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P2 Strikes Again!

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So much for sorry huh. Well he needed some pizza. How do we live knowing he needs the pizza sause like a crack head needs a dime bag.

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Well said :D

Is his ownership of the license going to be a problem for the forums? i.e. does he have the power to deactivate it? If so, can we get this backed up ASAP and prepare for the worst?

PS: P2, I thought you were more of a man than you had been for apologizing. But way to be an asshole. Again. 13241th time?

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He just regained control of the $180.00 vBulletin license. I believe that's over $400.00 he's stolen after he was removed, bringing the grand total to well over $6000.00!

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Perhaps Tristan or NEXS would like to come in here and defend him some more?

Does that really matter right now? Why can't people just let go of old issues and move on?

This is why they have reason to make fun of P2 :( Is this his retaliation for the messages being posted, I wonder?

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Well there are other ways of running a web site so this won't kill the site. It's just a piss off. Can we send him an I.V with pizza sauce to keep him happy for a few days?

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Probably not, but I'll donate so its w.e.

Considering Coinstar had to pay for the box out of pocket... there is obviously a slight deficit thats being paid out of pocket at the moment.

However I won't let Coinstar pay for this as well...

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Well Coinstar was forced to donate a large amount of his own money to cover the costs of P2 revoking the last 10tb payment and I don't think we should rely on him to personally cover all of our expenses... So if you can donate, now would be a good time to do so.

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so like whens this shit gona stop?

When he runs out of ways to attack us. I think (given the limited information available to me) that he's already expended or been denied most of his options.

It's sad, it's pathetic, and it's childish... and it gives you an idea of the maturity level of the person who was running the clan for all these years.

Someone go order pizza from Bambino's again and charge it to P2.

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I forked up a good piece of change a weekish ago and I am going to be contributing half of it every month for as long as we need it. Let us pony up people.

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I have a sneaking suspicion that some clan members have been harassing p2 and he felt there was need for more revenge.

Which doesn't condone his actions but some people don't know when to stop.

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Guest formerlyaeth

I'm not defending p2, I'm just saying that it's old and obnoxious now.


Hey guys let's make fun of wookie for a week straight in every other post because he got banned.

That would get annoying. Just as 8 pages of crothers calling sammy a whore is annoying and old


Ok, I'm not defending P2 here but the pizza jokes are never fucking funny. I just facepalm whenever I read them.
I have a sneaking suspicion that some clan members have been harassing p2 and he felt there was need for more revenge.

Which doesn't condone his actions but some people don't know when to stop.


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