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Guest Waffle

Four Square

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Guest Waffle

Could we have a fucking limit on this? It's so fucking annoying that they just spam it over and over. Every round it's the same, go into the four square box, turn it on, then repeat.

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It's for pussy CTs that are too bad to actually play the game, in my opinion. That, and race completely ruin the potential of that map.

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The most annoying part is CTs hitting the button while people are still walking in and the walls killing them before they get a chance to even pick a square

What's even worse is the number of times I've seen noob CTs killing Ts locked out of the 4 square room because some dumbass hits the button early and then claiming they weren't following orders.

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i think limit it to four trys. more then that sounds good for a ban. because cts can do it forever and give ts no chance. or eliminate all but 4 and race and 2 then are dead and last have a spray contest and boom dun. no rebeling.

Jared the objective of the game is to prevent rebelling. Every round the Ts aren't supposed to be able to go on a rebel fest killing the cts. Admins should keep a respectable limit to 4-5 times, 4 square is comparable to doing a trivia.

Admins should also order the cts to warn when they are about to hit the button. When I hit it I usually give a countdown from 5. If someone is just hitting the button before all t's get there warn him, if it results in ts dying trying to get through the door slay the ct.

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The use of FourSquare seems to come down to 'how good is your Warden?' Shitty ones will spam it forever, mediocre ones will use it to cut down the herd to a manageable size (more on this later), and good Wardens... well, a Warden is only as good as the rest of the guards are.

The reason lots of Wardens reach for FourSquare (or any device that kills lots of prisoners) is because most of the time, the rest of the CTs are dumbfucks. They give multiple warnings and end up getting shot/stabbed by a rebel. Then someone gets the CTs gun and you have TWO rebels. Half the time the other CTs won't even notice this happens, and the other half of the time they'll give about four warnings to the Ts to drop their guns. Then more CTs in turn are shot, and meanwhile the surviving guards are panicking trying to pick off the six or so rebels, while all the other prisoners run around looking to shank a bitch, or make a break for the armory, or something.

That situation is basically when the Warden has lost all control, and it means the game has descended into a sketchy situation where the prisoners are essentially all rebels, and CTs are shooting anything orange they see. This is most common with larger prisoner teams, since the more people you have, the greater percentage of "rebel every round!" types you have. To avoid this, when I warden I try to cut the prisoner numbers down as fast as possible before something chaotic predictably occurs (dumbass CT dies, rebel T with a pistol wastes a couple CTs, whatever) and a mass rebellion occurs.

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The use of FourSquare seems to come down to 'how good is your Warden?' Shitty ones will spam it forever, mediocre ones will use it to cut down the herd to a manageable size (more on this later), and good Wardens... well, a Warden is only as good as the rest of the guards are.

The reason lots of Wardens reach for FourSquare (or any device that kills lots of prisoners) is because most of the time, the rest of the CTs are dumbfucks. They give multiple warnings and end up getting shot/stabbed by a rebel. Then someone gets the CTs gun and you have TWO rebels. Half the time the other CTs won't even notice this happens, and the other half of the time they'll give about four warnings to the Ts to drop their guns. Then more CTs in turn are shot, and meanwhile the surviving guards are panicking trying to pick off the six or so rebels, while all the other prisoners run around looking to shank a bitch, or make a break for the armory, or something.

That situation is basically when the Warden has lost all control, and it means the game has descended into a sketchy situation where the prisoners are essentially all rebels, and CTs are shooting anything orange they see. This is most common with larger prisoner teams, since the more people you have, the greater percentage of "rebel every round!" types you have. To avoid this, when I warden I try to cut the prisoner numbers down as fast as possible before something chaotic predictably occurs (dumbass CT dies, rebel T with a pistol wastes a couple CTs, whatever) and a mass rebellion occurs.


4Square is fine as long as it's used properly. If you have 25 T's to handle, you can't exactly play an organized game of simon says, do a proper race, spray contests, or any of the other games. That's when 4Square should come into play to thin down the numbers a bit. If the ct's are spamming 4Square until there's only 1 or 2 T's left, then there's a problem.

The people who hit the button early and kill T's with the forcefield are freekilling -> slay/kick/ban.

The people who shoot T's stuck outside because the forcefield is up are freekilling -> slay/kick/ban.

The people who spam the button after the warden is done with 4S are freekilling -> slay/kick/ban.

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1. Edit the map

2. Get rid of the map

3. REBEL T'S REBEL! (in a coordinated strike of course)

3a. get MASSACRED!

3b. WIN!

4. STFU and do as your told

5. Complain

5a. Get muted

5b. It works but your going to die by some other game

6. Make it an actual rule about spamming the 4 square.

7. Become a ct and enjoy spamming it yourself when possible, lol.

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Guest Retality

I do it because there's nothing better in the map :).

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