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Race Suggestion: Head Shot Race

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i still think getting 1 shots on people is extremely ez if they don't know where u are (again try the p228 agent, u get get 1 shot-hs all the time)

therefore, knifers will have a hell of a time trying to knife this person (and this guy better be restricted from boots/lj too)

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Ok, no boots, lj, or helmet. Boots affect recoil recovery, lj is gay, and helmet is just plain OP.

Since most knifers are partially or totally invisible and they usually attack from behind, they can usually get 2 good hits off before the hs can acquire his target (a headshot). This is what normally happens to me. So, 3 hits doesn't sound unreasonable.

Remember, knifers can hit anywhere on the body. This is an advantage that we've given them. 3 hits isn't asking for much. Besides, that's only at full health. At a 30% damage reduction, it only takes 2 hits when the hs race has 77hp and 1 at 38hp. Lots of people run around wounded.

Also, most knife races do extra damage. 2 hits will kill.

I'm going out on a limb for you knifers. Knifing is supposed to be hard, but most of our knife races are OP. Don't get too greedy.

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A few problems with your race...

How do you purpose that the race can only do damage by causing a headshot? That would mean making every other race immune to body shots as well would it not? Maybe there is a code but I've never seen one... Aside from that you suggested no backstabs.. How would you also put that together? I've yet to see any race that is invulnerable to specific areas with only one weapon and vulnerable to them everywhere else...

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I'd really love to see this race a reality, It's a really neat idea.

Would it be possible to maybe have invincibility on the partial body? So that only HS can kill it?

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It will not matter how much you reduce knife damage. Even with a 100% dmg reduction, if the knife hit for at least 100 then you will still die.

Its not hard to make it so this race can only do headshot... but the problem is if this race hit someone in the body that would kill them, it will. Its only when the damage doesn't kill them is when the code kicks in.

Moose, just because you never seen it doesn't mean its not possible. [but i do believe a backshot prevention system can not be done]

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[but i do believe a backshot prevention system can not be done]

How about we code it so that if a knife does more than X amount of damage, add Y amount of hp?

I was talking to Espeland about this race the other day. I do not know the extent of his coding skills, but he was confident that he could code all these attributes. This was before the knife debate, but we can find a solution somewhere, if not a compromise.

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It's piss easy to code Battle-Bug but consider this:

You get knifed from the back which will deal 165 damage. You have 100 HP. You go into -65 HP. You die. The code adds 165 HP but you're dead so it doesn't matter. A way around this (similar to the way kai suggested for remelia scarlet) is if this race starts with 400HP or something and takes 4x damage from other stuff.

So now you -do- manage to stay alive for the 165 damage. The 165 damage recieves a 50-90% point hurt damage bonus. You take 100-150 damage of point hurt. So you lose your HP down to 250-300. If that person hits you again from behind you will die cause it will deal over 300 damage. Now I make the race immune to point hurt. You would be immune to undead's explosion / ahmed's suicide / chain lightning / starfall / crit nades / poison / claws of attack / bonus dmg of any sort.

By the time I've added in these quite audacious boosts it makes me want to either drop the knife immunity, restrict the race to pistols only or make the lvl restrict way over what you posted.

Another move is to learn that knife races are part of the server and don't be in positions where they can backstab you. Personally I have been backstabbed about 10/20 times and im coming up to lvl 750. I see getting into a position to deal 165dmg takes skill, deception and patience.

Making you kill only with a headshot is fun but it seems more like a hinderance to me, regardless, as kai says if your enemy has 10hp and you hit him in the foot you will kill him no matter what i code in.

Steyr AUG firing semi all the time; I dont see how to do that. The aug has more recoil than the AK so if you're spraying with it you are not going to get a headshot.

Giving the 5.7 a scope can be done but I don't think in 0.75. I've had scoped ak47, deagle, famas ect on my dedi 0.77 but when i moved them to the server it didn't work.

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It's piss easy to code Battle-Bug but consider this:

You get knifed from the back which will deal 165 damage. You have 100 HP. You go into -65 HP. You die. The code adds 165 HP but you're dead so it doesn't matter. A way around this (similar to the way kai suggested for remelia scarlet) is if this race starts with 400HP or something and takes 4x damage from other stuff.

So now you -do- manage to stay alive for the 165 damage. The 165 damage recieves a 50-90% point hurt damage bonus. You take 100-150 damage of point hurt. So you lose your HP down to 250-300. If that person hits you again from behind you will die cause it will deal over 300 damage. Now I make the race immune to point hurt. You would be immune to undead's explosion / ahmed's suicide / chain lightning / starfall / crit nades / poison / claws of attack / bonus dmg of any sort.

By the time I've added in these quite audacious boosts it makes me want to either drop the knife immunity, restrict the race to pistols only or make the lvl restrict way over what you posted.

Another move is to learn that knife races are part of the server and don't be in positions where they can backstab you. Personally I have been backstabbed about 10/20 times and im coming up to lvl 750. I see getting into a position to deal 165dmg takes skill, deception and patience.

Making you kill only with a headshot is fun but it seems more like a hinderance to me, regardless, as kai says if your enemy has 10hp and you hit him in the foot you will kill him no matter what i code in.

Steyr AUG firing semi all the time; I dont see how to do that. The aug has more recoil than the AK so if you're spraying with it you are not going to get a headshot.

Giving the 5.7 a scope can be done but I don't think in 0.75. I've had scoped ak47, deagle, famas ect on my dedi 0.77 but when i moved them to the server it didn't work.

So what you're trying to say is:

1) Dealing damage would be undone if not a head shot, so they'd die and then receive health. (same for taking and giving damage)

2) We should just forget the no-backshots, but we can just do a % reduction on the knives.

3) We can scope the 5-7, but you're having technical difficulties with the server.

What I don't get is:

1) What you mean when you say that the Aug fires semi-auto. Semi-auto is like a pistol. You hold down the trigger, but it only fires once. The Aug currently fires repeatedly with one press.

2) We can't just disable hit boxes?

Off Topic:

btw, the AK is one of the weapons I find to be OP. How come a 7.62x39mm rifle has less recoil than a 5.56x45mm ergonomic rifle? Doing the math, there is more powder in the full metal jacket of the AK. The game's developers had some perverse ways of balancing guns.

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AK has less recoil cause Terrorists wouldn't have a decent gun otherwise.

Having a scope isn't "technical difficulties" I just think it's impossible on the server's version.

Disabling Hitboxes can be done but I'd need someone with skinning/modelling experience not coding.

Didn't say Aug fires semi-auto I said I dont see how it can be done properly at the moment. If you want to fire semi-automatic then fire semi-automatic with your mouse.

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Didn't say Aug fires semi-auto I said I dont see how it can be done properly at the moment. If you want to fire semi-automatic then fire semi-automatic with your mouse.

Can we put a cool down on the primary fire button? 0.1 seconds would be an appropriate number. As long as the weapon does not fire again in 0.1 seconds when the button is held, this might work.

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Could probably write up a code that would set the current magazine to 1 bullet and have it replenish itself when it hits 0

Zoom's code look simple enough unless ES fails at setting properties like setting player's alpha level

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u should only have it replenish itself after .1 seconds, or u might just be able to rapid fire it b/c it might just 'replenish' immediately. (but i have no idea how coding works so...)

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