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Current State of WCS#1

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The only reason this hasn't been an issue before is because people didn't used to mousewheel as often. I have only seen this problem recently on the server by key players....specifically knifemaster and one other guy i forget.

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The only reason this hasn't been an issue before is because people didn't used to mousewheel as often. I have only seen this problem recently on the server by key players....specifically knifemaster and one other guy i forget.

wut? good LJers on this server have always mousewheeled. anyone who wants to bunnyhop effectively uses mousewheel. it doesn't make any sense that more people use mousewheel now...

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If it wasn't for this topic, I wouldn't know the WCS leet use their mouse wheels to LJ... That feels too cheap for me. Space bar forever, bitches!!

I also have no issue with the two zombie rule. If anything, falling to zombie rushes is sometimes as simple as lack of team cohesion. Many times we don't stick together or develop a team strategy, and even I'm guilty of that. Ghoul and Grapes are only a few of the players that can seem to organize their teams to success against seemingly OP races and zombie rushes (Although Ghoul himself leads quite a few of those zombie rushes himself... Go T's). So we need to put this zombie issue to rest, because there really isn't one.

As for what bios said about the leaders being "gun shy," I don't find them so. Besides, if we give the server heads fascist powers to do as they will, I think things would worse than now. We need these votes to keep things orderly and fun. If you want to complain about leaders' impotence, go find someone in the government and yell at them, because politicians only know how to suck and die... and embezzle... and philander... and lie.

Outside of maps (Which is being dealt with in a different thread), race whoring (Particularly by bouncing back and forth from succubus to incubus), and a lack of races from 1500-2000 (Save shopkeeper), 2000-2500, and 2500+ (Which also has its own thread), I really don't have any other issues with WCS #1.

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