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Why Kids are being hated?

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That is such a bullshit escape goat. I do mute people on player list, and if it's really an annoyance voice_enable 0. You're asking us to ignore the problem, instead of solving it. Is a little kid going to be quiet if everyone player mutes him? No. Though some little kids will shut up with some good ol' EGAR. Greatest example is Infiltrator on WCS1. Guy is piss annoying and doesn't know when to shut up.

I don't see why you're so adamant about this issue.


And little kids that insist upon talking all the time are extremely annoying. They deserved to be shunned because they don't know when to shut up.

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This probably stemmed off from my post in the Complaint Department, but seriously...

8 out of 10 times most little kids encountered in game are annoying as fuck, they talk and talk and talk and try to act cool.

5 out of 10 times I can ask them to stop and they will.

As for the other 3, I mute them.

As for the 2 that are not annoying, good for them, you make me proud.

It's just how it is, and again like I said in my other post, I feel that if your balls haven't dropped yet then you shouldn't be playing this game, but that doesn't mean I "hate" on all little kids.

Half the time I stick up for them in game, unless they are really being annoying and causing drama.

Tell your kids they're "annoying as fuck," I'm sure they'll be grateful for the advice.

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There's a catch 22 with this.

It's not their voice that is annoying. It's what they say. Their random outbursts, and shit like that.

Theres a 11 year old that plays wc1 and he talks more mature than me and most of the other people that play lol. No one minds him.

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18. It's rated M for Mature. That means you sir need to get the fuck out too. :)


Not in the great state of texas, Rated m games are available to 17+


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They would talk to themselves or narrate every single insignificant event that occurs.

I couldn't tell you the number of people who feel the need to do this on WCS1, or somehow get it into their minds that we want to hear them fucking sing? I swear, I muted like 9 people last night and threaten the same kid every time I log on... *cough* neVe *cough*

There should be a feature that auto-mutes you for 5 minutes for pressing your speech key too many times in 1 minutes, or for too long.

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18. It's rated M for Mature. That means you sir need to get the fuck out too. :)

Lol rly ?

In Norway its 16+ Oo

Which is kinda wierd seeing as you americans clearly grow up faster since you can drive cars at 16 we need to wait until were 18 >.<

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I started playing CS 1.5 about when i was 5. My brother showed me it and i thought it was really fun. I used to go all the time to this LAN center that i lived next too. It was fun. Also M games are not allowed to be bought by minors under 18+. But they are allowed to play it if parents buy it for them or the recieve it themselves. It is not illegal. Half of tournaments consist of below 18 year olds.

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i mostly play on jail break, so the only people who should be talking are people giving orders, so regardless of age, i tell people to shut up if they talk about random shit. granted, if some chipmunk started talking, i might be a bit more forcing to make them be quiet, and if they just make random comments and shit, i will start busting balls.

i do find it ammusing when one of these mofos cuss and act 10 years older than they actually are

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Guest Waffle

Hey were you on when that little kid kept saying "Freeze" and we all started cracking up and typed "FWEEEEEEEEEEEZEEEEEEE" in chat? Good times..

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Hey were you on when that little kid kept saying "Freeze" and we all started cracking up and typed "FWEEEEEEEEEEEZEEEEEEE" in chat? Good times..

haha. i couldnt stop laughing when a thousand FWEEEEZEEEE came up on chat

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another thing that bugs the pooper out of me:

some player joins

name: ikillubitch

people roll eyes at this lame name

ikillubitch talks and we find out its a 12 year old who shouldnt even use such words.

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M is 17+ so yeah. I shouldn't be playing and more then a third of all CSS players shouldnt be playing or useing mics lol/

I only started talking on my mic around 15. I've been playing online games since about 3rd grade.

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