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Empire's Application [Accepted]

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Name: [βяόş] Empire

Age: 18

Location: (USA) Eastern

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:11261612 00:12 95 1 active

xFire: Empire385

Microphone: Yes

Favorite Server: WC:S #1

Questions or Comments:

I like switching between names a lot, as to keep my identity relatively secret. Is it alright to do this if I don't have the UV/UVr tags on? Or do I gotta stay w/ the =(UVr)= tags on all the time? And, I'm assuming that being in [βяόş] will not be a problem.

About Me:

Going to college next year to JHU.

Play WCS1 almost exclusively.

Hop into the jailbreak/ZE servers occasionally.

and i would love to play l4d w/ you people.

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Thank you for applying to Undead Vengeance.

First off, make sure you're well versed in the following:

Global Forum Guidelines

Protocol for Reporting a Hacker/Microphone Spammer

After doing so you will now be ready to move on.

The first phase of recruitment requires that you be screened so that your application can be accepted into the one month observation period.

In order to do so, you will need to add one of the following and ask them (if available and willing) to screen you.

Please add your "in-game name" and "Preferred Server" in the add friend comment, as to avoid confusion. This is not necessary, but highly, highly appreciated.

Recruitment Officers:

Howard Dean (Xfire: kevin000111)

Madbagel (Xfire: theblacksaint)

After doing so, your answers will be posted here and one of the Recruitment Officers will verify your application. After being verified, you will be initiated in phase two of the recruitment process: the observation period.

Failure to complete the screening will result in a denied application.

Check back often, as updates, comments and suggestions will be made throughout the recruitment process.

Thank you.

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Just to let you guys know, the multiple names I use are the same names over and over again.

Empire (this one i'm on the majority of the time)

Niko Bellic


Wraith <--- with a bogus clan name in front

Maverick <--- with a bogus clan name in front [2TL] = 2 The Limit ;)

edit: just want to let you people know why i change my name. I like to see the server and its players and how they react to a 'new player.' Usually, this is the easiest way to show admin abuse to newer players, or show disrespect to players

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Question 1: If there was a microphone spammer on the server, how would you put a stop to it?

go to xfire and find an admin to come in, if none are available i would get a demo and report it on the forums

Question 2: In the case of a hacker on the server you are in, what procedure would you follow?

same procedure w/ the previous question, but i would start to demo him immediately to make sure he/she doesn't toggle off when an admin arrives

Question 3: In the situation that you are being bombarded with people asking if they can join the clan, what would you tell them to do?

tell them to go the the UV website (joinuv.com) and look for the recruitment forum, also i would tell them recruitment is only open in the 1st week of everymonth

Question 4: Would you consider yourself a mature person? If so, why?

Yes, I like to keep my discussions civil and i hardly ever raise my voice, in the forums or in game. also i respect people and their opinions

Question 5: Why is it that you want to join the =(UV)= community?

To be a part of the community that i have played in for over a year. Also, WCS1 needs more UV members who lend a helping hand to new players.

Question 6: Do you fully agree with the terms and conditions set on the application rules?


Question 7: On average, how often will you play on the =(UV)= servers and how often will you be on the forums?

mostly everyday, on both counts

Question 8: How do you think you can be an addition to our growing community? What makes you unique from the other recruits?

Well, I'm a pretty solid regular from WCS1, which i believe is the most infrequented server by UV members. I'm also a 'member' of Bros. Both of these, i believe will help in regulating that server, as admins will more likely listen to advice from a UV/UVr member than a Bros, new admins that is

Question 9: Would you contribute to discussions made within UV forums and keep the topics civil?

for the first part, i like to discuss rules/new ideas within the servers that i play in. Also, i try not to participate/start in flame wars as they lead to nowhere, i will usually just stop posting in that thread or ignore the posts that seem dangerous

Question 10: Have you ever been a member in =(UV)= before? If so, why did you leave?


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Thank-you for applying to Undead Vengeance! Your application has been accepted for processing; you may now wear the =(UVr)= tag in game. For the next month, clan members and staff will be watching you in game and will be commenting on your attitude and behavior in-game and in the forums. If your behavior or attitude are problematic in game, a staff member may message you and ask you to remove your =(UVr)= tag-- this is fairly unlikely, and will be used as a last resort after other mediation techniques have failed.

Adding the following to your Xfire contacts will be beneficial in the future for questions or comments you may have. Feel free to contact any one of us provided we are available. If we aren't, you can send us private message at anytime by clicking on our respective profiles and clicking "Send Message."


BeauutifulChaos (Xfire: beauutifulchaosx)

Coinstar (Xfire: coinstar13)

HoboInArmy (xfire: hobo22)

Junzou (Xfire: junzou)

Llethander (Xfire: Llethander)

Phoenix2 (Xfire: uvphoenix2)

Wookie (Xfire: nuckingfuts847)


Beefwipe (Xfire: tannerblood)

Claytonian (Xfire: sruclaytonian)

Lesbian Dad (Xfire: palingenesis)

Mario (Xfire: ajayx)

MindSpring (Xfire: deletefreedom)

Supernaut (Xfire: supernautty)

Recruitment Officers:

Howard Dean (Xfire: kevin000111)

Madbagel (Xfire: theblacksaint)

We would like you to stay active in the forums as well as in game, but we also understand that forums aren't for everyone. Be that as it may, be sure to check the forums on the first day of the next month to see if you have been promoted to a full clan member. Thanks again for applying!

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