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List of Rules CTs cry "Freeslay" over

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Since it's become an issue, I've decided to make a list of all the RULES taken directly from the RULES THREAD of the RULES that seem to be broken most frequently by CTs, and then cry "Freeslay" for not following them :

* Terrorists rebel when:

* Fail to follow warden's orders correctly (grace period of 5 seconds is required)

This means 5 seconds is given to complete each command.

If a T kills a CT who has baited, that T may NOT be killed. If he is killed, it is considered freekilling and will be dealt with according to the freekilling policy.

Self Explanitory

Once a terrorist gets to said location, he cannot be killed for leaving the location unless stated otherwise. ("Don't leave this area or object", "Freeze upon getting there")

That means if you simply say "All T's run to box room"- They are free to leave once they enter because they have not been told to freeze.

The freeze command is one that can be only stated by the warden. Freezing restricts a person from using WASD, jumping, or crouching.

This is another big one. Just because you're a CT, does not mean you can go around telling random Terrorist's to freeze mid games, freedays, etc. If you're not the Warden, and you issue the "Freeze" command, and then kill a terrorist for not following, That is a freekill.

Terrorists armed with weapons holstered must be ordered to drop them by name through voice commands. If they fail to drop the weapons after 5 seconds they can be killed.

This is one of the BIGGEST ones I see CTs bitching about. "But he had a gun!!" - Doesnt matter. You MUST warn them BY NAME. simply yelling "Drop the gun!" does not suffice, and killing them after such a command is a freekill.

Zombie Free day

Terrorists are allowed to roam the map. However, in a Zombie Free day, they must WALK around (hold shift). Any Ts running or jumping can be killed on sight. Along with jumping, climbing ladders and using the use key ('e') is forbidden. Knifing CTs IS ALLOWED. CTs who shoot a T who has knifed another CT without breaking the Zombie Free day rules can be slayed. CTs must also not camp areas unreachable by the Ts. Normally restricted areas (vent and armory) are in effect.

IF ITS ZOMBIE FREEDAY, AND A TERRORISTS KNIFES YOU, IT'S YOUR OWN FAULT, and that terrorist may not be punished.

A terrorist cannot be killed for not following the move order unless stated to go directly there with no detours or delays.

Now this one is a big one because somehow, somewhere, everyone got it in their heads that "No detours or delays" is "Implied" in the rules, however, the rule set revised 12/27 has no mention of this, and in fact states the exact opposite.

Now I know half you didn't read this, and the other half wont click the thread, but it's here, so there's no excuses. I'd hope that if people can't take the time to read the rules themselves, they'd at least read this small list so they can at least follow a portion of them.

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Guest Hardcoreiswindows98

Basically if a CT is hindering the CT team or the LR of a t, he'll be slayed. He put himself in that position, and he'll reap punishment

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One thing I've dealt with recently with the rule changes is the rule about no knifing.

There are three types of free days...

Zombie: T's CAN knife, must walk, CT's only may kill if wanted, doesn't drop gun, running, vents, armory, use key.

Freeday: T's CAN run. But not knife, generally nothing is restricted. This is where the situation comes up though - the new rules say you CAN'T restrict knifing. In my opinion, this normal freeday still stands...

Irrevocable: Same as freeday, can't be taken away.

Also, along with games and the 'no more than 5 t's may die per game'. I always took this as games like Simon Says. Some people have complained about things like roulette where it involves the whole team and it's half and half or something. Do rules like this still apply to roulette or team games like soccer...? (I never punish warden for them and it'd be easier to explain to either the T's or the Warden what's up when I take action/Explain that it's fine).

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One thing I've dealt with recently with the rule changes is the rule about no knifing.

There are three types of free days...

Zombie: T's CAN knife, must walk, CT's only may kill if wanted, doesn't drop gun, running, vents, armory, use key.

Freeday: T's CAN run. But not knife, generally nothing is restricted. This is where the situation comes up though - the new rules say you CAN'T restrict knifing. In my opinion, this normal freeday still stands...

Irrevocable: Same as freeday, can't be taken away.

Also, along with games and the 'no more than 5 t's may die per game'. I always took this as games like Simon Says. Some people have complained about things like roulette where it involves the whole team and it's half and half or something. Do rules like this still apply to roulette or team games like soccer...? (I never punish warden for them and it'd be easier to explain to either the T's or the Warden what's up when I take action/Explain that it's fine).

The knifing restrict has to do the the terrorists swinging their knives (against the walls etc). Doesnt say that a terrorist can STAB a Counter-Terrorist though. This is people if/when you minimize, depending on what you were doing in-game, youre knife will automatically start swinging ingame. Also, it gives Ts something to do while waiting for orders.

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ORIGINALLY, Freeday negates the baiting rule, because you can run freely. You aren't allowed to hurt CTs in any way during a freeday.

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Here's one i just had to deal with in game. During Simon Says, one of the CT's started killing the T's because they began knifing. that led to an argument over whether or not T's can knife in Simon Says without Simon's approval.

I took the part of the rules that states that "T's are allowed to knife when frozen" as my rationale that the kills were freekills. Opinions on this?

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What if they are ordered to stop knifing?

They don't technically have to, do they?

Also, I'd like to know whether the " no hurting CT's at all on a freeday" is actually a real.

I would also like some clarification on the 'maximum 5 deaths of T's' thing

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Here's one i just had to deal with in game. During Simon Says, one of the CT's started killing the T's because they began knifing. that led to an argument over whether or not T's can knife in Simon Says without Simon's approval.

I took the part of the rules that states that "T's are allowed to knife when frozen" as my rationale that the kills were freekills. Opinions on this?

Well, considering the argument I had with Penth awhile back about SS and what happens, I always say during SS this: "Simon says you will only do commands Simon Says to do". In other words, since I haven't said they could knife during SS, they shouldn't be doing so. I usually warn them to stop because some don't get it, and I do want to give them a fair chance.

Not like any Ct's should be running up to them as is, that's a slay right there.

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Also, I'd like to know whether the " no hurting CT's at all on a freeday" is actually a real.

I would also like some clarification on the 'maximum 5 deaths of T's' thing

ICop used to enforce this as a rule when JB came out. I still do myself.

As for the 5 things, it applies to many games but not all. Like Team Simon Says, a team can not be more than 5 (or any other team game for that matter). And for Trivia, they can't choose more than 5 to die. But if it's like simon says, and 7 of them don't do the order, feel free to kill all 7, because that doesn't apply. I think of the 5Terrorist rule as the limit to the team games and the amount other players can choose Ts to die.

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Well, considering the argument I had with Penth awhile back about SS and what happens, I always say during SS this: "Simon says you will only do commands Simon Says to do". In other words, since I haven't said they could knife during SS, they shouldn't be doing so. I usually warn them to stop because some don't get it, and I do want to give them a fair chance.

Not like any Ct's should be running up to them as is, that's a slay right there.

But that doesnt make sense because the order given in simon says directly conflicts with the rules of the server. The server says knifing cannot be restricted. Thats the same thing as if simon says to crouch and stay crouched. People will all yell "you cant make them do that, it's in the rules". How is this any different?

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Guest Hardcoreiswindows98

Spam knifing needs to go away, knifing is okay, but constantly knifing is just annoying and really annoys other players

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Spam knifing needs to go away, knifing is okay, but constantly knifing is just annoying and really annoys other players


I really don't mind, but i've been in a few situations where all the t's around me decided to knife at the same time. This ties into the "Knifing too loud, can't we restrict it" debate. I can deal with one guy knifing and hearing "dink dink dink dink". I can't deal with 4 or 5 people at once, so i hear the lovely sounds of 5 guys knifing eachother constantally. Makes hearing wardon impossible since i can't hear anything else. Can't lower volume, and sorry, but raising it so that my mind can explode is not a good plan on my part.

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But that doesnt make sense because the order given in simon says directly conflicts with the rules of the server. The server says knifing cannot be restricted. Thats the same thing as if simon says to crouch and stay crouched. People will all yell "you cant make them do that, it's in the rules". How is this any different?

I've seen it done many times though. I say it's fine because the point in Simon Says is to do NOTHING aside from what Simon SAYS to do. Especially if Simon says that specifically.

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But that doesnt make sense because the order given in simon says directly conflicts with the rules of the server. The server says knifing cannot be restricted. Thats the same thing as if simon says to crouch and stay crouched. People will all yell "you cant make them do that, it's in the rules". How is this any different?

I guess I can understand that side. I want to ask something about crouching though and SS.

Say I say "Simon Says crouch", but previously I had said "Simon Says you will freeze after every command". If I order them to crouch, and they stay crouched because they technically are allowed to do so, would that conflict with the freeze command itself? I don't see any reason to kill them if they are simple doing the order when not forced to stay in that position.

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Spam knifing needs to go away, knifing is okay, but constantly knifing is just annoying and really annoys other players

Who is to distinguish the difference between spam knifing and knifing? Cause more problems than we need right now, IMO.

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I guess I can understand that side. I want to ask something about crouching though and SS.

Say I say "Simon Says crouch", but previously I had said "Simon Says you will freeze after every command". If I order them to crouch, and they stay crouched because they technically are allowed to do so, would that conflict with the freeze command itself? I don't see any reason to kill them if they are simple doing the order when not forced to stay in that position.

The rules says "Freeze" includes jumping and crouching now, so if theyre crouching, then theyre not frozen. The only issue with this, is that in Source if you dont hold down the crouch key for a second, and simply tap it, it will not show the animation to other players, and you will get killed for not crouching even though you did.

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Just don't do any commands involving or restricting knifing. This rule was put in place because CTs would bait and retreat, causing a T to knife and then subsequently killed.

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The rules says "Freeze" includes jumping and crouching now, so if theyre crouching, then theyre not frozen. The only issue with this, is that in Source if you dont hold down the crouch key for a second, and simply tap it, it will not show the animation to other players, and you will get killed for not crouching even though you did.

I just think since we told them to crouch it doesn't make sense that they're killed for doing said command. To me it just seems like being picky about something when really they're just trying to not get killed for doing the SS command.

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I just think since we told them to crouch it doesn't make sense that they're killed for doing said command. To me it just seems like being picky about something when really they're just trying to not get killed for doing the SS command.

I agree that the rule is dumb, im just saying that it happens because that's the rule. Its only added because of when the "come out of your cell and freeze" to stop them from jumping and crouching in place and saying "ITS NOT IN THE RULES"

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Guest Hardcoreiswindows98

I always give a 5 second warning normally before I open fire at the crouched ones.

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Spam knifing needs to go away, knifing is okay, but constantly knifing is just annoying and really annoys other players

agreed. But As a person who's played JB for a long ass time... the opening commands are simply "take on step out of your cell, and freeze no jumpi9ng crouching knifing or flashing your flash lights, no detours or delays." So i'm a bit biased... but i think the "No knifing" rule should be allowed... it gets pretty fucking annoying when people say "I CANT HEAR CAUSE THE JACKASS BESIDE ME IS KNIFING!" plus... it gets rid of Ts some times. just my opinion

As for what tex said... isn't that a slay? LOL.

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