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Community Name - Final Poll

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He's a wow geek. We should merk that battyman.

OR, Politely ask him to give up the name, considering I was probably the only person to view the site this month..

Edit: His site was last updated in 2007. I doubt he even remembers he has it; Therefore, probably won't check his email at: qtebb@gamingsyndicate.com

Edit2: "After hanging onto this URL for over 6 years" - Posted on Monday, April 09 2007 - Meaning hes had it sense 2001, which probably means he wont hand it over easily.

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lawls let him keep it, it's probably his last link to sanity j/k

If we get Syndicate Gaming, I'm demanding it be Gaming Syndicate (sounds MUCH more professional), therefore I'm demanding we break this WoW addict's dick. :D

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Are we seriously going to leave Syndicate as an option, even though there are at least 3 other forms of it floating around out there? I'd rather have Stinky Ballsack lickers as long as we were the only one. Originality plox.

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FFS, it doesn't have to be fucking gaming. And hell no i'd like no gay alpha shit, it's like we would be Pure Gay. I'm fucking out or something if we get it.

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FFS, it doesn't have to be fucking gaming. And hell no i'd like no gay alpha shit, it's like we would be Pure Gay. I'm fucking out or something if we get it.

Pretty much this.

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Guest Waffle

Well Syndicate(d) is winning. We are all fucked. GG.

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Well Syndicate(d) is winning. We are all fucked. GG.

Could be worse. Therefore I am satisfied. Alpha was just too gay for me.

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Guest Waffle

Yeah, I "would" vote, but they are all too gay to be voted for. Especially Pure Alpha Gaming and Vendetta Gaming.

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I know this is going to sound like a desperate plea but maybe we should make just one more vote with the last two names so that we can see how the other votes stack up in regards to Syndicate or Pure Alpha.

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Yeah, I "would" vote, but they are all too gay to be voted for. Especially Pure Alpha Gaming and Vendetta Gaming.

well then you have no right to complain about the situation since you did not vote without sounding like a complete hippo.

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Guest Waffle

Oh so all I have to do is vote and I can complain all I want. Tempting...

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Oh so all I have to do is vote and I can complain all I want. Tempting...

"vote early and vote often."

the smartest members of our community have voted for something, whether they are choices they like or not. you had a say and in the choices and because you liked none, you chose none. this is just like the 2004 election: nobody liked Kerry that much, but he was better than Bush but, looked who we chose ...

so don't bitch here about having a crappy clan names when you haven't have taken a minute to think which one you like best and a few clicks to confirm you're decision.

as of now, even though the gap is wide, you can still show a little pride and say you helped move this community forward.

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Guest Waffle
"vote early and vote often."

the smartest members of our community have voted for something, whether they are choices they like or not. you had a say and in the choices and because you liked none, you chose none. this is just like the 2004 election: nobody liked Kerry that much, but he was better than Bush but, looked who we chose ...

so don't bitch here about having a crappy clan names when you haven't have taken a minute to think which one you like best and a few clicks to confirm you're decision.

as of now, even though the gap is wide, you can still show a little pride and say you helped move this community forward.

Yeah they voted AGAINST the name change but looks like no one gives a shit what they think. Not my problem.

Actually I have taken quite a long time to think which one is better, and they will always suck no matter how you word it.

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Anything with the prefix "Syn" is almost DESTINED to get the most votes on the internet.


Because it appeals to the 12 year olds on the internet.

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Yeah they voted AGAINST the name change but looks like no one gives a shit what they think. Not my problem.

Actually I have taken quite a long time to think which one is better, and they will always suck no matter how you word it.

waffle what lesbian is trying to tell you is that you should vote even if you hate all of the names. Even if they all suck, you should at least show your support in the development of the community by choosing one that sounds relatively good (and if they all suck in your opinion, then choose the one that sucks the least)

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