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camping armory?

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how long are cts allowed to stay in armory?

b/c its cheap if some cts exit and just follow the open vent in the jailcells to the t who's waiting for the cts to get out of armory

i dunno if this is a big problem but it could be exploited easily

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i've given up enforcing the no vent camp crap... Even if a rule was made for it, I'm pretty sure a lot of people will still do it. And then we'll end up with a lot more complaints and blah blah blah blah...

I'd just deal with it and only report those that do it every single time.

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i've given up enforcing the no vent camp crap... Even if a rule was made for it, I'm pretty sure a lot of people will still do it. And then we'll end up with a lot more complaints and blah blah blah blah...

I'd just deal with it and only report those that do it every single time.

I enforce it when I'm in spec. If I see someone enter ASAP, I tell them to get out. If they don't, slay. Do it again, restriction.

I don't get how hard it is to understand what pursue means. It means following their path, not go to the known destination point.

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It should be before the cell doors open. any time longer than that is up to the server admin to slay or give the person a chance to get out.

Honestly, I'd say 4:30 is good enough to get out and the like. It doesn't take that long to grab a set of pre-made guns and run out of a room.

Only map I'd cut some slack on for this would be Alcatraz, since the button for cells are inside the armory, and you have to run around a bit to get in place.

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Guest Waffle

It's sort of common sense to tell when they are camping armory. Though, for some people, there is that certain lag spike that makes them have the "Warning... Connection.." red letters in the top right corner and it takes them a while to get back into the game after a round. That happens to me several times on that one map.. Syntax? Alcatraz? The one where there is a tower and a shooting range, also the disco where on z-freedays most people restrict outside and the disco.

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It's sort of common sense to tell when they are camping armory. Though, for some people, there is that certain lag spike that makes them have the "Warning... Connection.." red letters in the top right corner and it takes them a while to get back into the game after a round. That happens to me several times on that one map.. Syntax? Alcatraz? The one where there is a tower and a shooting range, also the disco where on z-freedays most people restrict outside and the disco.

it's alcatraz.

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