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Applying to Syndicate Gaming

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A few changes have been made to our recruitment process, all other aspects remain the same:

Here is the new process:

•Firstly, recruitment is now open all the time, not just the first week of the month. There is also no limit to the number of recruits at any single time.

•You will need a referral from L3 or higher in order to apply for the clan.

•You will need to have at least 1 week of forum time and 25 posts in order to apply for the clan. We ask this so you are well-oriented around the forums and moderately known before attempting to join the clan. Spamming topics to get your 25 posts is a deathwish for your recruitment.

•You will need to speak with an Advisor to get a screening. Feel free to contact Advisors through the personal message system or via xfire, their screen names are listed below.

Department Heads:

CoinStar (Xfire: CoinStar)

HoboInArmy (Xfire: hobo22)

Xklark (Xfire: xklark)


Lesbian Dad (Xfire: palingenesis)

Church (Xfire: Ninjadub)

Yiyas (Xfire: no1yiyas)

Pebbz (Xfire: pebbz)

Longcat (Xfire: festizian)

Howard Dean (Xfire: kevin000111)

Supernaut (Xfire: supernautty)

Oracion (Xfire: duelist)

Mitch (Xfire: geekyaznboy)

Kai (Xfire: lilxshadow)

Clay (Xfire: sruclaytonian)

B'laz.e (Xfire: blazoboy123)

•You will need 6 staff votes to be accepted as a recruit after you have been screened.

•Recruit period will last for 2 weeks during which you will be evaluated by not only staff, but all other commuity members.

•There will now be a poll attached to your thread when you are accepted into the 2 week recruitment period. Clan members that have interacted with you will vote and discuss your acceptance into the clan. If the you get 15 votes on a positive/negative system, you will be automatically accepted or denied, regardless of a final staff vote. Only votes from sG Members will count towards the required 15. Even staff votes do not count in the poll. If you do not obtain the 15 votes, it will take 8 pos/neg staff votes to be accepted into the clan.

•When the 2 weeks is over, it will be YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to bump up their thread for the staff vote or for acceptance.

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If you have difficulties contacting staff through xfire, please send a PM to one or more of the following staff members through the PM system of these forums.


Lesbian Dad (Xfire: palingenesis)

Church (Xfire: Ninjadub)

Fiasco (Xfire: gladbagel)

Pebbz (Xfire: pebbz)

Longcat (Xfire: festizian)

Howard Dean (Xfire: kevin000111)

Supernaut (Xfire: supernautty)

Oracion (Xfire: duelist)

Mitch (Xfire: geekyaznboy)

Clay (Xfire: sruclaytonian)

B'laz.e (Xfire: blazoboy123)

You can get a link to their profiles here:


In this PM you should post a link to your application and your answers corresponding to the following questions:

Question 1: If there was a microphone spammer on the server, how would you deal with it?

Question 2: In the case of a hacker on the server you are in, what procedure would you follow?

Question 3: In the situation that you are being bombarded with people asking if they can join the clan, what would you tell them to do?

Question 4: Would you consider yourself a mature person? If so, why?

Question 5: Why is it that you want to join the sG community?

Question6: Do you fully agree with the terms and conditions specified in the recruitment thread?

Question7: On average, how often will you play on the sG servers and how often will you be on the forums?

Question8: How do you think you can be an addition to our growing community? What makes you unique from the other recruits?

Question9: Would you contribute to discussions made within sG and keep the topics civil?

Question10: Have you ever been a member in sG before or tried to become one? If so, why did you leave/get denied?

We'll try our best to get your screening posted as quickly as possible.

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This is to aid all new and potential community members who want to join sG. Use this application in a new thread in this forum to start the application process to sG!

Recruitment Form




Steam ID:


Provide a link to your HLStatsX profile:


Favorite Server:

Have you ever hacked in game before:

Questions or Comments:

About Yourself:


Click here to make a new recruitment thread.

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Number of staff votes required to be accepted altered proportionately to the number of staff.

6 to enter the recruitment period.

8 to be accepted into the clan.

Rule applies to any application created on January 19th or after.

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