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Sherlock Holmes

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Just got back from seeing Sherlock Holmes on Christmas day. It was pretty awesome. Even though a lot of the critics on metacritic bash it for being "over the top" or accusing the director of attempting to turn Sherlock into some kind of superhero the movie was actually great.

You go in expecting a thrill ride, expecting to be a bit confused about how it all comes together, and expecting Robert Downey Jr to deliver the usual cocky/smart attitude and the movie gives just that.

Definitely worth your theater money. The ending and how Sherlock Holmes figures it out is like watching a badass magic trick and finding out how it all works.

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Sherlock Holmes: Decent. Nothing stands out, nothing is bad but nothing is really new.

Avatar: Dances with wolves in the 25th century. The 3D graphics are great, the plot is nothing new but still stands up, and the voice actors are surprisingly good. I would definitely recommend watching it over Sherlock. However neither is bad.

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Since when did it become about comparing Avatar to Sherlock Holmes? They are completely different movies. Obviously Avatar is good, but that shouldn't stop people from seeing Sherlock Holmes as well. If you are bored for the next few days it's worth seeing.

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I wanted to see Sherlock Holmes, and Avatar. Of course I ended up seeing the chipmunks and Invictus. lol. I have to admit Invictus isn't bad if you like political movies. Also you might like the chipmunks if you have a little brother or sister. It was funny for me because they both ended up wanting to be pop singers so they could fall in love with pop singers of the opposite sex.... lol.

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