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Non-Noobed Race

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The purpose of this race is to help people who absolutely suck.

74. Non-Noobed Race (5 lvls/5 skills)

Required level: 300

credits: Battle-Bug

1. Free damage

Getting hit hurts your attacker back (Up to 30% mirror damage)

2. Richochet

Chance of mirror damage to attacker (Up to a 30% chance of 100% mirror damage)

3. Weapon Steal

Steal your enemy's weapon if you bought none (Up to a 30% chance of taking enemy's weapon if you're using a Glock or USP)

4. Pwned

Spawn a grenade at your killer if pwned (spawn a timed grenade on your killer if he does 4x as much damage to you as you did to him)

5. Shield (Ultimate)

Go invincible, but you cannot fire (2 seconds of invincibility without working weapons)


Helps you if you suck


No health or damage enhancements

No useful skills

The grenade spawn is an interesting idea. The killer does have time to dodge the blast since it's timed.

The weapon that is stolen has the same ammo as the attacker had when he lost it. So, if he was out of ammo, then so is the noob. The attacker will lose his weapon and it won't just drop in front of him to pick up.

I may think of adding evasion. I don't want to get too generic.

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Probably should label this as a suggestion.. don't want people getting confused.

Hmm.. it has double mirror damage?

I have yet to see a way to create a fired grenade. Doesn't mean its not possible but it means its not yet possible. Probably can do point hurt based on distance by comparing location from "now and 4 seconds later"

I guess its an interesting race idea.

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So, if I kill that race with an awp or AK headshot, there's a 30% chance I die also? -.-

Obviously, the values can be adjusted, but the whole concept of this race is stupid.

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Mirror damage is nothing new. Night Elf's thorns are evidence of this. Ricochet's mirror damage is much higher, but if someone gets noobed with a hs from an awp, then there's a 30% chance that they'll get payback. However, most hits do much less damage. I'm amazed at how many of my hits do under 10 dmg.

There are two mirror damages for now. One does little mirror damage and one has a chance of doing high mirror damage. I'm open to new skill ideas if you guys have some that are non-noobed themed. The evasion is still an idea.

I once had an idea for a skill called "Perfect Aim" or "Aimbot." What happens is that if your shot misses, it does 1 dmg to a random enemy.

I may think of disabling the buy menu for this race, so he has to steal or pick up his guns. No crusader's wish.

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If you've played with me you'd notice that I'm a very terrible player..

But if you look at my stats I have a 32% headshot chance. So even better players(9900 people according to HLStats) will have much higher.

Basically everyone will be dying to this mirror damage.

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This race is less CSS Pro and more CSS Noob. It's meant for people who suck. However, I do agree that it should only give a slight advantage. Remember that I've suggested no weapons buy menu or crusader's wish for this race. He has to find or steal his weapons as his disadvantage.

We can tone it down quite a bit. Maybe a 10% or 15% chance of doing 100% mirror damage. Remember that the hs is an extreme. Most hits do far less damage. I'm amazed at how many of mine do under 10 dmg from a decent weapon.

I'm thinking that the grenade should drop 1m in front of the killer so that he sees it. Most kills aren't made while you are facing an object, so we shouldn't get the nade spawning inside many objects. To make sure that the killer is aware of the grenade, perhaps a sound should be added.

What do you guys think of the evasion? I hate to put it in here because many races have evasion, but it's a good, valid skill for the theme.

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Should be 5% chance, because honestly, anyone with skill is going to be going for a head shot, and if you get said head shot with an AWP or something, you're boned if that skill procs off.

Mirror damage for Night Elf is 50% chance of 30% damage on WCS1 (WCS2 doesn't say). This AWP headshot everyone is mentioning probably does over 400 dmg. That means that there's a 50% chance that the killer will get killed by mirror damage with a DEFAULT race. Thus, it's an invalid point.

30% of 50% is 15%. Thus, 15% at 100% damage is at the same level as Night Elf. This is a 15% chance instead of a 50% chance of the famous AWP headshot mirror damage killing the attacker. This is starting to sound UNDERpowered on your judgment criteria..

Remember that most hits aren't kill shots, especially with all of our high hp races.

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You tell me a race that has 400 hp that can use an awp, and I will be quiet.

You can not, unless by some off chance said race is undead and for some ungodly reason gets enough dmg in one round to get 400+ health.

Lets not forget, that you already have a skill that permanently does rebound dmg, skill 1, up to 30% back. Which is still painful, than you want to tack on a chance to do 100% dmg back? Those two together are more powerful than need be.

If this race is to be implemented, remove the second skill entirely or reduce it to a 5% chance

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Mirror damage for Night Elf is 50% chance of 30% damage on WCS1 (WCS2 doesn't say). This AWP headshot everyone is mentioning probably does over 400 dmg. That means that there's a 50% chance that the killer will get killed by mirror damage with a DEFAULT race. Thus, it's an invalid point.

30% of 50% is 15%. Thus, 15% at 100% damage is at the same level as Night Elf. This is a 15% chance instead of a 50% chance of the famous AWP headshot mirror damage killing the attacker. This is starting to sound UNDERpowered on your judgment criteria..

Remember that most hits aren't kill shots, especially with all of our high hp races.


Raceinfo doesn't always show the right information [Mainly because races are usually tweaked at least once after being implemented]

15% to do 100% damage back =/= 50% to do 30% damage back

The chance to do 100% damage back:

For This race: 15%

For Night Elf: 50%^3 = 12.5% Just to do 90% in return damage [Considering you get hit by 3 bullets that does the same amount of damage] Because of 30%, it is unlikely that it will even kill anyone unless the attacker's hp was under ~20 hp

That is why the Night Elf's version of mirror damage is not op

You rarely see headshots from awps in WCS anyways..

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You rarely see headshots from awps in WCS anyways..

Everyone is kinda taking this to an extreme... If you look between two mirror damage skills, if they both proc.. you don't necissarily have to even get a kill shot. You could do 130% damage (hit someone in the foot with an awp(81 damge +30% = ~104-106 damage)) and still get killed if you are a race with default health.

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Everyone is kinda taking this to an extreme...


Remember that this race has disadvantages. It has to scrounge or steal for its weapons, it only has 100hp, and it doesn't have many special skills to help it kill its enemy before the enemy kills it. So, what's a 15% chance of doing mirror damage? I'd say that an average hit does 30-50ish dmg. Parasitic weapon has a much higher chance of doing 50 dmg. I believe there's another race that can do 40 dmg. Thus, I don't see this as being OP.

There will be hits that do more damage and hits that do less. Everyone is concerned about hits that do more damage. Remember that this is a race that helps prevent the user from being noobed. The more he is pwned, the better the chance that the attackers gets pwned back. As the threat increases, the defense increases. We do this based on chance and enemy skill.

I'm considering changing the race name to CSS Noob :)

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The more he is pwned, the better the chance that the attackers gets pwned back.

How do you even justify this. What happens when people are just good players. Let's say the average person dies from around 120 damage because you hardly ever get hit at exactly around 100.

So you're taking 30% Of 120 no matter what. That's 40 damage to someone just from shooting you... So if your on another race that doesn't have extra health your almost at half health (Plus unless you really are a noob you're going to get shot at least once from the person you're shooting) so let's add on another let's say an average of 20-30 damage from a shot... so you're down to 30-40 health when you take on the next person, considering that's the first person you've shot.

Now we tag on that 15% chance that you're taking an extra 100% from one of those shots (Hoping you're not using an awp)... so let's say on average you get shot 3-5 times.... You're a little over a 1:10 bullets you're going to proc that... so it's about a 50% chance you're going to get hit by it when shooting someone.

Hmm so you're lucky you're alive after you fight this race.

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So you're taking 30% Of 120 no matter what...

I've been talking about replacing the first skill and I've been asking for suggestions.

Ricochet is fine. It has a small chance of doing what is basically random damage (since most people just spray). If someone is using an AWP, then they deserve what's coming. Besides, I rarely see someone use one on WCS2.

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Instant error with 30% mirror: deadmans luck=instant death for spirit.

Explain what you mean. I know that the Deadman's Luck thing works quite often against me. However, Richochet is not the instant death that everyone makes it out to be.

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Just no one code this race, and watch this guy bathe in his incompetence.

That's a very non-constructive thing to say. I'd prefer it if you gave some suggestions on how to make this race worthy of your approval. I'm trying to conceptualize a race that will improve game play on the server. Lets try to see if we can manipulate this race's characteristics to accomplish this goal.

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