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I Found these rules. They looked like they'd help everyone so Clay told me to post them.

Global Rules

Section A: Definition of freekilling

subsection 1: A prisoner (terrorist) that is killed for no reason who was following orders, not in prohibited areas, and unarmed and not wanted.

Subection 1- Terrorists are automatically wanted if they do not obey orders, or damage/kill a Counter-Terrorist. Terrorists are also automatically wanted if they are found in any vent/armory area.

Section B: Collateral Damage

subsection 1: Defined as...

a. One who is shot for being right behind/next to/in front of an attacking prisoner. If one is killed due to collateral damage it is up to the admins and only the admins to determine if in fact it was collateral damage.

b. However if the unarmed prisoners are purposely in front / bunched up with the attacking prisoner and a guard (Counter-Terrorist) is allowed to kill both prisoners.

Subsection 2: If multiple prisoners are killed due to collateral (which is up the admins discretion on how much is too much) then it is in fact considered freekilling.

Section C: Complaints about freekillers or freekilling

Subsection 1: If a Guard (Counter-Terrorist) is continuously freekilling (again up to the admins discretion on how much is too much) then he/she will be kicked.

Subsection 2: If a prisoner spams chat,mic or admin chat with anything containing "free" and "kill" in the same context then he/she will be muted.

Subsection 3: Let the admins do their job, complaining will only further the admins into ignoring you.

For Counter-Terrorists

Section A: The Guard's role

Subsection 1: To order the prisoners around.

Subsection 2: To hunt for and kill escaping, wanted or AFK prisoners.

Subsection 3: To work with their team to prevent a prison riot

Section B: Rules as a Guard

Subsection 1: Not to kill innocent prisoners

Subsection 2: It is preferred that all CT's have a microphone, for orders given via text will be ignored.

a. Commands by text will be ignored.

b. Keep the microphone chat clean so orders can be clearly given.

Subsection 3: Cannot frame prisoners by throwing weapons on them

Subsection 4: If a prisoner has a weapon, they must be warned to drop unless already wanted for attacking or killing a guard

Subsection 5: Guards cannot camp unless they are watching a prisoner or areas where a suspected prisoner is located (e.g. watching a door that a wanted prisoner keeps opening and closing. Regardles, camping armory is not allowed.

Subsection 6: Cells cannot be open later than a minute from round start.

a. Guards cannot force prisoners to stay in cells.

b. If cell doors are opened they are to remain opened UNLESS a guard orders them out by a certain time or they will close them

c. If cell doors are opened, guards are not allowed to tell prisoners to stay in the cells. Ordering them to stay in the general area of their cells is acceptable.

Subsection 7: Do not frame prisoners by throwing them weapons and then soon killing them after giving them said weapon.

Subsection 8: Do not order prisoners to go into one area and then stand around them with a live grenade and tell them not to kill you because many people can be killed due to the fact that one prisoner can determine the life of many others.

Subsection 9: Counter-Terrorists are NOT allowed to make Terrorists stay in a crouched position unless crouch walking.

Subsection 10: Last CT Rules:

a. Last CT is allowed to kill the prisoners whether they are wanted or not

b. Telling other CTs to suicide to be the last CT is prohibited, caught doing so will result in a punishment

c. As last CT you must go and find the prisoners, camping is prohibited and continuously doing so will result in a kick

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For Terrorists

Section A: Definition of the Prisoner's role

Subsection 1: To try to escape and kill the guard (and/or plant the bomb on some maps)

Subsection 2: Listen to the guards orders to prevent from being killed

Subsection 3: To work together as a team to overrun the prison

Section B: Rules as a Prisoner

Subsection 1: Must use text chat to respond as they ARE MUTED EXCEPT for admins

Subsection 2: If AFK in a round for more than 15 seconds, if the AFK prisoner is killed, they are not considered a "freekill"

Subsection 3: Must not spam "freekiller"

Subsection 4: Must not argue with a guard

Subsection 5: Prisoners do not have to crouch unless moving, if not moving then they are allowed to stand since they have to respond by text

Section C: Becoming Wanted (Free to kill)

Subsection 1: Killing a CT

Subsection 2: Attacking a CT

Subsection 3: Escaping

Subsection 4: Being in a prohibited area such as...

a. Armory or Weapon Caches

b. Bomb sites

c. Bomb

d. Vents

e. Tunnels

f. Defined by CT where not to go

Subsection 5: Not listening to a CTs command that's reasonable (drop weapon, stop moving, stop jumping, etc)

Subsection 6: Once bomb is planted, all Terrorists are wanted

Section D: Last request

Subsection 1: Last terrorist gets last request

Subsection 2: He/she is allowed to request anything with in reason such as: (Examples given)

a. Gun toss

b. Running for 15 seconds with no shooting or following

c. Knife fight

d. Telling them to kill you

Subsection 3: Not a reasonable request:

a. Lining the CTs up to be shot

b. Asking that a CT be killed.

c. Forcing CTs to turn around and not face the last T (however you can face the last T if he/she is running away but not follow if asked not)

d. Executing the CTs in an execution room in a map

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- Trivia

One Counter-Terrorist asks a question, the first Terrorist to answer said question correctly picks X amount of Terrorists to be killed.

- Acid Trivia

One Counter-Terrorist asks a question, the first terrorist to answer said question correctly picks any amount of Terrorists to be killed. Also any and all Terrorist to answer said question incorrectly will be executed.

- Group Trivia

The Terrorists are split up into 2+ groups, and are then asked a trivia question. The losing group will be shot (if there is more then one other group then the winner from the winning group gets to pick a group, not his own).

Death Races

- Death Race

All, or a group of Terrorists, race to a certain point (also go back if the warden decides for them too), the last X amount of Terrorists will be executed.

- Gun Death Race

A small amount of Terrorists (4 or less) will race to a certain point where a Counter-Terrorist has places a gun. The Terrorist to pick up the gun will be the only Terrorist to live.

- Pit Death Race

The Terrorists are placed into a "pit" and are forced to race out of it. The last X amount of Terrorists out die.

Spray Contests

- Highest Wins

Terrorists must spray their sprays as high up on a vertical surface as possible without touching the top. The spray which has it's lowest pixel higher than all other sprays wins. Either the winner will pick X number of Terrorists to die or the owners of the bottom X number of sprays will be killed. The owner of any spray touching the top may be killed.

- Lowest Wins

Terrorists must spray their sprays as low down on a vertical surface as possible without touching the bottom. The spray which has it's lowest pixel lower than all other sprays wins. Either the winner will pick X number of Terrorists to die or the owners of the bottom X number of sprays will be killed. The owner of any spray touching the bottom may be killed.

Misc. Games

- Spell it

One Counter-Terrorist says a word over the microphone, the first Terrorist to spell out this English word correctly picks any amount of Terrorists to be executed.

- Pick-a-??? (a.k.a. Musical Solitary)

This game involves one Counter-Terrorist typing one of multiple locations in Counter-Terrorist team chat, then ordering all Terrorists to stand in one of those locations. Any Terrorist who stands in the location picked by the Counter-Terrorist dies. This game must have clear seperation between each location. e.g. Two seperate corners, solitary cells, near particular sprays etc.

- Odd Man Out

When a Counter-Terrorist types "Go" in chat, a pre-designated group of 3 Terrorists will type either 1 or 2 in chat. Whoever types the number which the other two do not type dies. If all players type the same number, the last person to type that number dies.

- Live or Die

When a Counter-Terrorist types "Go" in chat, all Terrorists will type either 'live' or 'die' in chat. If all Terrorists type 'live', then they will all live. If all Terrorists type 'die', then they will all die. If there is a mixture of 'live's and 'die's, then all Terrorists who typed 'live' will die and all Terrorists who typed 'die' will live.

- Hot Potato

Two Terrorists must throw a gun to each other until a time which is preset by the Counter-Terrorists and not told to the Terrorists. Whoever is holding the gun at this time dies.

- Four corners

A map specific variation of 'Pick-a-???'. The Terrorists are put into the "four-corners room" in which they will pick a box on the ground. The Terrorists must stand in said box when a button is pushed, 3 of the squares become "green" making them live, the fourth one is deemed "red" and is then killed.

- Soccer

The Terrorists are split up into 2 teams, and are given a goal to protect, and a goal to attack. They then will try to get the ball into the goal that they were told to attack. Which ever goal gets scored on first, that goals "protectors" will be executed.

- Obstacle Course

A form of death race. The Terrorists are placed onto the merry-go-round, they then race, staying off the ground, onto the monkey bars, onto the pull-up bars, then onto the swing-set. Depending if the warden decides, they may continue racing onto the fence or the goal. If a Terrorist touches the floor, they must start from the beginning.

(Only Available on some maps)

- Hot Lava

A variation of the Obstacle Course, if the Terrorists touch the floor they are executed.

- Climb

Terrorists all enter the specified climb chamber and must attempt to reach the top. After X number of terrorists finish, the rest are killed.

- Simon Says

Simon Says is any game in which Terrorist have to do exactly as a Counter-Terrorist says in voice chat if the prefix it with "Simon Says" or any specified phrase, but not if the prefix isn't added. Any Terrorist not completing the prefixed order will be killed, the same goes for any Terrorist who completes the non-prefixed order.

Preferred Last Request

- S4S

One Terrorist and one Counter-Terrorist are each given a deagle and must take turns firing at each other until either players dies.

- Knife fight

An equal number of Terrorists and Counter-Terrorists will fight each other with nothing but knives. There are no consequences for any kills during this game.

- Gun toss

One Terrorist and one Counter-Terrorist throw a particular weapon from a set location. Whoever throws their weapon the farthest wins.

- M4, 30 seconds, No Follow

The Counter-Terrorists give the last Terrorist a M4a1 Rifle and must now follow the Terrorist for 30 seconds.

After the 30 seconds are up, the Terrorist is wanted.

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Banned Games

-Simon Says/Evil Simon Says.

Relies on the fact of choosing the last T to execute a task which sometimes more than not creates controversy.

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these rules look really good.

but i think every 7-9 rounds there should be a mic check. meaning a admin so freeze's everyone

and ask the ct's if they have a mic. if they dont have a mic they will be switched to the t team.

i see this in our jailbreak server too, if your going to give a command to a specifice prisoner you have to say there name directly to them like...(trubled drop the gun ill count to , ... 1..2..3....) not like drop the gun or ill shoot you boom.

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the only thing im worried with requiring all cts to have mic is a big mic spam issue which is gonna be prevalent no matter what, but it is one way to possibly reduce it...

Without mics, ct's are basically useless. Anyone of those ct's could be one of the last ones left and If they don't have a mic, they couldn't give out commands. Most JB server's I've been to there's always one ct giving out commands while the others "enforce", so there's not much mic spam. I like the rule of all ct's must have a mic.

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That's not true at all. I won't be playing as a T on this server, it's extremely lame not being able to talk and actually TRY to reason with a guard whos shooting your ass.

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Typing as the only way of talking to the guards kind of screws Ts over sometimes. When you are forced to crouch walk and stay crouched, you can't type at all, so if they ask you something you usually get shot before responding unless they know.

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