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Have you been injected against swine flu?

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If swine flu tries to invade my body, I'll punch it in the face. And by punch it in the face I mean use it as an excuse not to attend class and instead sit at home and play video games and watch movies. Its no biggie.

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Guest formerlyaeth

A shit fuck of people at my high school have it. Around 200+ now.

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Guest formerlyaeth
And your school hasn't been shut down?


It's homecoming week, and i bet if they do shut down they'll be pissed like mother fuckers. ( the students that is)

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It's homecoming week, and i bet if they do shut down they'll be pissed like mother fuckers. ( the students that is)

Contract it for us and then create a thread blogging your experiences with it. No medications. We will offer you praise and encouragement through the whole ordeal. Go make out with a hot chick who has it.

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Guest formerlyaeth

I think I do have it. Asthma and H1n1 don't mix well. Especially during allergies. I can barely run and if i have swine flu i'm fucked over bad.

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I think I do have it. Asthma and H1n1 don't mix well. Especially during allergies. I can barely run and if i have swine flu i'm fucked over bad.

ITS GO TIME. Make that thread and document your symptoms as they emerge.

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The Swine Flu Vaccine is officially out. Please talk to your parents about the vaccination. Stock piles are mainly centered around the major urban cities.

I STRONGLY suggest DO NOT get the vaccine. Take vitamin D pills or cod liver oil instead. Vitamin D is known to rapidly destroy cell walls of bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Have you ever wondered why more people get the flu in winter than in summer? Because in summer your always outside and soaking in the vitamin d from the sun. As soon as it gets cold, your inside more and don't obtain the vitamin d from the sun, and the sun is weaker in the winter tine. Your vitamin D level's are lower, so a virus is more likely to "attack"

On the actual vaccine.

When the government pushes a vaccine and makes it "mandatory", you know something is wrong. In the UK there thinking of making a forced vaccine, where everyone has to take it. This vaccine is an EXPERIMENTAL vaccine. Your read every where and it will say experimental. None of the vaccine's have been subjected to "real world" testing for any meaningful duration. Instead they are trying to pump the vaccine out as fast as possible.

In the actual vaccine they are using nano particles to make the vaccine "last longer". What these nano particles really do is stay in your body forever and attack any cell they attach to. These nano particles are deadly to human's. Source: http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=27357

You also keep hearing "swine flu is deadlier than the normal inflenza or seasonal flu". That is indeed false. http://www.reuters.com/article/healthNews/idUSTRE58E6NZ20090917

I'll leave some reading material here:





I really could go on and on about how bad the vaccine is. TL;DR use Vitamin D or cod liver oil instead of the vaccine.

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I think I do have it. Asthma and H1n1 don't mix well. Especially during allergies. I can barely run and if i have swine flu i'm fucked over bad.

LOL, I promise the H1N1, Asthma and Allergies are mutually exclusive.

I STRONGLY suggest DO NOT get the vaccine. Take vitamin D pills or cod liver oil instead.

lolwut? Sorry, but "old wives tales" won't cure or prevent H1N1. Bad recommendation....

This vaccine is an EXPERIMENTAL vaccine.

False, the experimental phase (clinical trials) are complete. The vaccine you will receive is the finished product.

*sigh* False

None of your sources have a .gov, CDC, or AMA credentials.

Please don't confuse conspiracy theories with medical facts.

All US/ Canadian Epidemiological studies take their lead from the CDC. You should too!


I really could go on and on about how bad the vaccine is. TL;DR use Vitamin D or cod liver oil instead of the vaccine.


Look, before I receive my usual amount of trolling from people who want to cure Swine Flu, AIDS, etc with vitamin D and "cod liver"; please feel free to PM me for facts.

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Guest Fohacidal

Looks like super is another one of those people who are buying into the whole "the world conspiracy is trying to kill us all with vaccines" conspiracy

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lolwut? Sorry, but "old wives tales" won't cure or prevent H1N1. Bad recommendation....

How this? Its a .gov website too, so it must be "non-bullshit"


*sigh* False

None of your sources have a .gov, CDC, or AMA credentials.

Please don't confuse conspiracy theories with medical facts.

So wait, it has to be from the government to be valid? You do realize many medical books written don't have AMA, CDC, or .gov credential's and are used in practice and for teaching? Hey go look at some of the ones you have, and search for CDC and AMA credentials and come back.

Please don't confuse being close minded with open minded.

Edit: Since when is debating trolling. Riddle me that?

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How this? Its a .gov website too, so it must be "non-bullshit"


So wait, it has to be from the government to be valid? You do realize many medical books written don't have AMA, CDC, or .gov credential's and are used in practice and for teaching? Hey go look at some of the ones you have, and search for CDC and AMA credentials and come back.

Please don't confuse being close minded with open minded.

Edit: Since when is debating trolling. Riddle me that?


1. Your study is dated 1981 and it dealt with respiratory infections in children. Things change in 28 yrs

2. It was republished in 2006 that’s why your "Google search" got a hit.

3. For a medical school to be accredited in the US, yes the books used MUST meet AMA guidelines.

4. Um.... sig, avatar, and sig block. Super, advise on clan stuff. Let the medical officer advise on medical stuff.


Army Captain, Medical Service Corps

Doctor of Behavioral Medicine Student

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Guest formerlyaeth
LOL, I promise the H1N1, Asthma and Allergies are mutually exclusive.

lolwut? Sorry, but "old wives tales" won't cure or prevent H1N1. Bad recommendation....

False, the experimental phase (clinical trials) are complete. The vaccine you will receive is the finished product.

*sigh* False

None of your sources have a .gov, CDC, or AMA credentials.

Please don't confuse conspiracy theories with medical facts.

All US/ Canadian Epidemiological studies take their lead from the CDC. You should too!



Look, before I receive my usual amount of trolling from people who want to cure Swine Flu, AIDS, etc with vitamin D and "cod liver"; please feel free to PM me for facts.

I understand that, but asthma is triggered by allergies, which just so happen to be up this time of year for me, and with this h1n1 outbreak at my school, any respiratory virus would make my lungs shit bricks

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Well personally I feel that it is basically the same hype as the west nile virus was, but whatever you want to believe is what you will believe. In any case in another 1-2 years there will be another sickness THAT IS GOING TO KILL THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE SO BUY THIS VACCINE OR YOU'RE FUCKED!

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Well personally I feel that it is basically the same hype as the west nile virus was, but whatever you want to believe is what you will believe. In any case in another 1-2 years there will be another sickness THAT IS GOING TO KILL THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE SO BUY THIS VACCINE OR YOU'RE FUCKED!

LOL, you are 100% correct.

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1. Your study is dated 1981 and it dealt with respiratory infections in children. Things change in 28 yrs

2. It was republished in 2006 that’s why your "Google search" got a hit.

3. For a medical school to be accredited in the US, yes the books used MUST meet AMA guidelines.

4. Um.... sig, avatar, and sig block. Super, advise on clan stuff. Let the medical officer advise on medical stuff.


Army Captain, Medical Service Corps

Doctor of Behavioral Medicine Student

1) I'm glad you know how to scim read. If you actually read the article, it didn't matter that it was about child respiratory infections. The important part is:

"Perhaps most importantly, it dramatically stimulates the expression of potent anti-microbial peptides". Yes things change in 28 years, but fundamentals stay the same.

2) I had many articles, but I was looking for a .gov one, so it would be "credible"

4) I really could care less that your a medical officer. Even though you are a medical officer it seems you have a strong bias in favour of the government, and believe everything they tell you. The fact that you are so close minded and won't even give a thought about vitamin d, claiming it as a "old wives tale" proves so. What you're basically saying is because I haven't been to med school I can't advise medical facts to other people? It's nice to know (at least I thought) that we had free speech.

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What you're basically saying is because I haven't been to med school I can't advise medical facts to other people?

Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying....and its not a fact. You are skewing a 28 year old article. The more you argue about it the more I want to lolz.

This is funny to me. Hell, I'm not even mad. If anyone wants to listen to you and they believe that "vitamin D and cod liver oil" will prevent or cure Swine Flu; you are doing the human race a favor. I'm a staunch believer in Darwinism. Rock on dude, rock on....

Fundamentals do change as technology advances....

Guess what the world isn't flat and there is a cure for polio (and it isn't cod liver oil).

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It's nice to know you are taking the cold shoulder on this one. I thought medical workers were suppose to not have a bias before you've even researched a subject fully? Seems like the army hasn't taught you well.

Also I damn well know that 3 comes after 4. Do I have to explain every point you make? I figured you would try and make fun of me because I skipped one of your points, and didn't put a 3. Your sarcasm fails to amuse me.

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Guest Fohacidal

Lol a canadian trying to tell an american something about the army AND about medicine at the same time

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Also nice try playing me dumb. You don't think I would be that smart, now would you?

I never "said" you were dumb. You just said....

I STRONGLY suggest DO NOT get the vaccine. Take vitamin D pills or cod liver oil instead.

I ROFL'd...

The end....

Super, I totally respect your position as clan advisor but you are totally out of your lane here.

Any other questions that don't involve fish liver curing Swine Flu? PM me instead of forum chatter plz.

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