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Race/Item error thread

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1) The priest is healing lurkers to 140 health... idk if there's a way to prevent that with the type of skill it has but it's kind of ridiculous.

2) Not quite sure if it's just me but when I bind a key to shopmenu, it doesn't actually let me select any menus I have to type it out... Not to big of a deal for me but yeah. Mainly just the first thing bugs me.

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2) Not quite sure if it's just me but when I bind a key to shopmenu, it doesn't actually let me select any menus I have to type it out... Not to big of a deal for me but yeah. Mainly just the first thing bugs me.

bind <key> "say shopmenu;menuselect 5;menuselect 7"

Thats for Tome of Wisdom, just mess with the numbers to get what you need.

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I know how to bind certain items but I like a generic shopmenu bind so I don't have every key bound to a different item... then I just hit the numbers... Anyways I don't wanna spam this thread.

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Polis, does that include Mask of Death?

I am not sure about this. I can restrict mask of death easily. What are the rules normally for Lurker? Is he allowed to use the mask of death?

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I am not sure about this. I can restrict mask of death easily. What are the rules normally for Lurker? Is he allowed to use the mask of death?

Masks and heal races were the only way a lurker was allowed to get health, back when it was 1hp and was able to buy health tomes. Seen a lot of people get slain for that one.

As for item errors, I've noticed:

The resurrection scroll spawns you in the ground half the time. not all the way in the ground like a zerg, but like halfway... like you were on server 1 and got shot by a Lord of the Pit. That's it so far, but then again I couldn't deal with being on the server for that long. >25 players made it super jittery. Even with no loss or choke and 49 ping.

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1. While playing Zergling I was burrowed and sent plummeting to my death on two occasions. The first was being hit with Frost Giant's new ultimate which does damage and also sends people in the air. The second was being rooted (Dunno class. Maybe ranger?). I'm not sure if this was fixed as it doesn't happen 100% of the time.

2. Higure's root doesn't work as subz said. (Zergling's healing wave does work however)

3. Zergling's burrow fails sometimes at maxed level. Dunno if that is a bug.

4. Warden currently respawns over and over like Death did. Dunno if that is a bug but it's pretty stupid.

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Frost giant or w/e's ultimate shoots you ridiculous distances, regardless of being shot by him or not.

As in youre walking down a hallway in icewerk, get frozen for a second, then fly straight up then down because a frost giatn is in the hallway next to you.

Unless that's how its supposed to be of course.

JW also: Does Aether Membrane's black hole kill you? Haven't used it/seen anyone get hit from it so i wouldnt know.

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last night as Spirit I was able to pick up all guns and use them

not sure if gray man has been changed on purpose, but extra dmg would only register 1 out of 8-10 rounds.

Death is missing.... i know it's on purpose, but it was a good race. just needed to limit the # of respawns.

ohh and on the new menu, what is the armor called? previous menu was ring of armor or something, can't find anything on the new one.

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It would be nice if you could fix the 50 clip, whenever you buy armor you lose it.

Its just annoying.

Oh and zerglings burrow seems to have been messed up somehow, maxed out the skill fails, it has the sound effect and does not say you fail.

Seems to happen if you longjump and hit it too quickly. Standing completely still seems to help.

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