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Grayman needs to be removed or have new rules applied

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I don't think Grayman needs to be removed. If you just get a rooting/freezing race, its over for the grayman. Speed is everything to that race. Without it, its a piece of junk loitering around.

Yay for dk.

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No one enforces the kdr nor does anyone follow it. I have played and ppl have exceded the kdr and still won't change. There is nothing us non-admins can do haha but as for grayman, its not that op. Go to server 1 and watch me or someone else play _______ mercenary. I forgot the first part of the name. but its basically the same if not better, and only has like 25 or 30 levels till maxed. Both of these races can b beat and are annoying at first but u can simply just go find the right "anti-grayman or anti-mercenary" race haha. As for removal... that would suck cuz i love grayman =] even tho im temporarly at server 1 with JONNY and Jennifer <3

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No one enforces the kdr nor does anyone follow it.

You must play between 2-8am, because other than then I have rarely seen an admin not enforcing the 4:1 rule... especially space. I have been a hard ass about it too since I've gotten my admin.

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Um... 25% is a lot... That's why it should be lowered. The proc. rate is too high because the weapon is mac10; it should be more like 5-10% not 25%... 1/4 of your shots being +50 damage is fuckin' insane. If you think that's fair, then you're retarded. another thing is, as i said in the previous post, people whore the hell out of Gray man because it has so many levels. I would much prefer it to only be maxed at level 30 or something.

Another thing is. Just cause you can root em doesn't mean you're gonna kill em, only if they jumped in the air or somethin' retarded like that would the g-man die from roots. Just ebcause you take away his speed doesn't mean he's easy to pick off, wanna know why? HE HAS SO MUCH HPs or atleast that's what I keep seeing when people play it.

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I have a level 100 Aether. Getting a race to 100 is not that hard. My Lurker is on his way at like 64 or 62 or something close to that. I got my Aether to 100, where is his +50 Damage and his 1.50 speed?

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yah but remember pan, lurker and membrane max out early so they get all their skills for the rest of the levels up to 100. grayman gets small bonuses so getting it to 100 it harder than getting membrane or lurker to 100.

I mean, getting to 100 really isnt that hard, so why does it matter they whore it if they can just level it up fast. I mean after 100, if they whore it all the time in a few weeks it will be maxed and you can enforce the race whoring rule on them. I mean britney and jonny both were the gman whores before, and now they have them maxed so they have to switch off them.. A lot of people are going to be maxing grayman in a little bit, so the rule will soon apply to all of them.

4 levels to go!

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First i didnt say it was hard. i said it takes a lot of time, getting a race to 150 thats hard. And making GM a 30 level race...are you guys kidding me? MMMmm, are you guys like clinically retarded? Seriously? do you want 300 people with maxed greymen running around the server doing all the shit you guys hate? YOU WILL ALWAYS HAVE SOMEONE PWNING GMAN. Giving it a really hard level to max makes people not want to put the time into it. You all are working against yourselves here.

AND Pippeli if you dont think Greyman has a weakness...then you havent seen husker lately...or forbidden 6 months ago. Or maybe you havent played a game that takes strategy...or brains. Start with checkers.

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Ask anyone that plays G-Man right now and he will tell you that it needs its speed.

You remove the G-Man's speed, it becomes a lot easier to kill. Play a race that freezes, slows, or bashes. Or if you don't like those races....buy a damn orb of frost.

Me and Hotsauce have been trying to tell everyone this for countless months and no body listens to us and still they bicker about G-Man.

I just told you G-Man's greatest weakness...use it or stop complaining!

God, you would all be bitching more if the ultimate was working also, so be thankful that it isn't.

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Ask anyone that plays G-Man right now and he will tell you that it needs its speed.

You remove the G-Man's speed, it becomes a lot easier to kill. Play a race that freezes, slows, or bashes. Or if you don't like those races....buy a damn orb of frost.

Me and Hotsauce have been trying to tell everyone this for countless months and no body listens to us and still they bicker about G-Man.

I just told you G-Man's greatest weakness...use it or stop complaining!

God, you would all be bitching more if the ultimate was working also, so be thankful that it isn't.

Lets fix that part and see how much bitching gets done.. we could make this tread epic.

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negative. The ultimate was supposed to be chain lightning. That would have been OP, 50 damage chain. Mmmmm, can you feel the power? Id still defend him...but i would be less on the offense.

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First i didnt say it was hard. i said it takes a lot of time, getting a race to 150 thats hard. And making GM a 30 level race...are you guys kidding me? MMMmm, are you guys like clinically retarded? Seriously? do you want 300 people with maxed greymen running around the server doing all the shit you guys hate? YOU WILL ALWAYS HAVE SOMEONE PWNING GMAN. Giving it a really hard level to max makes people not want to put the time into it. You all are working against yourselves here.

AND Pippeli if you dont think Greyman has a weakness...then you havent seen husker lately...or forbidden 6 months ago. Or maybe you havent played a game that takes strategy...or brains. Start with checkers.

No, I'm not retarded. Yes, I'd prefer, that they can max it at an earlier level, simply because the whole, you know, 4:1 rule would apply to them a lot earlier... As I said before the problem with gray man is also their 150 levels they got, sure it takes longer but when people are 60+ level grayman with 20+ levels in the parasitic weapon and a few in speed and what not... they can dish out so much and rack up kills so fast. I hate how people whore races, and because it has so many levels, it's hard to get people from whoring that race.

Also, speed doesn't matter when you can dish out 100+ damage in 1 second, without even needing to land headshots. Again, Grayman has an extra defense, a good offense (hint their damage) and it has lots of health, which makes up for when they get their speed taken away, and again, the only time the bashing, rooting and all that will truly stop their mayhem is if they are jumpin' around.

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Like i said, if you bump him down to level 30 there will always be someone on gray man. Because its considered an OP race someone will always be dishing out that kind of damage. You guys are saying that with the 150 levels the 4:1 ratio doesnt "apply". But lets say its 30 levels, when someone goes 4:1 theyll have to get off the race. Everyone thinks, "YES we need Greyman a lower level so that the 4:1 rule apply's. Wooo!!! OBAMA WOOO! we need change! We need hope!"

BUT if you really think about it...if hes changed to a max lower level, someone else will always take it up. Can you imagine Britney whoring GreyMan then Space whoring Greyman, til Space gets a 4:1 and Johnny goes ahead and whores Greyman, from Johnny to Hotsauce, from Hotsauce to Cass...Luckily these people arent all on at the same time. This is why youre working against yourself here. Making him a lower level will make everyone want to max him and whore him. ATLEAST in game Greyman isnt very good til youre level 60 and with higher levels, people dont want to have to take the time to get him to a decent level. So only people that are really persistant get him to a high level.

Further you get to know how people play, where they like to go, if they like to rush, which side they normally strafe, if they reload after every kill or if they go looking for a safe area to reload. Now imagine if max Greymen keeps getting switched from player to player, you again loose a strategic advantage cause you dont know how the new Greyman is going to play.

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Why not lower it to 60 levels? 20 levels per skill and nerf it to 140 hp, 1.40 speed, 20 dmg? Hell add the CL ultimate back and set it to 32 dmg like orc or even 40 and add another 20 levels to 80 total levels... Still "Grayman" just retuned.

Also, If you don't have something productive to add don't bother flaming... You won't get a response.

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Malic, they already whore the hell out of that race. The way you keep describing it, sounds like they should just, you know, nerf the hell out of it. Like what Itharus said.

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I havent seen any of the above really play with GM anymore. people that play GM dont play to whore they play to max it and get off it. Im saying if you lower his levels youre going to have a nightmare. Further, GM is already pretty nerfed based on 1+ hp, 1+ attack or .01+ speed per level. id actually say its the most nerfed race on the server pound for pound, or exp per skill.

IF there is any rule enforced than it should be GM 4:1 no matter if its maxed or not.

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You really call that a nerf? That is just nerfing the time to get it maxed... Which is bad when you have that 4:1 max race rule. No, the race in itself, the mechanics of the race, needs to be nerfed. As Itharus stated above.

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its supposed to be a good race, thats why there is only 1 allowed to the team. If you nerf it like Itharus said, than all you have is another Judge. with less skills...and some speed.

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Then perhaps it should be replaced with a different race. I don't consider gman a good race; it's an overpowered race. Considering it doesn't have it's ultimate, I would have to say if one does nerf it the way Itharus states, then it can actually have that back... My concern about the race is the proc. rate and how much damage it dishes out, which is ridiculous considering I've seen it be practically a one man army.

BTW, nerfing it like Itharus has it, wont hurt it that bad, +20 damage about 25% of the time is still insanely good.

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i dont think the ultimate ever worked...and as i said in a previous post id be okay with it, but it would be really hard to defend GM if it got it, it would be a real death god. I think we should find out what the exact proc rate is. the mac10 isnt that powerful. and judge procs like 100% of the time at 20 damage. if you nerf it like Itharus says it would kill the race. it would be the new Frodo, who no one likes to play.

Glad to see you posting Mitsukai. i mean before these posts you posted a total of 9 times in the last 2 and a half years. you must be really passionate about this.

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I think what some people need to realize is it takes along time, so ya only a few people are really going to try to max it out. It takes a long time to max, so you have to be on the race a long time to get it. The thing most people don't understand is, grayman is usually saved till the last race to max (except css pro for most) and the people who have all their races maxed usually have been playing on the server long enough to where they develop skills. So yah, you can say its because of grayman they are raping, but then they get on dunpeal and you think it will be much different?

Also, after getting 150 levels on it, you kind of get used to the mac 10 and you can develop skills to use it better (before I played grayman I couldnt use the mac10 at all, now I'm able to kill people with it (even when I had parasitic weapon down to level 14 or so)

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