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New Race - Needs a name!

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Hey im working on coding this race but can't think of a suitable name for it. Ima give u the skills/skill names and u can comment on it so i know what to fix.

Name_____________ (knife-only race)

5 skills/5 levels


1. Eat Rice: Yum Rice!: Player gains health (100 health bonus total when maxed)

2. Asian Reflexes: Super fast reflexes allow you to dodge bullets: Dodge 30% of bullets (when maxed)

3. Chopsticks of Doom: Nothing can survive your chopsticks: Extra knife damage

4. Asian Agility: As fast as a rickshaw: Gains speed boost

5. Ultimate; Rice Famine: Steals rice from a random player: Same as locust swarm but will read; Your rice has been stolen by _______, GO GET IT BACK!

hahah tell me what u think so i can fix it b4 i finish the coding... and beauutifulchaos said she'd use it if i made it =] (p.s if u think its stupid, do say so.)

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this race has some potential... but as for the name it should be chop stix

but i think the hp should be at 150, with the other knife races on the server.

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I dunno, the "Asian..." skills could be taken to be a little racist. It's similar to saying all Asians know kung-fu and are good at math.

I'd call him Paddy Farmer, as Rice Paddies are where all the rice is grown. Chop suey is noodles is it not? On a side topic; I had the noodle dream last night.

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I dunno, the "Asian..." skills could be taken to be a little racist. It's similar to saying all Asians know kung-fu and are good at math.

Technically speaking, the people of Russia and Indonesia count as Asians, not just people of the Orient. That's quite a bit of diversity.

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Technically speaking, the people of Russia and Indonesia count as Asians, not just people of the Orient. That's quite a bit of diversity.

Yeah, but eh, they don't count. ;)

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Russia has it's own martial arts, as does Indonesia, but no rice paddys in the motherland, or rickshaws, that place is colder than our highlands :s It nothing big just wondering if anyone takes it as racism cause UV needs to bear it's reputation in mind before harbouring a race.

I think rice famine should steal money as well though just to piss your target off more :P

Oh and it will require more... interesting skillnames / race title to fit into the theme of WCS1, a lot of stuff is fantasy or military based. I looked at your fav server and thought it was for WCS#2 ... forgetting this is the #1 forum :P

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yes it is wcs2 lol. cuz i started it first but i've switched to wcs1 cuz jennifer wanted me to play server 1 =] so i started up... which i play the most atm but isn't my fav cuz i like server 2's races better. and i'll work on the names of the skills.... feel free to contribute...

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Russia has it's own martial arts, as does Indonesia, but no rice paddys in the motherland, or rickshaws, that place is colder than our highlands :s It nothing big just wondering if anyone takes it as racism cause UV needs to bear it's reputation in mind before harbouring a race.

I think rice famine should steal money as well though just to piss your target off more :P

Oh and it will require more... interesting skillnames / race title to fit into the theme of WCS1, a lot of stuff is fantasy or military based. I looked at your fav server and thought it was for WCS#2 ... forgetting this is the #1 forum :P

Maybe someone should make a knife race called Spetsnaz because seriously. . .



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How about "Overplayed stereotypical bullshit"?

How about "Not funny"?

How about "Nothing original AT ALL"?

I'm not acting like this because I am offended, I am all for racial humor. It's because this is just plain stupid and not funny.

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How about "Overplayed stereotypical bullshit"?

How about "Not funny"?

How about "Nothing original AT ALL"?

I'm not acting like this because I am offended, I am all for racial humor. It's because this is just plain stupid and not funny.

However, it's better than all of the other names suggested.

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How about "Overplayed stereotypical bullshit"?

How about "Not funny"?

How about "Nothing original AT ALL"?

I'm not acting like this because I am offended, I am all for racial humor. It's because this is just plain stupid and not funny.

He's got a point. This is a very typical race. Also, we don't need anymore knife races unless one is very original and not OP.

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If anyone can come up with an "original" knife race I'll try my hardest to code it. Even just brainstorming skills that would fit a knife race would do then we can pick and mix a race out of them.

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