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Hardly, but suit yourself. A case is one of the least significant PC parts and having built as many PC's as I have, I'll be the first to tell you that the case will 99% of the time always outlast the parts inside.

Although, I'll point out that if you are an overclocker, the case can have a large impact if you are on an air cooling setup. Though, that doesn't seem to fit Chaos =O

By the way, as good as I7's are, I wouldn't recommend them if you weren't going to overclock; you'd get more out of going with a higher stock core Q series processor.

Edit: Antec 900's are pretty gross cases, not to mention incredibly over-rated. I personally agree with Wookie's case choice.

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Switch the 4870 with a 4770. Not a 4850. 4770's go for around $100, and if you get a second, you have preformance that rivals a GTX 285 (until you get into games such as Crysis running at 2560x1600, where video memory starts to show its worth).

Not to mention they run with a lot less power and a lot cooler.

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Although, I'll point out that if you are an overclocker, the case can have a large impact if you are on an air cooling setup. Though, that doesn't seem to fit Chaos =O

By the way, as good as I7's are, I wouldn't recommend them if you weren't going to overclock; you'd get more out of going with a higher stock core Q series processor.

Edit: Antec 900's are pretty gross cases, not to mention incredibly over-rated. I personally agree with Wookie's case choice.


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Im just saying, just because it has lots of ratings doesnt make it good, it just means it was cheap and didnt break in a month, its still a bad case considering what else dani can get for a little more

Wtf are you going to be doing to a case throwing it against the wall? Cases doesn't make a computer what it is.

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Thanks guys. =)

Haha you probably haven't gleaned much from this argument over cases. But here's the main point... If you're just going to play css/watch movies or w/e, you don't need an i7 right now. If you want to futureproof yourself, go with the i7, it's really your call on whether you want to spend the money right now, or ~4 years down the road.

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