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CSS Crashing

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not sure where to put this, but i was hoping you people would be able to help me out

whenever i join a game in CSS, it fully loads and i see the MOTD screen (which displays a gray blank that says redirect) and then it crashes. I have tried reinstalling CSS, which didn't work, and i also reinstalled steam (which did a complete memory swipe of all things steam related) and it still doesn't work

any suggestions?

or maybe its a problem with the motd, that i'm just having?

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Is anything overheating? My CPU was getting too hot when i was entering games causing crashes and such. Once I got a good heatsink/fan for my CPU, shit worked fine.

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ahhh yeah my comp is from HP and it always overheats...

such shitty fans... the fans been acting up recently so thats probably the problem...

but every single other game works fine....


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