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Spreading of Members' Photos

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Guest Waffle

Zachmanman I need a better picture :(.

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lol. This is why when I made a UV facebook about 7 months ago, I deleted it. I did not really want a bunch of random people looking through my pics and shit. lol

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So Junzou, I could post a picture and claim it's P2, but if he says it's not, I'm allowed to post it anywhere until he claims otherwise?

Assuming that *he* obeys the rules, yes. That's a specious assumption though.

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Guest Waffle

Ask Clay but I certainly can remember some names.

Sketch post the supposed P2 pics nao! :o

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Guest NeverEndingXsin

This. Same deal happened with you Sin, if I remember right; you friended the wrong person on MySpace, revoked permission, and they had to stop spreading the shoop around. If they continued, would've been bad for them.

i do remember that. thanks for the answer

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Guest NeverEndingXsin

so does this count for people who use there real picture as there forum avatar? like if they set it as there avatar then is that considered consent? unless they say otherwise?

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so does this count for people who use there real picture as there forum avatar? like if they set it as there avatar then is that considered consent? unless they say otherwise?

You put it on the forums, it's free game.

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Meaning, you can take sammy's current picture, and mutilate it to your heart's content, and she literally can do nothing about it. If your going to the word of what junzou says. Which is law... so har har?

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Guest NeverEndingXsin
Meaning, you can take sammy's current picture, and mutilate it to your heart's content, and she literally can do nothing about it. If your going to the word of what junzou says. Which is law... so har har?

you can only change it and post changes up until she says otherwise.

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Then, going on previous note. It is possible that another girl looks like sammy, due to the fact that sammy does look like a fairly large amount of other females I've seen. Unless she can provide proof that each picture is hers(Photostamping the area the photo took place in if possible) a person could "find" this picture on a photobucket or the likes... some other forum and such, and have their way with it because of the possibility that Sammy may look like other females.

So, as I've said before, if you don't want people fucking with your shit. Don't put it in the open. /thread.


Not true sin. Since it is a Public picture and junzou himself said such things are free game, she has no say about her profile pictures being dicked around with (see what I did thar?)

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Guest NeverEndingXsin

oh my bad defiance. its too late here for me to think straight

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Guest Waffle

Longcat, that's just sick.. :o

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Lol it's been a while. I remember Junzou, how humble was i? Me and Sandman had them pictures for years before somebody finally posted them. We knew about them before anybody else. But once it leaked...it was all down hill from there my friend.

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Guest Waffle

So Junzou let me get this straight. ANYTHING and I mean ANYTHING posted on the forums is free game unless they say no?

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