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Nobel Peace Prize...

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Uh... Obama and the Peace Prize...

Way too early in his Presidency to receive it, hasn't even been one full year. Hasn't done anything remarkable yet. Past Presidents have only gotten Peace Prizes for breaking up wars.


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He hasn't manage to start another war. Thats better than the last 8 years. I'll chip in for his prize money.


As to the prize, I'm on the fence. It's weird because he got it so quickly without being in office for long, but yet he has been pushing to try to ease relations and fix them between other European nations, and many others who have had a non-positive view of us. I heard that favorable ratings from other countries towards us has risen since he took office, some in the double digits, which is a great start.

Now, does that mean it's enough to get the Nobel Prize? Honestly no, but he is accepting it as is. I will hope that by winning this, it'll result in us getting out of Afghanistan and Iraq quickly, and increase the relations among other countries, so that in the end it is worth it and not a mistake from the Norwegian panel.

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If by peace you are meaning that he has acted like a bitch to every rouge state and bowed down (literarily) to the Middle East governments. Then yea I guess his is god’s gift to the world. I don’t hate the man but he hasn’t been a Mahatma Gandhi or a Martin Luther king.

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Guest Fohacidal

At least he admitted he didnt get the award for what he has done but more for what he plans to do. Obama honestly hasnt done anything yet worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize, time will tell though if he truly deserves it

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At least he admitted he didnt get the award for what he has done but more for what he plans to do. Obama honestly hasnt done anything yet worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize, time will tell though if he truly deserves it

This. A lot of the Noble Peace Prize winner's have won the award for what they plan to do, not what they've actually done. Obama really hasn't done anything. Obama got the NPP for being in the office for 12 days, since application's had to be submitted on Feburary 1st.

SNL's skit hit the nail on the head.


He may not have started any wars but he's sending more and more troops into Afghanistan and is allowing the bombing of Pakistan. Doesn't sound like peace to me.

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I don't think anyone in their right mind would think that Obama fully deserved this award. I can only hope that this gives Obama some leverage for the tasks like the Middle East events and it gives him more motive to achieve and promote peace.

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I don't think anyone in their right mind would think that Obama fully deserved this award. I can only hope that this gives Obama some leverage for the tasks like the Middle East events and it gives him more motive to achieve and promote peace.

You know there are some out there that do. But that's when you know it's purely party over rationality. I'm glad he got it, but it doesn't mean it's deserved and fitting yet.

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Nobel Peace Prizes? I found one in my cereal box this morning.

I'm not up in arms about Obama's winning it, but he doesn't deserve it. It shouldn't be about intentions, it should be about results. He was nominated for this sucker when he hadn't even been in office for a month - there is no possible way that he had accomplished anything prior to being nominated.

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Nobel Peace Prizes? I found one in my cereal box this morning.

I'm not up in arms about Obama's winning it, but he doesn't deserve it. It shouldn't be about intentions, it should be about results. He was nominated for this sucker when he hadn't even been in office for a month - there is no possible way that he had accomplished anything prior to being nominated.

It wouldn't be unheard of to nominate Obama for the prize even if he didn't do anything prior. The nomination is a prediction of what would be a good candidate when it was the time to select who would win the prize. It's not meant to be an accomplishment to be nominated. It makes sense to nominate anybody that would be a possible winner of the NPP because no other can win it if they were not nominated by February 1st. I'm not saying Obama deserves it, but the date of his nomination should not be taken into consideration.

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The Noble Peace Prize is really losing its prestige.

Agreed. It used to be an illustrious prize, now we gave it to someone who said he's going to do something.

I'm going to solve world hunger. PEACE PRIZE ME NOW DAMMIT.

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It wouldn't be unheard of to nominate Obama for the prize even if he didn't do anything prior. The nomination is a prediction of what would be a good candidate when it was the time to select who would win the prize. It's not meant to be an accomplishment to be nominated. It makes sense to nominate anybody that would be a possible winner of the NPP because no other can win it if they were not nominated by February 1st. I'm not saying Obama deserves it, but the date of his nomination should not be taken into consideration.

I disagree. In my opinion, being nominated means that you are being considered for the Nobel Peace Prize. It means that you meet certain criteria (if criteria even exist anymore for it).

Putting aside the absurdity of your position that a nomination isn't an accomplishment and doesn't mean anything (i.e. anyone with a pulse should be a candidate for the Peace Prize since everyone is a possible winner so long as they have good intentions), let's move on to what actually happened. Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize, having done nothing, and many people who had already dedicated years or decades of their lives towards actually advancing the cause of world peace lost out. That sort of victory for Obama politicizes the Nobel Peace Prize (not that it wasn't already political, ffs Pope John Paul II didn't win it, I still haven't forgotten that) and debases its value.

To conclude, since being nominated Obama has kept the Guantanamo detention facility operational despite promising to close it. He has continued to prosecute the wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan, and in fact is seriously considering augmenting the number of personnel in Afghanistan. To name three areas where US foreign policy currently is in play: North Korea continues to develop nuclear weapons and posture, Iran is close to enriching enough uranium for at least one nuclear device, and Pakistan is engaged in what is effectively a civil war with Taliban and warlord forces in the Federally Administered Tribal Area.

Obama has not brought the world closer to peace. He has not done anything to promote peace in the Middle East. All he has done is talk, and talk, and talk. Good intentions are nice, but decorations such as the Nobel Peace Prize should be awarded on the basis of more than a person's intentions.

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I disagree. In my opinion, being nominated means that you are being considered for the Nobel Peace Prize. It means that you meet certain criteria (if criteria even exist anymore for it).

Putting aside the absurdity of your position that a nomination isn't an accomplishment and doesn't mean anything (i.e. anyone with a pulse should be a candidate for the Peace Prize since everyone is a possible winner so long as they have good intentions), let's move on to what actually happened. Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize, having done nothing, and many people who had already dedicated years or decades of their lives towards actually advancing the cause of world peace lost out. That sort of victory for Obama politicizes the Nobel Peace Prize (not that it wasn't already political, ffs Pope John Paul II didn't win it, I still haven't forgotten that) and debases its value.

To conclude, since being nominated Obama has kept the Guantanamo detention facility operational despite promising to close it. He has continued to prosecute the wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan, and in fact is seriously considering augmenting the number of personnel in Afghanistan. To name three areas where US foreign policy currently is in play: North Korea continues to develop nuclear weapons and posture, Iran is close to enriching enough uranium for at least one nuclear device, and Pakistan is engaged in what is effectively a civil war with Taliban and warlord forces in the Federally Administered Tribal Area.

Obama has not brought the world closer to peace. He has not done anything to promote peace in the Middle East. All he has done is talk, and talk, and talk. Good intentions are nice, but decorations such as the Nobel Peace Prize should be awarded on the basis of more than a person's intentions.

^^^ Every bit of this ^^^

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The NPP lost it's credibility ~70 years ago. Over half the people that won the NPP since mid 1940's were not what Noble would have wanted. Alfred Nobel wished to reward the struggle to end war based on law and abolition of military forces.

What I think is worse than giving Obama the NPP was giving it to Al Gore back in 2007. When does climate change have anything to do with peace? There's many more people that deserve it. Joining the ranks with Kissinger, Gorbachev, Arafat and Lenard isn't something I would be too proud of.

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The NPP lost it's credibility ~70 years ago. Over half the people that won the NPP since mid 1940's were not what Noble would have wanted. Alfred Nobel wished to reward the struggle to end war based on law and abolition of military forces.

What I think is worse than giving Obama the NPP was giving it to Al Gore back in 2007. When does climate change have anything to do with peace? There's many more people that deserve it. Joining the ranks with Kissinger, Gorbachev, Arafat and Lenard isn't something I would be too proud of.

You know how it goes though. Make a legacy, then when you die, it gets re-interpreted.

You can't say it's a bad prize though due to others that are crap people that have received it. It still has meaning, just the panel who decides it needs to decide better.

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I hate it when people get the NPP for something they have NOT done yet....

Oh did I mention I am bringing world starvation to an end, re-frezzing the polar caps, and canceling Nancy Grace? :P

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I was listening all about this on talk radio, you know rush just laid into it (obviously.)

But I agree with the majority of people, why the fuck did he get it so early in his term, nothing equivalent to ghandi thats for damn sure.

Obama could save a kid from a goddamn fire and he'd find a way to smear him. Rush = pointless source.

Still agreeing with it being granted too early.

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