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combat arms

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ok ive been playing combat arms for about a week now and i find it really fun i think that we should expand to this game even if u cant use a mic we could use our vent for more and dont flame this thread i dont care if u dont like the game just plz dont do it

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I've played combat arms... is Counter-Strike with worse graphics, and a weird ass system for buying guns. The gameplay is alright, but idk feels too out-dated to be a new release.

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Guest Waffle

Hit boxes suck. Graphics suck. Weird as fuck quarantine mode. Not fun. A bunch of nine year olds play it. This isn't flaming it's criticism.

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Bad things about combat arms:

- Bad playing community as halo (Very stupid kids)

- If you kill more than 4 people in a row everyone calls you a hacker

- If you use a shotgun, people will yell alt you and cry.

- Horribly made game.

Someone actually said to me in game that CS was filled with noobs and only hardcore people play combat arms.

Good things about combat arms:

- Shotgun rapes so hard, double barrel rapes like a nuke. You can HS from across the map.

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I played combat arms and it is indeed like CS but horrible. I'd rather play CS over that because it's more fairer. There is no lvling system in CS and you can buy everything in the weapons menu if you have enough cash saved up (which is like 2 rounds if u don't buy anything)

Combat Arms, you'll have to save up about 4 good rounds with you ending up with about 40-50 kills at round end to buy just 1 weapon and armor, soooo no

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ok i understand that u have to buy the wep and lvl but i havent played but like a week and i can get like 40+ kills all the time its alot funner and i have like 2000+ money saved up in like 6 matches all im saying is to give it a try

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Bad things about combat arms:

- Bad playing community as halo (Very stupid kids)

- If you kill more than 4 people in a row everyone calls you a hacker

- If you use a shotgun, people will yell alt you and cry.

- Horribly made game.


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just gonna say don't expand in to free to play games especially combat arms or warrock. The community they're are a bunch of pissy immature kids, hackers and the rare exception of a few rational players who know that you don't hack, when you are doing good.

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i have found some really nice and good players that dont hack and arnt little kids

Yea i have too when I used to play, but most of them are little kids or hackers like I said. The few that were nice and good were hard to come by. The ones I played with were cocky or people who can't handle losing. And as I said before don't expand into free to play fps's not a good choice.

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keep in mind though, this is a Free game, cant expect that much.

your comparing a free game to one of the #1 online fps/ tactical shooters.

its like comparing rom to wow.

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keep in mind though, this is a Free game, cant expect that much.

your comparing a free game to one of the #1 online fps/ tactical shooters.

its like comparing rom to wow.

the problem is, free games like combat arms advertise enough to get us think that this game is the best and nothing is better. So from that of course we would have expectations from that game and when we realize that it's a crap people QQ and rage. The fact is most free fps are modeled after big fps's like COD 4 or CSS and just expand into those kinds of games, instead go after unique games.

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Combat Arms is the easiest game in the world. It requires no skill at all, you just need to keep note where the glitcheres are and I usually get 3-6 kills a life. It got boring after 2 weeks of constant playing. Pretty much because I got fed up with the hackers there and there is like no protection against hackers.

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Hmmmm Well it is all I can play till I get bored enough to go buy new copies of CSS and TF2 and turthfully if you do not mind little kids QQing when you rape them or people bitching when you get 4 headshots in a row or the 5 yearolds who have Elite mod( Admin without the ability to ban from a game) that kick you when your score beats theirs..... Okay yeah the community sucks but the game itself is good enough for me for now. It is no CSS or BF2 but it IS F2P so you can not have your expetaions to high

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the game itself is fun, considering its free.

however, css is a better alternative

if you're bored of css (like i was at the end of summer), go try out combat arms, its not THAT bad

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