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The Pimp (written at chosenone's request)

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The Pimp Lvl Req. 200 - Updated 242030AUG09

6 Skills / 8 Levels

1. Fur Coat

Pimp's gotsta get tha fur (gives additional armor)

2. Pimp Walk

Pimp's gotsta be walkin' right (Move slower but with additional health)

3. Pimp hat

How you aimin' at all dem feathas? (reduces chance of being hit with a headshot)

4. Bitch Slap

Don't bring that shit to my streets son! (chance to knock enemy back on hit)

5. Get my $$ Bitches!

If i make you my bitch, you gotsta pay (chance to steal money from enemies)

6. Get off my corna' (ultimate)

Only my pplz be on mah streetz, so gtf back! (As your rep (level) grows, you own more area. this knocks enemies away from your area)


"name" "The Pimp"

"author" "Will aka Driz"

"shortdescription" "Deagle/Knife race made for ChosenOne"

"required_level" "200"

"maximum_level" "0"

"allow_only" " "

"teamlimit" "0"

"preloadcmd" "0"

"player_spawn_cmd" "es est_RestrictAll event_var(userid);es est_stripplayer event_var(userid) 1;es es_xdelayed 1.0 est_unrestrict server_var(wcs_userid) weapon_c4;es es_xdelayed 0.3 est_UnRestrict event_var(userid) weapon_knife;es es_xdelayed 0.3 est_UnRestrict event_var(userid) weapon_deagle;es es_xdelayed 1 es est_give event_var(userid) weapon_knife;es es_xdelayed 1 es est_give event_var(userid) weapon_deagle

"round_start_cmd" "0"

"round_end_cmd" "0"

"numberofskills" "6"

"numberoflevels" "8"

"skillnames" "Fur Coat|Pimp Walk|Pimp Hat|Bitch Slap|Get My $$ Bitches|Get off my corna' (Ultimate)"

"skilldescr" "Some thick-ass fur pimpin' (more armor)|Walk like a pimp (slower) with mo health|Reduces chance of bein' head bussa'd|Chance to knock a player back on hit|Chance to take money from enemies after you make them your bitch|Causes damage to all players in range and knocks them away from you"

"skillcfg" "player_spawn|player_spawn|player_victim|player_attacker|player_attacker|player_ultimate"

"skill1_setting" "es_set wcs_addarmor 15|es_set wcs_addarmor 25|es_set wcs_addarmor 35|es_set wcs_addarmor 45|es_set wcs_addarmor 55|es_set wcs_addarmor 55|es_set wcs_addarmor 55|es_set wcs_addarmor 55"

"skill1_cmd" "es est_Armoradd event_var(userid) server_var(wcs_addarmor)"

"skill1_sfx" "0"

"skill2_setting" "es_xset wcs_addhealth 25;es_xsetinfo wcs_speed 0.90|es_xset wcs_addhealth 50;es_xsetinfo wcs_speed 0.85|es_xset wcs_addhealth 75;es_xsetinfo wcs_speed 0.80|es_xset wcs_addhealth 100;es_xsetinfo wcs_speed 0.75|es_xset wcs_addhealth 125;es_xsetinfo wcs_speed 0.70|es_xset wcs_addhealth 150;es_xsetinfo wcs_speed 0.65|es_xset wcs_addhealth 175;es_xsetinfo wcs_speed 0.60|es_xset wcs_addhealth 200;es_xsetinfo wcs_speed 0.55"

"skill2_cmd" "es est_Health event_var(userid) + server_var(wcs_addhealth);es est_speed server_var(wcs_userid) server_var(wcs_speed);es es_xtell event_var(userid) #multi #lightgreen: You are walking like a pimp."

"skill2_sfx" "0"

"skill3_setting" "es_xrand wcs_rand 1 8|es_xrand wcs_rand 1 7|es_xrand wcs_rand 1 6|es_xrand wcs_rand 1 5|es_xrand wcs_rand 1 4|es_xrand wcs_rand 1 3|es_xrand wcs_rand 1 2|es_xrand wcs_rand 1 1"

"skill3_cmd" "es es_xif (event_var(weapon) != knife) then es_xif (event_var(hitgroup) = 1) then est_health event_var(userid) + event_var(dmg_health);es es_xif (event_var(weapon) != knife) then es_xif (event_var(hitgroup) = 1) then es_xtell event_var(attacker) #green You can't pop a pimp with a hat biatch!;es_xtell event_var(userid) #green Bullets be poppin' off ya hat pimpin'"

"skill3_sfx" "0"

"skill4_setting" "es_xsetinfo kback 100|es_xsetinfo kback 120|es_xsetinfo kback 140|es_xsetinfo kback 160|es_xsetinfo kback 180|es_xsetinfo kback 200|es_xsetinfo kback 220|es_xsetinfo kback 240"

"racealias_push" "es est_physpush event_var(userid) 0 server_var(kback) server_var(kback);es es_xtell event_var(userid) #multi #lightgreenYou got #greenbitchslapped!;es es_xtell event_var(attacker) #multi #lightgreenYou #greenbitchslapped #lightgreendat hoe"

"skill4_cmd" "es es_xif (server_var(wcs_dice) <= server_var(wcs_chance)) then racealias_push"

"skill4_sfx" "0"

"skill5_setting" "es_xsetinfo wcs_money 100|es_xsetinfo wcs_money 200|es_xsetinfo wcs_money 300|es_xsetinfo wcs_money 400|es_xsetinfo wcs_money 500|es_xsetinfo wcs_money 600|es_xsetinfo wcs_money 700|es_xsetinfo wcs_money 800|"

"racealias_getmymoney" "es es_xgetmoney wcs_cash event_var(userid);wcs_getlanguage wcs_lng wcs_lng_r_stolemoney;es es_xformat wcs_lng server_var(wcs_lng) event_var(es_attackername) server_var(wcs_money) event_var(es_username);es es_xif (server_var(wcs_cash) >= server_var(wcs_money)) then es_xtell event_var(attacker) #multi server_var(wcs_lng);es es_xif (server_var(wcs_cash) >= server_var(wcs_money)) then es_xtell event_var(userid) #multi server_var(wcs_lng);es es_xif (server_var(wcs_cash) >= server_var(wcs_money)) then est_Cash event_var(attacker) + server_var(wcs_money);es es_xif (server_var(wcs_cash) >= server_var(wcs_money)) then est_Cash event_var(userid) - server_var(wcs_money)"

"skill5_cmd" "es es_xif (server_var(wcs_dice) <= 30) then racealias_getmymoney"

"skill5_sfx" "0"

"skill6_setting" "es_xsetinfo wcs_maxtargets 2;es_xsetinfo wcs_radius 400|es_xsetinfo wcs_maxtargets 2;es_xsetinfo wcs_radius 450|es_xsetinfo wcs_maxtargets 2;es_xsetinfo wcs_radius 500|es_xsetinfo wcs_maxtargets 3;es_xsetinfo wcs_radius 550|es_xsetinfo wcs_maxtargets 3;es_xsetinfo wcs_radius 600|es_xsetinfo wcs_maxtargets 3;es_xsetinfo wcs_radius 650|es_xsetinfo wcs_maxtargets 4;es_xsetinfo wcs_radius 700|es_xsetinfo wcs_maxtargets 4;es_xsetinfo wcs_radius 750"

"skill6_cmd" "es est_physpush event_var(userid) 100 100 100;es es_xtell event_var(userid) #multi #lightgreenYou got #greenbitchslapped!;es es_xtell event_var(attacker) #multi #lightgreenGeet off mah corna' bitch!"

"skill6_sfx" "0"

"ultimate_cooldown" "5"


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Guest Adzik

Looks balanced to me, race was thought up pretty well imo, GJ.

Just out of curiosity whats the % on pimp hat and bitch slap?

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Instead of having him slow all the time. Have the ability if he walks he regens Health back.

Edit: Not as much as Huskar of course. More like 10 HP per 4 seconds or somethin like that.

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Will the ultimate deal fall damage if they fall off a cliff or something?

the ulti is just a knockback, if they fall off something, they'll take normal damage due to gravity. Chosen actually wanted chain lightning dmg along with the ulti, but i thought it would be too OP (thinking of assault... someone on roof, use ulti hit a bunch of dudes and knock em off roof = death?)

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Instead of having him slow all the time. Have the ability if he walks he regens Health back.

Edit: Not as much as Huskar of course. More like 10 HP per 4 seconds or somethin like that.

The reason i went with slow (chosen wanted fast originally) is when you "pimp walk" you walk slower and exegerrated... sooo in keeping with how a pimp actually moves (a cane, a gangsta lean, and a slow swagger walk) i went with increasingly decreased speed. the additional health is due to the fact that a more prominent pimp (higher lvl) would have more protection... (perhaps he bought local law enforcement or something)

so while some changes would be cool, I still wanna keep the "pimp" feel

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Looks balanced to me, race was thought up pretty well imo, GJ.

Just out of curiosity whats the % on pimp hat and bitch slap?

thanks for the support! I might make a few others of the requests if ppl like my work.

"skill3_setting" "es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 25|es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 30|es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 35|es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 40|es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 45|es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 50|es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 55|es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 60"

"skill4_setting" "es_xsetinfo kback -0.5|es_xsetinfo kback -1|es_xsetinfo kback -1.5|es_xsetinfo kback -2|es_xsetinfo kback -2.5|es_xsetinfo kback -3|es_xsetinfo kback -3.5|es_xsetinfo kback -4"

pimp hat starts as 25% and increases by 5% each level for 8 levels, culminating with 60%

bitch slap i didnt give a chance to proc... it always works, just not very much at first... i figured as a pimp has more experience, he bitchslaps better... so i made the knockback increase with level, but of course, a pimp can ALWAYS bitchslap.. just not very well early on.

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Skill 2 - The variable that suppose to represent your new speed does not match the variable you set it to. wcs_speed =/= wcs_setspeed

Skill 4 - you set kback but you dont use it in the skill. Also the skill pretty much push them upwards.

Skill 5 - change the skill cfg to player_attacker

Skill 6 - ultimate block?

Be weary that headshot immunity is an iffy concept with normal health. It will most likely wont work when your health drops to the 100 range but with the health bonus, this race should be hard to kill

Future reference: use es_set / es_xset for future variable setting.

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Skill 2 - The variable that suppose to represent your new speed does not match the variable you set it to. wcs_speed =/= wcs_setspeed

Skill 4 - you set kback but you dont use it in the skill. Also the skill pretty much push them upwards.

Skill 5 - change the skill cfg to player_attacker

Skill 6 - ultimate block?

Be weary that headshot immunity is an iffy concept with normal health. It will most likely wont work when your health drops to the 100 range but with the health bonus, this race should be hard to kill

Future reference: use es_set / es_xset for future variable setting.

thanks for the help, in skill 2, are you saying just match the variables?

eg. under setting i use wcs_speed but in cmd i used wcs_setspeed? i should use the same variable on both? I assumed wcs_speed and wcs_setspeed were related in the system (this is my first race afterall)

for skill4, what do you mean? i thought est_physpush would use the kback setting to push them up (in chosen's request, he wanted to "make them jump"

skill5, done, i assumed since it was was based on who you shoot, it would be your victim, not your attacker? but i changed it like you suggested.

skill6, it's a knockback that doesn't do direct damage... i didnt really want to allow blocking it...

keep the tips coming :D this will help me next time i try to make something... I'm learning as i go

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in player_attacker >> you = event_var(attacker) | the person you are attacking = event_var(userid)

proc whenever you hit an enemy

in player_victim >> you = event_var(userid) | person shooting you = event_var(attacker)

proc when an enemy hits you

the cash stealing skill would steal your cash and give it to the attacker when it was a player_victim skill.

kback is not used in the skill. in est_physpush, you push the target with x-force y-force and z-force. Since you want to make them jump, you are correct in using z-force. Try es_set kback 100|es_set kback 130... and so on in the skill_setting. Do you want to push the enemy when you are hit or when you hit them? Right now it activates when the enemy hits you and it makes you jump. Im guessing you want it to be a player_attacker so => es est_physpush event_var(userid) 0 0 server_var(kback)

This will push the enemy up with z force depending on the skill level

for skill 6 - I meant where is the code for the ultimate. [which is in a block form] Hence es_xdoblock in the skill cmd :)

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in player_attacker >> you = event_var(attacker) | the person you are attacking = event_var(userid)

proc whenever you hit an enemy

in player_victim >> you = event_var(userid) | person shooting you = event_var(attacker)

proc when an enemy hits you

the cash stealing skill would steal your cash and give it to the attacker when it was a player_victim skill.

kback is not used in the skill. in est_physpush, you push the target with x-force y-force and z-force. Since you want to make them jump, you are correct in using z-force. Try es_set kback 100|es_set kback 130... and so on in the skill_setting. Do you want to push the enemy when you are hit or when you hit them? Right now it activates when the enemy hits you and it makes you jump. Im guessing you want it to be a player_attacker so => es est_physpush event_var(userid) 0 0 server_var(kback)

This will push the enemy up with z force depending on the skill level

for skill 6 - I meant where is the code for the ultimate. [which is in a block form] Hence es_xdoblock in the skill cmd :)

Lol ok, i gotcha, a friendly pimp who donates money right now... nice ;) i totally meant it that way man!

ok, ill look at those two skills tonight... the ultimate... :D i forgot to paste the code... here it comes.

[codeHL]block wcs_ulti_titanrob


es es_xif (server_var(wcs_debug) = "1") then echo wcs_ulti_titanrob start

es_xsetinfo wcs_team_target 0

es es_xgetplayerteam wcs_team server_var(wcs_userid)

es es_xif (server_var(wcs_team) = 2) do


es_xsetinfo wcs_team_target 3

es_xsetinfo wcs_team_targetn "#c!d"


es es_xif (server_var(wcs_team) = 3) do


es_xsetinfo wcs_team_target 2

es_xsetinfo wcs_team_targetn "#t!d"


es es_xif (server_var(wcs_team_target) != "0") do


es_xsetinfo wcs_pcount 0

es es_xgetlivingplayercount wcs_pcount server_var(wcs_team_target)

es es_xif (server_var(wcs_pcount) > 0) do


es_xsetinfo wcs_wall "1"

alias wcs_run_ulti_temple1 "es es_xgetplayerlocation wcs_x1 wcs_y1 wcs_z1 server_var(wcs_userid);es es_xgetplayerlocation wcs_x2 wcs_y2 wcs_z2 server_var(wcs_targetid);es_xmath wcs_z1 + 50;es_xmath wcs_z2 + 50;es est_getwallbetween wcs_wall server_var(wcs_x1) server_var(wcs_y1) server_var(wcs_z1) server_var(wcs_x2) server_var(wcs_y2) server_var(wcs_z2);es es_xif (server_var(wcs_wall) = 0) then wcs_run_ulti_temple2"

alias wcs_run_ulti_temple2 "es_xsetinfo wcs_immunity 0;es es_xkeygetvalue wcs_immunity WCSuserdata server_var(wcs_targetid) ulti_immunity;es es_xif (server_var(wcs_immunity) = 0) then wcs_run_ulti_temple3;es es_xif (server_var(wcs_immunity) != 0) then es_xtell server_var(wcs_userid) #multi server_var(wcs_lng_ulti_immunity_a);es es_xif (server_var(wcs_immunity) != 0) then es_xtell server_var(wcs_targetid) #multi server_var(wcs_lng_ulti_immunity_v)"

alias wcs_run_ulti_temple3 "es_xmath wcs_counter + 1;es est_pushto server_var(wcs_targetid) server_var(wcs_x1) server_var(wcs_y1) server_var(wcs_z1) -20; es est_setplayercolor server_Var(wcs_targetid) 25 25 25 255 1;es es_delayed 2 est_setplayercolor server_Var(wcs_targetid) 255 255 255 255 1;es est_playplayer server_var(wcs_userid) ambient/machines/thumper_hit.wav;wcs_run_ulti_temple4"

alias wcs_run_ulti_temple4 "es_xmath wcs_z2 - 10;es est_effect 10 #a 0 sprites/strider_bluebeam.vmt server_var(wcs_x1) server_var(wcs_y1) server_var(wcs_z1) 2 2000 1 100 200 2 25 25 255 180 0"

es_xsetinfo wcs_counter 0

es est_Near wcs_targetid server_var(wcs_team_targetn) server_var(wcs_radius) server_var(wcs_userid) "es es_xexists wcs_exists userid server_var(wcs_targetid);es es_xif (server_var(wcs_exists) = 1) then es_xif (server_var(wcs_counter) < server_var(wcs_maxtargets)) then wcs_run_ulti_temple1"

es es_xif (server_var(wcs_counter) > 0) do


esnq est_csay server_var(wcs_userid) Blast hit server_var(wcs_counter) enemies!


es_xelse do


es_xsetinfo wcs_ultinotexec 1



es_xelse do


es_xsetinfo wcs_ultinotexec 1



es es_xif (server_var(wcs_debug) = "1") then echo wcs_ulti_titanrob end


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"player_spawn_cmd" "es est_RestrictAll event_var(userid);es est_stripplayer event_var(userid) 1;es es_xdelayed 1.0 est_unrestrict server_var(wcs_userid) c4;es es_xdelayed 0.3 est_UnRestrict event_var(userid) weapon_knife;es es_xdelayed 1 es est_give event_var(userid) weapon_knife;es es_xdelayed 1.4 es_Give server_var(wcs_userid) weapon_deagle"

you have him getting a Deagle, but its still restricted from your restrict all command. Not sure if anyone one else saw that, but it was the first thing taht caught my eye.

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that's total hax! thanks for pointing it out! I appreciate any help I can get on this. Ill fix it tomorrow morning when im sober.

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check your skill_setting and skill_cmds... skill3_cmd doesnt have anything to do with chance, meaning its 100% evade, and skill4_cmd has nothing to do with kickback meaning it just throws them up in the air. In addition est_pushto xyz FORCE with force of 20 is extreme. I can give you a "pimp slap" skill i made which replicates the ma_slap sm_slap admin commands.

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check your skill_setting and skill_cmds... skill3_cmd doesnt have anything to do with chance, meaning its 100% evade, and skill4_cmd has nothing to do with kickback meaning it just throws them up in the air. In addition est_pushto xyz FORCE with force of 20 is extreme. I can give you a "pimp slap" skill i made which replicates the ma_slap sm_slap admin commands.

ooh your pimp slap skills sounds like what chosenone requested specifically, that would be cool. I'll look at the other issues that were pointed out tomorrow evening, gotta study for the CSNP exam tomorrow

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Why cant you just have the skill descriptions be the shit in parentheses. One of the small things about WCS that just grinds my gears.


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check your skill_setting and skill_cmds... skill3_cmd doesnt have anything to do with chance, meaning its 100% evade, and skill4_cmd has nothing to do with kickback meaning it just throws them up in the air. In addition est_pushto xyz FORCE with force of 20 is extreme. I can give you a "pimp slap" skill i made which replicates the ma_slap sm_slap admin commands.

I'm using physpush, not pushto:

es est_physpush event_var(userid) 0 server_var(kback) server_var(kback)

the kback variable will knock them up and back from 100 to 240 (i dont know what the effect of the values are)

im looking at other stuff now, specifically the pimp hat skill

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Ok, first post is updated, please take a look and give feedback. I pulled the ultimate code out of it and just did it in an easier way

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The Pimp Lvl Req. 200 - Updated 242030AUG09

6 Skills / 8 Levels

1. Fur Coat

Pimp's gotsta get tha fur (gives additional armor)

2. Pimp Walk

Pimp's gotsta be walkin' right (Move slower but with additional health)

3. Pimp hat

How you aimin' at all dem feathas? (reduces chance of being hit with a headshot)

4. Bitch Slap

Don't bring that shit to my streets son! (chance to knock enemy back on hit)

5. Get my $$ Bitches!

If i make you my bitch, you gotsta pay (chance to steal money from enemies)

6. Get off my corna' (ultimate)

Only my pplz be on mah streetz, so gtf back! (As your rep (level) grows, you own more area. this knocks enemies away from your area)

Can you explain how the ultimate works?

I think that the slap would be more accurate if it randomly knocked the enemy left or right. It'd also be an option if it did that slap thing when you get hit in the helmet.

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Mehhhhh it’s a good idea, but I do see something wrong with it. Chosen I just don’t understand how you can kick people off your corner... Like plant an ability that would push them back? That might work, but you would have to greatly restrict this because people would abuse it. I mean you could mole, plant one in their spawn and then have a free range of people that are away from you. And the only thing this would be good for would be to plant a ward around you so you can’t get knifed. And why would you want to push back an enemy and make it harder for you to kill them, unless if it was a knife race that you would protect yourself from?

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Mehhhhh it’s a good idea, but I do see something wrong with it. Chosen I just don’t understand how you can kick people off your corner... Like plant an ability that would push them back? That might work, but you would have to greatly restrict this because people would abuse it. I mean you could mole, plant one in their spawn and then have a free range of people that are away from you. And the only thing this would be good for would be to plant a ward around you so you can’t get knifed. And why would you want to push back an enemy and make it harder for you to kill them, unless if it was a knife race that you would protect yourself from?

I was under the impression that it wasn't a ward. I was under the impression that it was like those skills that make your enemy fly into the air, but they fly backwards instead of upwards.

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I was under the impression that it wasn't a ward. I was under the impression that it was like those skills that make your enemy fly into the air, but they fly backwards instead of upwards.


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