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Contract Killer

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Primary: FN F2000, or ACR

Secondary: Spaz 12 Shotgun\ Javelin

Perk 1: Scavenger Pro

Perk 2: Stopping Power Pro

Perk 3: Ninja Pro

Kill Streak 1: Pred Missle

Kill Streak 2: Harrier

Kill Streak 3: Chopper Gunner.

Guaranteed a score of around 25/2-5 KD every round without hackers.

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Primary: fal w/ red dot sight

Secondary: g18

Equipment/ Grenades: semtex

Perk 1: scavenger pro

Perk 2: cold blooded

Perk 3: scrambler (waiting for sitrep)

Kill Streak 1: care package

Kill Streak 2: attack heli

Kill Streak 3: pave low

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WTF NOOB!?! loadout

Scar w/ G launcher

anything, preferably a magnum

Scavenger Pro

Danger Close Pro


Killstreak 1: Harrier

2: AC130


Basically, this is your noobin and toobin class. Run, tube, reload, scavenge, rinse and repeat. If you find that someone else has a noobtube gun, grab it in exchange for your secondary. Double the tubing. Danger close increases explosives. Harrier and DC pro will wipe out alot, AC130 is pretty good on open maps, nuke is duh.

The confusion class

Vector w/ fmj


Marathon Pro

Hardline pro

Ninja pro

This class is good if you are sucking hard. Hardline will lessen the kills for your killstreak, obviously good. FMJ makes up for Stopping power deficiency. Marathon helps you stay moving. Vector is one of the better SMG's, and the shotty is good for close range shit. Ninja prevents them from hearing you coming, congrats, you got a killer.

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Primary: ACR-FMJ

Secondary: RPG7

Equipment/ Grenades: Semtex

Perk 1: Scavenger PRO

Perk 2: Stopping Power PRO


Kill Streak 1: Harrier strike

Kill Streak 2: Chopper Gunner

Kill Streak 3: Nuke

oh yeah baby

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ahh good times

1 Fav Class)

ACR w/ Thermal

Stinger or Spas-12 w/ Grip


Scavenger Pro

Stopping Power Pro

Steady Aim Pro

2 fav)

Ump w/ silencer

X1014 or Spas-12 w/ grip (or the Deagle)


CB Pro

Ninja Pro

Marathon Pro

Ultra Silent Class ftw.

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I lol'd so fucking hard.

Fav class:

Tar 21 Silenced (Red tiger camo)

USP Akimbo

Flash Grenade


Scavenger Pro

Stopping Power Pro

Ninja Pro

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UMP45 Silenced

Ranger lul


Stun Grenades

Scavenger Pro

Fagging Power Pro

Ninja Pro

And for when I rage at noob tubers:

ACR w/ Grenade Launcher

Blast Shield

Stun Grenades

One Man Army (Infinite noob tube grenades)

Danger Close

Last Stand

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yup... acr / thermal and fmj or scavenger



and my new favorite killstreak set:




i went like 45-3 with this combo. I ran out of time and i didn't get to use all of my kill streak awards by the end of the map.

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MP5k Silencer

Magnum .44 FMJ or Tact knife

Semtex/Tact insert/Throwing Knife

Flash Bangs (Work so much better than stuns)

Scavenger Pro

Stopping Power Pro or Cold blooded Pro

Commando Pro or Ninja Pro

Killstreaks : UAV, Predator Missile, Emergency Air Drop

Deathstreak : Martyrdom

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how is the mp5? i always used the mp5 in cod4 but in mw2 i switched over to the ump.

It's a real beast at close range. It's same dmg as the UMP but it's really shaky and not as accurate, but it's still really good to use, especially if you're rushing.

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