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Guest ClientNotFound

Admin Subsciption Question

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Guest ClientNotFound

I'm not sure if this is the appropriate place for this but it seemed like a good place to start.

I haven't had admin enabled for 2 months but noticed I've paid $30 bucks for it. I understand this has gone to Phoenix and I am taking that up with him and paypal now.

My question is I sign up for a new subscription but according to the admin purchase forum page (seen here http://www.joinuv.com/forums/showthread.php?t=15347) specifically Section II: Post-Purchase it states I am supposed to contact Phoenix or Oreo to set it up with my steamid and other info.

I thought Oreo resigned months ago and Phoenix got the boot so who do I contact and to prevent Phoenix from fucking anything up any further? Also that page should be edited to avoid future confusion.

Is Coinstar the go-to person for this now?

Any and all help is appreciated.


EDIT: Also this page http://www.joinuv.com/forums/payments.php has all the old servers on it which may be confusing to new players/potential admin purchasers. Not trying to be a nitpicky nancy just trying to help.

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