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Guest ickypop

Hitler took his country from the brink of collapse to the strongest monetarily and militarily in Europe in only eight years.

If Obama can do that for us I will be happy.

I am happy now because the republicans are angry.

Whenever they are mad or upset we are making progress.

Yes, I am going off topic and I quote "Balls of Steel".

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Hitler took his country from the brink of collapse to the strongest monetarily and militarily in Europe in only eight years.

If Obama can do that for us I will be happy.

Keep in mind that Hitler's policies also ended up getting Germany involved in a two-front war, which resulted in the country's getting ABSOLUTELY RAPED, occupied, and split in half.

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Keep in mind that Hitler's policies also ended up getting Germany involved in a two-front war, which resulted in the country's getting ABSOLUTELY RAPED, occupied, and split in half.

It doesn't help that his personal "physician" put him on so many hard drugs that he was super fucked up. Obama did coke a while ago, but that's in the past. I don't think he's going to kill millions of Jews either. So I think we're good.

Also, bump to get rid of the retarded OP race thread.

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I voted for him, but I'm not one of the people who worship him and let him pass on everything. I really do want some of his ideas to go through, namely the health care and getting the troops out of Iraq/Afghanistan. Hopefully those timelines that are supposed to be put in place are still going.

What really isn't helping things in politics is people putting party first, rather than the actual issue. I don't think I've ever seen the GOP vote no on so many things, just to try to say "Haha, you can't do anything", when at the same time they're only holding the country back, and not offering much.

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Fact of the matter, Obama deceives people and is a lire. I could write pages upon pages of promises and guarantees he made that either haven't come true in one way or another. This is a good important video if you want to touch on some: http://goldismoney.info/forums/showthread.php?t=406404.

Take note that also Obama is making the EXACT same mistakes that policy makers in the Great Depression made. I'll pull up the article if you ask.

@Ickypop Good luck, that will NEVER happen with Obama.

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Guest formerlyaeth
Fact of the matter, Obama deceives people and is a lire. I could write pages upon pages of promises and guarantees he made that either haven't come true in one way or another. This is a good important video if you want to touch on some: http://goldismoney.info/forums/showthread.php?t=406404.

Take note that also Obama is making the EXACT same mistakes that policy makers in the Great Depression made. I'll pull up the article if you ask.

@Ickypop Good luck, that will NEVER happen with Obama.

Oh look at the time.

He's been in office for less than a year. GUYS HE HAS INSTANT MAGIC.

Oh shit, wait, things take time to happen.

Be patient.

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I lol'd.

I know absolutely nothing about politics, but I'm pretty sure he's a fraud.




However, I do think I disagree with the healthcare plan. They need to do at least two more things, in my opinion, to make this plan more feasible.

(1) They need major tort reform so that every freeloader that goes in to a doctor can't sue for some bullshit reason.

(2) They need to increase the amount of infrastructure currently in place; some of these idiots are going to go to the ER every time something is wrong, rather than going to their PCP like the plan hopes they will. More than a handful of hospitals are running on a handful of staff sometime, and unless they are equipped and staffed to handle a huge influx of patients, we're all going to get F'd in the A. On that note, we're going to need incentives to get more GPs, which would likely mean more federal aide for med school, and possibly a government mandated payraise (Specialist pay > GP pay).

Also, regarding that video, there are a certain number of things that would need to happen to drive private insurance out of business because of their inability to compete; give me a few hours and I'll come up with a coherent argument.

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Guest formerlyaeth
Fact of the matter, Obama deceives people and is a lire. I could write pages upon pages of promises and guarantees he made that either haven't come true in one way or another. This is a good important video if you want to touch on some: http://goldismoney.info/forums/showthread.php?t=406404.

Take note that also Obama is making the EXACT same mistakes that policy makers in the Great Depression made. I'll pull up the article if you ask.

@Ickypop Good luck, that will NEVER happen with Obama.

Also, in that video.

I'm pretty sure you guys are not taking what he's saying the right way.

I could watch that video and see that he's saying that private insurance could be eliminated if we include a public option. Not that we want to get rid of them, it's justthat the public option would be BETTER compared to the private insurance that charges $100 for my ADHD medicine, and doctors who broke a member of my family's arm to reposition it, without anesthetics. They just picked up his arm and broke it after it was already broken about an hour earlier. Would you like that to happen?

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They just picked up his arm and broke it after it was already broken about an hour earlier. Would you like that to happen?

No one wants that to happen, but odds are it probably needed to happen in order to let the arm heal correctly. In addition, that wasn't the result of your insurance company, that was the decision your family's doctor made.

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Fact of the matter, Obama deceives people and is a lire. I could write pages upon pages of promises and guarantees he made that either haven't come true in one way or another. This is a good important video if you want to touch on some: http://goldismoney.info/forums/showthread.php?t=406404.

Take note that also Obama is making the EXACT same mistakes that policy makers in the Great Depression made. I'll pull up the article if you ask.

@Ickypop Good luck, that will NEVER happen with Obama.

Okay, on the flip side, I could say that lots of the 'lies' out there, are mostly Right Wing talking points, which are used only to scare people because they want to destroy the man's credibility, rather than advance what could/should be done.


Check it out. I'd believe this site a lot more than many others.

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Okay, on the flip side, I could say that lots of the 'lies' out there, are mostly Right Wing talking points, which are used only to scare people because they want to destroy the man's credibility, rather than advance what could/should be done.


Check it out. I'd believe this site a lot more than many others.

Wait, wait wait... You're debunking lies with FACTS? COMMUNIST!

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Obama is one man. It's not just his polices it's the polices of those that made sure he would be in office. Really wouldn't matter who was in office. Only half of the population would be happy. The liberal left and the conservative right are the opposite wings of the same bird.

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Clay, you’re not very smart are you. If you don't know anything about politics, than don’t post a tread about politics. Next I don’t understand how you lol’ed because Obama said that illegal immigrants won’t be included in “Universal Health Care.†Universal health care is a failed system anyways and it will lead to an even more Socialistic United States. WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO GO OLD FREE MARKET CAPOTILISM!!!!!!! Screw the stimulus package and the stupid ass democratic party, that’s all that I can say.

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I think that Joe Wilson had every right to say this, it was just not the correct time. Sometimes you express how you feel without even thinking. Wilson collected a million dollars worth in funding for his next campaign to remain senator of SC because he wasn't afraid to voice his own opinion.

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I think that Joe Wilson had every right to say this, it was just not the correct time. Sometimes you express how you feel without even thinking. Wilson collected a million dollars worth in funding for his next campaign to remain senator of SC because he wasn't afraid to voice his own opinion.

Wow. Google told you all of that?

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I think that Joe Wilson had every right to say this, it was just not the correct time. Sometimes you express how you feel without even thinking. Wilson collected a million dollars worth in funding for his next campaign to remain senator of SC because he wasn't afraid to voice his own opinion.

Even if you don't like the person, you should still respect the office. His outburst should get him censored.

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Even if you don't like the person, you should still respect the office. His outburst should get him censored.

Respect the office? Oh, you mean you want me to respect a president who says that his reform will cover illegals, and then changes it around to save face? Fuck that.

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Wow. Google told you all of that?

Well I had seen it on TV and we talked about it in US History, good trolling though.

Even if you don't like the person, you should still respect the office. His outburst should get him censored.

True, it was too much... but I am very glad they did not censor it because it is important that we see this.

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Respect the office? Oh, you mean you want me to respect a president who says that his reform will cover illegals, and then changes it around to save face? Fuck that.


Not THE PERSON, the OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT. I don't know how else to explain it. Does anybody else understand what I'm talking about?

True, it was too much... but I am very glad they did not censor it because it is important that we see this.

I didn't mean censor/edit. I meant censor/official slap on the wrist.

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