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Syndicate Gaming Weekly Digest Vol. 3 [9.25.09]

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Lots of changes, but
first off
, sadly, Oreo has decided to step down from his position as Manager. Good luck, and thanks for all the work you have done for us.

First topic, my resignation. Sorry guys, it's true and final this time. Nothing really in particular, I've lost interest and I'm just hanging around at this point. I don't want to seem clingy to power and stay around, so I've got my mind made up pretty well. Thanks for everything everybody, it's been one hell of a ride, but everybody's got their time and I know when mine is up.

Thanks again for everything, I've had a blast and I hope I've helped out my fair share of people.

I am not resigning my clan position, but I'm taking the "EagleWonJ" way out, I'll pop in every now and then, but I have priorities that I need to really focus on.

I would give honorable mentions, but the list would be far too long.

I do have a dishonorable mention though, and that's Phoenix2. (Don't say a word, Tristan Thorn.)

I have nothing but contempt in just mentioning the name and the little respect anybody had for you (if any) has now been multiplied 50x in malice. Only you could accomplish something as snaky as that.

Once again, goodbye everybody and good luck in your future en devours.

Oreo out.

, Coinstar and Crothers have both taken an extended LOA and will return within time.

, we are proud to announce that we have promoted Klark to Engineer, he has been helping us out a lot lately and we think he will be able to do a great deal of good for our servers!

As well, we would like to announce the promotion of Noire and Church (previously RO) to Advisor. They have all been incredibly helpful over the past few months, and we believe they will do their best to help better the community!

We are also sorry to say that we have decided to demote Madbagel from Recruitment Officer due to a lack of activity, and HoboInArmy has decided to step down to a Division Leader position, and Mario has been promoted to Manager to fill his position.

Also, Oracion, together with Noire has been putting together an admin school, and we hope to have it up and running within the next week!

Don't forget to congratulate and all our new (and old) Staff!

Game Servers:

Counter Strike-Source:

There will be some major game server work that Mario has organized. I would thank him because he is a taking quite a load to fix our servers.

I'll be reconstructing the servers, from a point that is basically from scratch at some point within the next two weeks. While I'll be posting a lot more details in my private forum (which, ICYDK, is basically just a private development playground), here is a quick rundown of what will happen the day of the reconstruction.

I have no doubt in my mind this will span over at LEAST two nights, but hopefully no more than two. I haven't picked an order in which to do this, but expect it sometime soon.

0) Stop server.

1) Temporarily move out the Maps, Models, Materials, and Sounds folders of the servers.

2) Remove the entire server folder.

3) Install Steam, and a fresh copy of Counter-Strike Source.

4) Add the Service file again, and update it slightly (change start maps really).

5) Install a Base SM package (which I am currently writing).

6) Upload pre-customized scripts for that server (which I am currently writing).

7) Readd Maps, and the new MapCycles and MapLists.

8) Start Server.

Total Time: 1.5 hours/server, but a lot of this is dead time while I wait for tasks to complete, so I can continue work on the next server then.

Though the time frame for me doing this is yet undecided, I'm looking at doing hopefully 3 servers a night, inside a 3 hour window, starting from 12AM PST to 3 AM PST, which means for most of our players, 3 AM to 6 AM. No big loss.

TL;DR: Yeah. I'mma redo all the servers.

Team Fortress 2:

The current contest we are holding that was announced in the last Digest has been going very slow. We encourage you all to hop on the servers, populate them, and get those hours in to be eligible to win free admin!

Finally, the TF2 raffle will be on hold until Coinstar buys the TF2. We are hoping to get this raffle up and running shortly. Be patient. ;D

Again, we encourage all of you to help us populate these servers! We need populated servers for these raffles so people are wanting to take part!

Zombie Mod:

Issues with the Zombie Respawn appear to have been fixed, and the dissolve effects seem to be working now; timers also *appear* to be more stable. As usual, please report all bugs to Junzou, or in the Zombie Mod forum.

Server Maps:

If you would like to see a particular map to add to the server, please post the name of the map and the FPS Banana link in
. We appreciate you posting, reposting, or even re-re-posting your maps in that thread so we can do it more quickly. All maps in that thread will be viewed every Saturday Night at 11:00 PM CST, and the uploading process will begin. Get your maps in!

Same deal for map removals, particularly with Minigame and Deathrun-- If you find that a map is glitchy, unbalanced, or just lame, put the name in
along with a reason for its removal. These maps, again, will be looked at every week on Saturday night at 11:00 PM CST.


The forum boards are being reconstructed:

We are dropping the Company of Heroes board and merging all Blizzard Games forums into one. We are also looking into adding a Writers Cafe (subsection of 'The Pub'), and an Anime Corner (subsection of 'Media Center'). As well, some of you have been experiencing odd errors on the forums recently. Mario has asked that screenshots of all errors, and a short description of what you were doing when the error occurred be Private Messaged to him on the forums. If it comes down to it, he will be reinstalling the forums.

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Guest Waffle

Holy shit, you guys actually got a Friday digest for once. :o

Congrats to Church and not Mario. :D

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Thanks for posting that Chaos, I have been waiting for an update. Grats on Mario, Noire, Klark and Church on their promotions as well as goodbye and good luck to Oreo.

However... I prefered your name in purple Church >: (

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Grats on people, Oreo lifes always comes before games, good luck.

Oracion good luck on the admin school.

And for me, I'll try to start helping even more the clan but I got a crappy computer so, yep can't do much.

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Guest Horny©at

I kinda like your name in baby blue hobo. It separates you from the rest.

Gratz to everyone who got promoted and sorry to here that oreo is leaving. SHIT HAPPENS.

Oracion, FFS please get that admin school running up. It will decrease the amount of threads in our complaint section by like 50%. Most of the threads are about admin abuse and hopefully we can crack down on the good and the bad admins.

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A warning would have been nice. Besides that, congratulations to all of those who received promotions, do well and make us proud. Also, sorry to see you step down Oreo, it's been fun. :(

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Guest formerlyaeth

hey wth man i wanted advisor

i demand a refund

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A warning would have been nice. Besides that, congratulations to all of those who received promotions, do well and make us proud. Also, sorry to see you step down Oreo, it's been fun. :(


I is Lone Ranger now..

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