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Guest formerlyaeth
Tristan is just pissy because NEXS was one of the few people in the clan that he could share his erotic CP stories with that wouldn't judge him.

Sup guys let's troll more.

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I'm tired of acting pretty for people in the clan like you. Fuck off if you have an issue.

THIS = THIS ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓

Junzou for Prez

↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓literary bitch slaped↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓

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Guest formerlyaeth
I'm tired of acting pretty for people in the clan like you. Fuck off if you have an issue.

I don't have an issue.

What am I exactly classified as? Someone who questions leaders because of what is clear as day?

I'm cool if managers troll me

How have you ever acted pretty for me? I've barely said a personal word with you, unless you count late 2007.

Again, I have no opinion in this thread because of who or who I don't like. My opinion and all of my posts pertaining to Michael and Zeus and Chaos, and whoever may be involved with this is based on what I've read, understood, and what Michael has said.

I'm not going to doubt anything anyone says unless there is evidence against it.

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I don't have an issue.

What am I exactly classified as? Someone who questions leaders because of what is clear as day?

I'm cool if managers troll me

This thread is about Sin. If you have an issue with Zeus, raise it in a different thread. Holding that as true, let's continue.

Sin threatened to reveal incredibly personal information about a member of the clan. The fact that it happened to be Chaos is irrelevant; had it been about you, we would have held a vote as well. We know what he was going to post, there are multiple people that can corroborate that, because as usual he was bragging about it to people he thought he could trust. In the interest of protecting these individuals from community backlash, we aren't revealing their names unless they have given prior approval (like Fiasco did). We know from at least 2 other people what he intended to post. Given that information, the STAFF did a vote, initiated by someone other than Chaos, and NEXS was unanimously voted to be removed.

What issue do you have now.

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Guest formerlyaeth

The PIP contains nothing about conspiracy to commit said acts, therefore not breaking any rules.


if you can show me any rule in there about conspiring to commit said acts, even though I haven't seen any viable evidence that he even made a personal information threat. From the "druggy kid" thread he only said that he had something to make this thread epic. Unless you can show me a post. Then it is entirely different.

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Seriously, if you tell someone something and that gets out..IT IS YOUR OWN FAULT. Imo, don't tell people over the fucking internet personal information if you don't want it to get spread around. You can't get banned from high school for telling a secret.

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Guest formerlyaeth
Seriously, if you tell someone something and that gets out..IT IS YOUR OWN FAULT. Imo, don't tell people over the fucking internet personal information if you don't want it to get spread around. You can't get banned from high school for telling a secret.

I disagree with this.

People should be able to develop relationships, personal or not over the internet, and have the right, and privilege to do so. Although they should be careful, the PIP still makes sense. Not in this case though.

They just have to be careful. The problem with internet relationships is that people can back stab and get away with it without trouble from them, because of the ability to block users, on most messaging systems.

It is partially their fault though.

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Call me old fashioned but I just assume that if I tell someone something that there is always a chance that it might be told to someone else.

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Guest formerlyaeth
Call me old fashioned but I just assume that if I tell someone something that there is always a chance that it might be told to someone else.

Makes sense, however it is not right for the person who spread said rumor/information to not be punished in some way.

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I don't have anything to hide. I don't use the internet to try and remake a persona that I like. If your going to say your going to develop relationships then why hide who you are. Nothing is that bad as to lie or other wise hide it from people. Thats just me but I understand why some people don't want shit spread about them.

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Guest formerlyaeth

FYI, I will respond to the thread when I get back from a friend's. Leaving now.

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The PIP contains nothing about conspiracy to commit said acts, therefore not breaking any rules.


if you can show me any rule in there about conspiring to commit said acts, even though I haven't seen any viable evidence that he even made a personal information threat. From the "druggy kid" thread he only said that he had something to make this thread epic. Unless you can show me a post. Then it is entirely different.

(1) PIP Violation -- Not only did he threaten to release information in an "epic post," we were able to confirm what he was going to release because he told someone about it that night. This person talked to me, told me exactly what Sin knew, and was threatening to post-- the fact that Sin told this person what he was going to post, in detail, is a PIP violation. If you read the PIP, you see it applies to information spread through any medium, including Xfire. Minimum ban penalty is 2 weeks, maximum is permanent ban. Based on the sensitivity of the information and the motive behind it, it was voted to ban him for the maximum time.

(2) I don't need to show you anything; this was a decision by the leadership of the clan, we were trusted not to share who informed us, and we will not betray that trust. The decision has been made, it is valid, and you need to get over it and stop bitching. That is the category you fall in to, to answer your earlier question, "people who bitch about everything they don't like not because they have a valid reason, but because they can."

As a refresher, the current PIP is Section 5 of the Forum rules: http://www.syndicate-gamers.net/forums/showthread.php?t=11399

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chaos i am extremely sorry for scaring you these past few days with my posts in that thread. it was never my intention to scare you or release your personal information. i know that you may not believe me but its true. i dont blame you or the staff for banning me from the forums, if i was you and i had been scared then i woulda done the same thing. honestly even though i feel that this ban is still not fair to me at all.... im still deeply sorry for everything. i hope that maybe one day you will be able to forgive me. and i also wanna apologize to other staff and community for the drama that i accidently caused. im very sorry.


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Guest some fag
God... I would LOVE to post some nice, juicy little facts about our beloved NeverEndingXsin, but hey, I probably would get in some deep shit for it. If you want to know what I'm talking about, send me a message on Xfire- I'll let you know what's up.

So where's the ban for Zeus here?

This, is in fact worse than anything NEXS said

He never named ANY names. Sammy was the only one who said chaos

The only reason why zeus isn't banned is because chaos is jealous of sammy, posts her private info in FFA forums, NEXS and sammy become friends, chaos rages and perm bans NEXS for

"attempting to post info about her" and zeus stays clean.

BTW double edit. heres some convo that will make zeus whine and scream

xbossman4x (4:58:05 PM): do you mind if i mention zeus telling you what its about in the appeal?

"Sammy." (4:58:36 PM): go for it. just know that all he told me was:

"Sammy." (4:59:16 PM): chaos had a bad experiance when she was 13 and learned from it. it is a very personal story and much bigger than my forum problems

And just because people will think it's bullshit


not img'd because of size

I don't get it. Why would I "white and scream"? I never told anyone Chaos's shit, nor would I have ever told Sammy, someone who has had problems with Chaos since day one. The one thing I DID say was that she did something very stupid when she was younger and payed the price for it- it was something VERY personal, and the only thing I did was reconfirm that it's no one's business but hers and that no one has the right to say anything about it but her.

Why am I not banned? Because I didn't post his info on the forums. I just said I have it and I don't mind telling anyone that he kept Chaos on the phone for 7 hours in the middle of the night, threatening to commit suicide while she and Junzou tried to calm him down. All of which was caused, according to him, but some kid who supposedly "tried to kill him"... Remember when Sin posted a couple numbers in the spam section telling you guys to basically just harass the owner of the number? Why do you think I made a big deal out of it? Well, for 1) PIP and 2) because he was just being a coward trying to have you guys harass the number rather than him just being a man about it and confronting the guy himself. If you have a problem with someone, you don't be a bitch and do the shit he tries to pull, you confront the person yourself.

Chaos being jealous of Sammy? What in the world would Chaos have to be jealous of? Sammy does nothing but make herself look like a whore and has proven to those who have a clear mind, that she's a bitch, and for the record, Chaos never posted any personal info about Sammy- she merely posted a PM she got from Sammy that she thought was funny. Of course Sammy tried to claim it was an "accident" and that she sent it absentmindedly, but whatever, that's a different story. Sammy has never had any reason to dislike Chaos, because the people she's trying to be all "buddy buddy" with have posted shit just as bad, and have constantly badmouthed her.

After I blocked him on all messengers, he then proceeded to talk to another staff member (who was just playing along) and talking about how he was going to get me demoted and what not and that he was going to use a proxy to "make the most epic post ever".

is a lie

stop spamming his AIM, it's not really funny

You're an idiot.

i'm butt hurt because zeus isn't banned

and the ban was unfair

it was a jealousy ban

Ban due to possible leak of private information != jealousy ban. The fact that the managers all agreed upon the ban = proof.

the first was a jealous ban

she banned NEXS because of bullshit

then he got unbanned, and somehow he got banned again

it was led by chaos

Again, an idiot. She banned NEXS because he was threatening to post her story. All the evidence is there. I don't even know why you're trying to deny it.

Also, zeus is being ignored in this thread

you need to perm ban him, for threatening, just like michael did, to post information about another clan member without consent, with or without the actual information, he still did the same thing as michael.

Why shouldn't I be ignored in this thread? I haven't done anything to deserve a ban. Never posted private information on the forums (until now, and it's well deserved- especially since he's denied it previously). I'm sure Micheal has spread the story to his butt buddy Sammy, and I'm sure you're next on the list with the way you're... Wait for it... Wait for it... White knighting! Just to make sure everyone is clear on this, THIS is white knighting- not the shit I've been doing. The difference should be very clear, but if you can't see it, then I'll spell it out for you. All evidence points against him in a matter that doesn't have anything to do variables (ie: personality and how well you know someone), yet he's still blindly sticking up for him. ;)

Saying "why is he banned, when he was not banned"? is not a legitimate defense. If you really want Zeus to be banned, go compile all of his offenses and complain in the Complaint Department.

Go compile all my offenses- DO IT. I would love to see how ginormously small of a pile that would be. BTW: I just received my first infraction a couple days a go. ;)

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Jesus fucking christ....

Who fucking gives a shit.. NEXS got perm'd...


Fucking weirdo guy...

Of course it would have been funny if he did pull something epic on Chaos, but alas his retarded ass went bragging to everyone and now is perm'd.


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Okay guys this comes from Defiance.

[05:26] sG | Defiance[L2]: Tell Tristan to take XSIN's cock out of his mouth after taking his anal.

[05:26] sG | Defiance[L2]: Than, tell Chaos to stop posting, she doesn't need to defend herself.

[05:26] sG | Defiance[L2]: Finally... tell everyone to cut the drama

[05:26] sG | Defiance[L2]: Yea.

[05:26] sG | Defiance[L2]: O... and that I think Apathy Gets +7 points from me.


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Okay guys this comes from Defiance.

[05:26] sG | Defiance[L2]: Tell Tristan to take XSIN's cock out of his mouth after taking his anal.

[05:26] sG | Defiance[L2]: Than, tell Chaos to stop posting, she doesn't need to defend herself.

[05:26] sG | Defiance[L2]: Finally... tell everyone to cut the drama

[05:26] sG | Defiance[L2]: Yea.

[05:26] sG | Defiance[L2]: O... and that I think Apathy Gets +7 points from me.


Damn, I miss Defiance now. (Not that I didn't miss you before, this just made me miss you more :P)

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