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Team stacking is friggen annoying.

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I thought that was server one's issue? What the hell is up with that? The guy on my team that was in second place had like seven kills. The other team's LAST place had eight. Some of their other teammates had like 40 and 30+ and 20+ easily.

I mentioned the team stacking and someone on the other tea said, "they're not stacked."

Yeah, right.

We need some admins on that balance teh teams and make this server fun for everyone, not just the stacked team.

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yea, but it seems some people are reluctant to visit the server after three consistent month of lag. Next time see if you are able to get the attention of an admin. If not, post a complaint. These people won't learn if there aren't any direct punishment.

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also, tits.

i understand my fren, when i get on i try my best to unstack teams. sometimes it just happens, and all you can do my fren is buy a mic, and at the beginning of each round, you need to say loudly and clearly "Hey take a look at the teams, we need to even them." and then type it and repeat again and again every round. till people pay fucking attention. maybe almost be obnoxious.

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argghh....I'll try to make more time (been making more over the past weeks) to stop into server 2 to try to balance teams. It's just a lot of admins that balance the teams have moved to server 1 because more people play there (guilty of that myself).

Try to get as many admins with premium admin on your steam and xfire list (I say premium because they are the only ones who can switch teams around) then contact them if you are having problems in the game with teams. Other than that, try to take a demo of you attempting to get people to balance the teams.

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Alrighty guys thanks. I've been gone for about three months so I wouldn't know of all the server lag. Maybe I'll just make the jump to WCS #1 if this isn't resolved. It was nice when WCS 2 was the better server =/

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he said he would go to 1 if he it wasn't resolved...I'm making the effort. Spent less time in server 1 today because I saw ppl in 2 and went to play there for awhile =(

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I spend most my time in Jailbreak and Zombie Escape. But I make sure I hop in other servers from time to time as well as just monitor things... If there's ever any problems with no admins being on, I almost always am on, just message me :).

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Link you're the only one besides me who annoys the piss outta people till it gets done. Unfortunately I don't have the (s-G) tag so my pleas go unheard mostly. I'll upload a shit ton of pictures of me asking for the teams to be unstacked if ya want...

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Here's some more recent ones, the Cbble one might be old but these other two aren't.

I think clan memebers should be held to a higher standard than regs in maintaining team balance but they really aren't.

Edit: Wrong thread, I have two about the same thing basically? O.o

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Here's some more recent ones, the Cbble one might be old but these other two aren't.

I think clan memebers should be held to a higher standard than regs in maintaining team balance but they really aren't.

You should've told me directly to switch to CT. But..if I went to CT, then Ts would lose

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I'm not trying to get you in trouble. I think Link and Noire are the only two clan members that I've seen actually try to unstack teams, in Vegas you shoulda tried playing a different race or went to the other team and seen what happened there was no guarantee that the side you were previously on woulda lost, maybe they coulda countered you or your race more effectively than mine.

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if you think this is teamstacking you havent' seen server 1 Lol

Part of why I don't play server one.

And teams don't always start stacked, that's why the scores are kinda even, then the teams get stacked.

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we need more ppl on server 2 before I see this problem resolving. Last night I was on and there were only 6 ppl. One person pretty much was killing everyone and no matter how I had the teams it would always be stacked. Then again he was on that stupid elemental sorcerer race that really needs to be nerf'd (non max so I couldn't tell him to switch off it). I mean its seems like it procs 100% of the time.

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See, I said something about the contest just being a quick fix. Not enough map rotation, not enough new races.

I know I haven't played in a while (wasn't in the contest just coincidence) and I'm in no hurry to get back. I used to suck at knifing, I started knifing outta boredom and/or to try something new and I do fairly well with it. But my options on this server are, the same old UP knife races (Ask Link), pistol races, use some other random (porbably) poorly designed maxed race on the same map we play a million times a day (Aztec, Vegas, Cbble (fuck Cbble seriously) Office and Italy). Not very much fun. No variety.

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I agree we need MORE maps, not less. Instead of adding, we just took out more maps. We should be replacing them with new maps.

Also, Knife races aren't that bad on wcs2. My personal favorite is abyss or higure. I like gokou a lot (although if you switch the ult with kaio-ken it would be a WHOLE lot better).

New races would be nice, although I try not to level them unless I am whoring. That way I dont run out of races to switch too (only last page left to max).

I hate cbble too.

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there are some great knife races on 2, problem is there's very little to counter them. on server 1 you've got 3 or 4 anti-knife races, on server 2 the best thing to do is go to a root race. would like to see more popular maps, less crap that empties the server (like port, dolls, even westwood). If possible, some kind of autobalance script. the stacking does get out of control all the time. there are a few with admin that will fix it when they are on, there are a bunch that don't care and there are a few that want the teams stacked on their side and complain when they start to loose.

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