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It seems that CD appeals have been met with niggardly decisions.

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Are you fucking stupid? the girl was underaged.

you protested the ban, the ban stayed and here we are you take stabs at my bans just because I am not around you think you can weasel out of them?


i know you are still here. also do you have proof that she isn't overage?

and before you ask, no i don't. then it comes down to my word against yours.

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There is no point in me banning Zeus when others are going to be allowed to be around as well. If another person gets permanently banned then I will uphold to it and see that Zeus gets banned as well.

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There is a point, what I am saying if you are going to ban people on the servers and forums for things they did on the forums, yet let them back on the forums, BUT not the servers. The Zues should be banned also, he has been banned before. You are being biased because people in the community like Zeus.

Unfair treatment just makes it so you can ban who ever.

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Guest Mr Clickerson
And you let Mr. Clickerson stay? Because thats not unfair at all...

And what about shippo? He was caught hacking, yet I see him on jailbreak all the time. Pr()ject has at least come to the forums and acted at least a LITTLE bit consrtuctivly. Pr()ject got banned on the servers for trolling on the forums. Not hacking or something on the server.

Yup. It's not unfair. If you knew the conditions, reasoning, and causes for my bans, you would understand why I'm unbanned... You would definitely understand if you were in my shoes... Then again, you guys don't know jack shit other than the fact that I've racked up a good number of perma-bans. lol

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Yup. It's not unfair. If you knew the conditions, reasoning, and causes for my bans, you would understand why I'm unbanned... You would definitely understand if you were in my shoes... Then again, you guys don't know jack shit other than the fact that I've racked up a good number of perma-bans. lol

Yeah. That makes sense. Plus, you shouldn't argue "why can't I have that when he can?". The scenarios should be isolated and then considered.

Still, I don't think Project should stay banned. So he mouthed off to a couple of staff and stirred some trouble. I still don't believe it was worth a "permanent" ban.

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i was permanently banned for : Innapropriate Spray. Warned multible times. when i CLEARLY said she was over 18. now if posting girls tits are a permanent ban... i'm sure about 20% of the UV community has at one time had girl tits as a spray. so....

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Guest Mr Clickerson
Yeah. That makes sense. Plus, you shouldn't argue "why can't I have that when he can?". The scenarios should be isolated and then considered.

Still, I don't think Project should stay banned. So he mouthed off to a couple of staff and stirred some trouble. I still don't believe it was worth a "permanent" ban.

He shouldn't be banned. He hasn't really done anything wrong. I've done worse, and I can list a few people off the top of my head who have done the same, so what's the problem with unbanning him? Especially when Shippo is unbanned (even though he was banned for hacking- much worse than just trolling).


KBREEZY, was it this?



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I'm going to leave my 2 cents and leave the thread. I'm not posting to get a ruse out of anyone, I am simply stating my opinions.

I've had problems with the staff ever since P2 was ninja'd from staff. I'm not saying that it would be a better place with him still in power, but ever since he was removed, shit's been shit. The current situation is rather bleak. I admire the current staff's constant attempts to revise themselves, but they are going about it in a way that, in my opinion of course, I think is a bit... superfluous, per se. The current, everyone has a specific role, is a good idea, but, again in my opinion, seems to be a bit unnecessary. Most of you know that I broke from the clan to form my own clan, the fake UV is what Gonepostal dubbed me. (I find it a bit ironic.) This is the last negative thing I am going to say about Howard. His total domination over the Complaint Department is ridiculous. He should not be the only staff member in ANY thread, with a few exceptions. There is multiple staff members for a reason. There are some instances, where only one member is sufficient to deal with the case at hand, for example, a blatant hacker. But, when it comes down to admins having bad judgment and conflicts of interest leading up to actual conflicts in-game, it is not upon one man's shoulders to bear the weight of being an arbiter. There are too many things that need to be taken in to consideration. One, bias. Staff Member 1 likes Admin A, Admin A bans Admin B because of a clash over whether or not Player C can spam music over the mic. Admin A states his case, talks to Howard, gets off Scot-free. You see what I'm saying?

Also, as MANY people have noticed, the entire demeanor of the clan has changed since P2 was removed from staff. We used to be a fun, relaxed clan that let their players have fun. I used to joke with P2 about having a hard-on for eGO. I think the current staff might have an even bigger hard-on for eGO. The conversion from Syndicate Gamers to SRSBZNS Gamers is upon us. We're nearly there.

Fight the power.

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Admin disrespect and staff disrespect should be the same as regular disrespect, which should be player mute.


Plus, forum behavior should NOT dictate server bans.

Edited for truth.

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Guest Mr Clickerson
I have been beating that point bloody for the past 3 months. Can we finally agree to remove disrespect as a bannable offense?

Or have an order of operations rather than just insta-ban?

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Or have an order of operations rather than just insta-ban?

Mute em, if they avoid the mute, then ban. Avoiding admin action is ban, that way disrespect doesnt have anything to do with it.

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Guest Mr Clickerson
Mute em, if they avoid the mute, then ban. Avoiding admin action is ban, that way disrespect doesnt have anything to do with it.

Well there you go... And Nitestalker says you do nothing but hold the forum title... Tsk, tsk.

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Well there you go... And Nitestalker says you do nothing but hold the forum title... Tsk, tsk.

Looks like Nitestalker is gonna have problems getting his next Rank granted since I do Recruitment and Ranks...

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You cant just say that when you do not even know Clay. I double even triple check my decisions before i even make them. I do not totally dominate the CD and if you would look at over 95% of my resolves they have been dealt with justly and the person with proof is what i consider. You can not just call me out when I have resolved about 1/3 of the entire CD (since becoming staff) because its my "job" to do so. Thats fine if you think im incompetent to run that section, others (those in staff) do not think so or else i would not be in that section. I will admit sometimes i jump to conclusions and my logic is off at times.

You cannot say that you have not done the same. Do not even try to put all this shit on me. I fucking try and im trying to get ignorant people out of here. So what its the internet blah blah blah, we have rules that are to be followed and if we get rid of the rules fine, I will not do anything. Until then, I am going to do my "job" and uphold the rules that are stated in our forums rules and in our servers rules.

You also insist that I am the only one who plays "favorites". I play favorites to an absolutely minimum with regards to others. Do not even begin to say that I am the only one and that I do it more than others.

Also do not say that I disregard what other staff say and that I bear it all on my shoulders. Other staff members have posted their 2 cents on many threads which you deem that I was the one who was irresponsible within certain boundries. On almost all occasions all who are on staff have agreed with my decision and my reasoning. And seeing as the majority of the staff (because its suppose to be equal) have agreed with me, I would have to say I am doing my job well.

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You cant just say that when you do not even know Clay. I double even triple check my decisions before i even make them. I do not totally dominate the CD and if you would look at over 95% of my resolves they have been dealt with justly and the person with proof is what i consider. You can not just call me out when I have resolved about 1/3 of the entire CD (since becoming staff) because its my "job" to do so. Thats fine if you think im incompetent to run that section, others (those in staff) do not think so or else i would not be in that section. I will admit sometimes i jump to conclusions and my logic is off at times.

You cannot say that you have not done the same. Do not even try to put all this shit on me. I fucking try and im trying to get ignorant people out of here. So what its the internet blah blah blah, we have rules that are to be followed and if we get rid of the rules fine, I will not do anything. Until then, I am going to do my "job" and uphold the rules that are stated in our forums rules and in our servers rules.

You also insist that I am the only one who plays "favorites". I play favorites to an absolutely minimum with regards to others. Do not even begin to say that I am the only one and that I do it more than others.

Bro, since when did I say it was all your fault?

You're taking this way too personally.

One, I said that you're the only ACTIVE MEMBER. Not that you suck dick at your job.

Two, I never said that I haven't done the same.

Three, I never said you're the only one that plays favorites.

Read please. :(


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