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Give back 'slay' feature to Basic Admins

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I'd say that the ability to slay someone is pretty damn essential to running various servers, such as Jailbreak and ZE.

If someone is running around being a douche on CT on Jailbreak, the admin should be able to slay them before resorting to a kick or ban. If someone has glitched out of the map on ZE, or has made it to a secret spot immune to the nuke/bomb/gas/whatever, then we should be able to slay them instead of having to kick them and risk losing a player.

Basically the tools currently available to Basic admins are too crude and heavy-handed. I'm not asking for Basics to get noclip, burn, freeze, teleport, or any of the other nifty perks that come with Premium admin. That's what the extra $5 in cost is for. Instead I'm asking for a small concession so that admins don't have to resort to drastic measures to end a round or remove a troublemaker.

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We had slay this morning on JB when I played before work. Did it change or something?

Also, the slay option on ZE has been gone for a few weeks... kinda annoying when zombies/humans are glitching/stalling the game on various maps when a kick does nothing if it's a zombie you're dealing with.

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I noticed slay was removed from ZE. I agree that we need it on that server, for the reason stated above. I also agree that slay in general should be part of the basic admin package.

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Slay wasn't working on the ZE server anyway, due to preventing people who turn into the zombie from committing suicide.

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Nope, Basically you can spam !burn <name> 1 until he dies.

that will make a full burn duration in 1 second, doing 100 damage. :/

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Bump because slay is really, really helpful on ZE.

Besides, aren't zombies that slay themselves able to be kicked/banned as is? We could keep it in check as admins, I'm sure.

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Bump because slay is really, really helpful on ZE.

Besides, aren't zombies that slay themselves able to be kicked/banned as is? We could keep it in check as admins, I'm sure.

Any half decent Zombie server has suicide disabled.

Mani + ZM + Slay spam = lulz.

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