction then. Guess we can't speak freely here. No one has said anything about what we as a community want. I see more then just 5 that disagree with what the almighty staff has said. I can care less if it is coin or not. No one should be able just to brush this off as if nothing happened. So you found a reason why you could get rid of space. Doesn't make it legit. Sounds more like you guys are making room for another of you vent buddy's. More then one staff members doesn't even agree with this yet you hold your ground. Thats is shady as all hell.
You got infracted for posting worthless crap like "inb4 lies" along with everyone else in this topic. Quit bitching, if you aren't going to post something useful, then you will get infracted for it.
He communicated with the community in game a hell lot more then you. So he doesn't want to sit in vent all day and listen to mindless chatter. More then one way to talk to someone.
The problem wasn't communicating with the community, it was with other staff before he did something. If only people could read.

Also, shady is an incredibly overused word now. Like FFS, think of something else.

Like Kai said, this is not something that should be discussed here. Should you (Noire), have any questions about this, PM me or catch me on xfire.

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You got infracted for posting worthless crap like "inb4 lies" along with everyone else in this topic. Quit bitching,if you are going to post something useful,then you will get infracted for it

The problem wasn't communicating with the community, it was with other staff before he did something. If only people could read.


Funny that you call the people that have decided to join this community kids. What a way for staff to show respect for the opinions of others. Take a moment and think back to when you were just a plain ol member. This would have seemed very odd to you too. You don't like that noire didn't join you in vent to talk about what ever you talk about. Well how do you think we feel or noire feels about such a decision made? We don't live on vent so we are trying to find out everything that happened. More the one staff member has shown disapproval of this so why should we plain ol members be any different? The staff ( not all ) have had a major ego trip as of late. I never see half the staff anywhere but I did see noire. I would rather have a staff member be visible to us then one that know all the intimate details of the other staff. So maybe this is a two fold issue.

1) I do not agree with the manner which the staff handled this main issue

2) As staff I think that you should be active in not only vent, Xfire and the forums but also the games that this community hosts.

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Funny that you call the people that have decided to join this community kids. What a way for staff to show respect for the opinions of others. Take a moment and think back to when you were just a plain ol member. This would have seemed very odd to you too. You don't like that noire didn't join you in vent to talk about what ever you talk about. Well how do you think we feel or noire feels about such a decision made? We don't live on vent so we are trying to find out everything that happened. More the one staff member has shown disapproval of this so why should we plain ol members be any different? The staff ( not all ) have had a major ego trip as of late. I never see half the staff anywhere but I did see noire. I would rather have a staff member be visible to us then one that know all the intimate details of the other staff. So maybe this is a two fold issue.

1) I do not agree with the manner which the staff handled this main issue

2) As staff I think that you should be active in not only vent, Xfire and the forums but also the games that this community hosts.

Why don't you just step back and remove your tunnel vision goggle and l2read before failing at your attempt to troll. By reading, you wont fail as hard.

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Hey guys, gal and Mitch,

I just wanted to let you all know that I will be removing myself from Staff at some point tonight. If someone wants to take away my admin on the servers you can go ahead and do so. I want to focus more on personal life, but its not like I did much anyways. Theirs a lot of crazy stuff happening in my life right now like my fiend gone missing this entire week. Also, between basketball playoffs and school, I don't want to miss it. I want to live it up if you know what I mean.




At least some people admit it

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PAGE 30!

Noire, even though this staff does not perform at a professional level, that does not mean you have to act like everyone else in a ranting blinded matter. This really isn't an issue that should be discussed fully here in front of biased ignorant people that will only slow the process.

ranting blinded matter? Well since you already said you didnt bother reading through the thread, you probably didnt even realize I hardly posted in here. I mean I made another thread but you guys merged it into here, ....so where do you want me to post it?

So you're telling me I shouldn't have posted it here, I should have private msg'd one of you guys to ask about it, because you guys were so upfront with me on it.

Seriously the first I hear about this is when I post on someone thread and notice I'm level 3 not staff. Then I look in the Digest and it says I stepped down for personal reasons? Maybe you shouldn't be upset with me posting it here, maybe you guys should be upset at the way you handled this.

I still haven't seen the logs or evidence of any time I abused my staff powers for my own personal gain. I have explained the cass situation and it seems that is the ONLY reason you guys are throwing me out of staff.

I may not communicate with a lot of staff in vent, but I do communicate with staff in servers/forums. How is that not good enough? We have our own private staff forums, if you wanted me to know something why not post it there? YOu guys are just using the vent excuse as another petty reason to kick me from the staff position. If someone private msg'd me, I would usually get back to them within 24 hours.

This isn't about admin, this is about doing things right in the clan and being fair about it without bias.

Oh, and if it really is just for the cass incident, shouldn't coinstar be removed from staff since he gave cass level 4 and admin without communicating this to the rest of the staff? You know...so they KNOW about it? Simple post in staff's forum would have be sufficient.

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ranting blinded matter? Well since you already said you didnt bother reading through the thread, you probably didnt even realize I hardly posted in here. I mean I made another thread but you guys merged it into here, ....so where do you want me to post it?

So you're telling me I shouldn't have posted it here, I should have private msg'd one of you guys to ask about it, because you guys were so upfront with me on it.

Seriously the first I hear about this is when I post on someone thread and notice I'm level 3 not staff. Then I look in the Digest and it says I stepped down for personal reasons? Maybe you shouldn't be upset with me posting it here, maybe you guys should be upset at the way you handled this.

I still haven't seen the logs or evidence of any time I abused my staff powers for my own personal gain. I have explained the cass situation and it seems that is the ONLY reason you guys are throwing me out of staff.

I may not communicate with a lot of staff in vent, but I do communicate with staff in servers/forums. How is that not good enough? We have our own private staff forums, if you wanted me to know something why not post it there? YOu guys are just using the vent excuse as another petty reason to kick me from the staff position. If someone private msg'd me, I would usually get back to them within 24 hours.

This isn't about admin, this is about doing things right in the clan and being fair about it without bias.

I decided to describe most the people's reaction here as "ranting" and "blinded"

It is clear the people, including you, are mad.

It is also clear that people, including yourself, are not aware of what we are trying to say.

You have once again misread what I have to say. I said I will not spend time reading every post, so good try there.

Why do you think this is an issue that needs to be posted in a public manner? It really does not affect the community in any way. It appears that you are best known for your contribution toward the usage of admin commands. And as a gesture of appreciation toward ex-staff members, free admin is given.

However, what puzzles me is your rage toward your removal of Staff. It appears that you never saw a removal of staff before. And you are claiming this to be an issue of misuse of powers for personal gain. This is another misconception most likely due to your "blind rage". It is clear you are not reading fully at what we have to say and reiterate your original questions. The Cass situation was the most recent so it is expected to be used as a reason. As for the other staff's opinion, if they can only think of this situation, then it was the poor judgement of these staff members to vote for your removal. Despite that, it was a unanimous decision among the staff present at the meeting.

Meetings. We have meetings. The best way to have meetings is through vent. Tried it via xfire but that was a hassle really. Do you expect us to pm you via forums or hunt you down in game to tell you we are having a meeting? Meetings just happens and can't be predicted when they will happen which simply rules out forum notification.

being fair without biased? that really is a hypocritical statement, imo, coming from you.

Why don't you start up xfire and actually get the answers yourself instead of waiting for someone to post it?

Based on your reaction, to me, it is clear that you believe you are above everyone else. This was a position given to you by the staff as a "thank you gesture" for what you have done and a motivation to perform at a higher level with the newly accessible tools that comes with the position. This is a volunteer job which everyone signed up for in order to help the community [i hope]. There shouldn't be any regrets if the staff deemed it necessary to give anyone the boot.

Your anger is telling ME that you believe you are indeed better than other staff members and also power-hungry. In this situation, there shouldn't be any anger if you truly wanted to be Staff for the sole purpose of helping the community. Your reaction to this whole issue has reassured my decision in this matter.

If you would like to reply to my post, at least read everything I had to say.

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Guest Hardcoreiswindows98

I vote for Noire to be grandfathered into level 5, as well as have access to restarting wcs1 and wcs2 on the panel, imo, that does seem fair, does it not?

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Ex-Staff receives premium admin, unless given a reason not to.

There would be no benefit in receiving L5 because the benefit would be basic admin. I am not opposed but there is no point.

As for restarting servers, I am worried about this due to his reaction toward this whole issue. Despite that, the servers are restarted automatically.

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Guest Hardcoreiswindows98

Maybe Noire should be given another chance. Jason got another one, why not give Noire another? He told me, he got this sense of anything he did was going to get mocked at our laughed at, and to me that's just not a healthy atmosphere. I think part of the problem was the image you guys left on him, and maybe him not communicating back how he felt. There is no harm in giving the man a final chance, it seems a good portion of the clan is for it.

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I am claiming that it was because of abuse of staff power for personal gain because when I asked why I was removed, that was the answer I got. Has nothing to do with blind rage, I asked a question and that was the answer STAFF gave me. I then asked for proof....which I still havent recieved. I asked what other incidents warrented the removal of my staff? No one can really give me an answer there either.

You realize how easy it is to msg someone through the forums? Especially a staff member?

Community, staff list, and BOOM you can click to send me a PM right through that menu! If the meeting is really that important, why not just send a msg to staff?

As I said before, I work. Till 11pm pst, which means I get home around 11:30 and that means you guys are already in bed because its 2:30am where you are. So because I'm at work when you guys decide to discuss things over vent (where the staff forums would have always been good enough so ppl not able to be there at that EXACT moment can still participate in the discussion) you think I don't communicate with staff?

We've discussed a lot of things through the forums, if its really that important, why not make it through the forums. What are all these super important meetings that I have missed that were never posted on the forums?

Considering you guys kicked me from staff without even telling me to where I could have posted this stuff in the staff forums to keep it within just staff, but now I can't really do that can I? You wanted me to go around messaging 15 members of staff, asking them why I was kicked? (Even some said they weren't sure and some said they want to stay out of it). So if staff won't really talk to me through private messsages, what other means do I have if you removed me from the staff forums access?

Seems like you have not been communicating with the staff too well on this subject before you posted. Does this mean you should be removed from staff?

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Guest Hardcoreiswindows98

the valid point here is communication in the staff is an ISSUE, that I doubt anyone in the staff is willing to agree or disagree with. They'll ignore the problem til it goes away, problem though is it involves their communication.

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Guest Fohacidal
I am claiming that it was because of abuse of staff power for personal gain because when I asked why I was removed, that was the answer I got. Has nothing to do with blind rage, I asked a question and that was the answer STAFF gave me. I then asked for proof....which I still havent recieved. I asked what other incidents warrented the removal of my staff? No one can really give me an answer there either.

You realize how easy it is to msg someone through the forums? Especially a staff member?

Community, staff list, and BOOM you can click to send me a PM right through that menu! If the meeting is really that important, why not just send a msg to staff?

As I said before, I work. Till 11pm pst, which means I get home around 11:30 and that means you guys are already in bed because its 2:30am where you are. So because I'm at work when you guys decide to discuss things over vent (where the staff forums would have always been good enough so ppl not able to be there at that EXACT moment can still participate in the discussion) you think I don't communicate with staff?

We've discussed a lot of things through the forums, if its really that important, why not make it through the forums. What are all these super important meetings that I have missed that were never posted on the forums?

Considering you guys kicked me from staff without even telling me to where I could have posted this stuff in the staff forums to keep it within just staff, but now I can't really do that can I? You wanted me to go around messaging 15 members of staff, asking them why I was kicked? (Even some said they weren't sure and some said they want to stay out of it). So if staff won't really talk to me through private messsages, what other means do I have if you removed me from the staff forums access?

Seems like you have not been communicating with the staff too well on this subject before you posted. Does this mean you should be removed from staff?

The way you put it also sounds like staff DIDNT want to talk to you, whether thats your own doing or not I dont know

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Noire, once again, it is clear you do not bother to read everything I have to say. there really isn't any more to say. actually there is, but you simply ignore it.

maybe towliban reads what i have to say. Well towliban, we did not create this image of Noire, rather he created it himself. [if you are talking about the image created in this issue. it was not really clear]

To my knowledge, we never said we would not consider a second chance. But as this thread grows, that possibility diminishes. Have you considered the possibility that this feeling of "being mocked at or laugh at" was the result of acting on his own without informing the staff of his actions. Would you agree that performing actions without informing anyone = lack of communication also? Lack of communication has more meaning than unavailability through communication

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Guest Hardcoreiswindows98

I think it was communication all around that was the problem. This is what I gathered, No one contacted him of this problem or gave a warning which to me is uncalled for, at the same time, it seems he had a lack of communication with you guys, which is bad as well. I also know some of the staff does shit behind other staffs back which just seems so shady. I'd like to know what is expected from our staff, I think the entire clan including the staff should have guildlines the staff need to abide by. This way, there is a certain regulation above their head, and their power as staff has boundries. My questions now are:

How should staff act?

Who is staff should be sought at for certain problems: Ie Haxor in server, server down, wrong MOTD, question of rules, ect

What are the requirements of staff? Ie Contacted through x-fire a certain amount of hours per week, what they need to do for performing the proper job, unanimous voting, ect. To me, if your gunna do a vote, the ENTIRE staff should have 5 days to vote with a 66.6 perfect majority for a win. I'd like for you guys to give Noire a second chance, and I'm sure things will be different,

A lot of actions have been taken by staff without informing staff of other actions. Coinstar with the cassboy grandfather, Mitch recently updated the JB motd to avoid loophole scenarios,

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