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Guest some fag

My Permenant Ban/Posting Rights Suspension

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Guest some fag

I just figured I would do a vote, with the permission of Llethander, as to whether you guys want me gone or want to keep me around, simply because I don't feel a permanent ban of a longtime community member should be decided upon simply by one person, or as it would have been, a vote among leadership.

According to Oreo, I was banned for supposed "trolling" in MindFreak's thread about wanting to become an Advisor or a JCS- some part of the leadership. Basically what I said, with no flaming, was that he would have to do a lot of ass kissing or become butt buddies with someone in order to do that, at least with the leadership in it's current state. If you would take a look at the following thread (the thread of my supposed "trolling"):


You will see that, while I was slightly antagonistic to Oreo after a while, I wasn't really "trolling" as he was claiming, and the only real thing that was "antagonistic" were the smilies that I added to the end of a few of the posts.

But that was not his main reason (as that simply wasn't enough to try and justify my ban). This was an Xfire convo I had with him (mainly me talking to a wall), and this is what basically made his decision:

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div>

[00:36] lolleikimagurl: WTF.

[00:37] lolleikimagurl: I'm not fucking trolling.

[00:37] lolleikimagurl: And what fucking deal are you talking about?

[00:37] lolleikimagurl: I'm sorry you don't agree with the facts.

[00:39] * =(UV)= UltimateOreo lJCSl is not enabling your behavior.

[00:39] lolleikimagurl: Fuck you.

[00:40] lolleikimagurl: You seriously are a fag. You, Junzou, and P2 have turned into the same dick.

[00:53] lolleikimagurl: This clan = dead.

[00:54] lolleikimagurl: It's nothing in comparison to what it used to be.

[00:54] lolleikimagurl: A fun little clan with good people (aside from CC90).

[00:55] lolleikimagurl: And decisions on servers were decided upon by community input almost entirely alone.

[00:55] lolleikimagurl: Now it's run by dicks like you, P2, and now, Junzou, who think you own the fucking place (though you don't).

[00:56] lolleikimagurl: Telling the truth =/= trolling.

That is essentially the reason he decided to ban me, even though anything done outside the forums and servers (aside from PMs, I believe) cannot be held against you in the clan or on the forums. IE: I could be racist as Hell on Xfire to anyone, and it could not be held against me on the forums.

Not only that, but there was a vote held among the leadership on whether or not to permanently ban me or not. While I don't hold it against anyone who voted for or against me, the vote was tied, according to my sources, and with that, Oreo made some sort of remark along the lines of him using the power he had when we made the so called deal about not flaming and/or trolling (which I had forgotten about at the time).

I don't know, I know most people in leadership, at least in terms of JCS, don't want me gone, nor do some of the Advisors, so that's why I make this vote. Meh, I haven't put up a struggle, fight, or anything, with this last ban. I've just gone with it up until now.

Vote for or against, your choice... Back into suspension until the votes have been tallied, and even then, if leadership decides to put any merit into the vote. See ya' guys.

Hopefully a certain few will have the respect to keep this thread up rather than locking and trashing it immediately, as I'm not the bad guy I'm made out to be.

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Before the shit-storm:

I agreed to lift his posting suspension for this one post and, as per our agreement, his posting rights have been suspended once more.

Secondly: I did not give out any information that was posted in either the ADV or JCS forums aside from confirming the reason his posting rights were suspended in the first place, as I felt that information was well within his rights to know.

Finally, I have to say that much of what has been deemed "trolling" by many is, actually, not. Much of it is ill-phrased opinion, but not trolling.

I do not mind Zeus and was not in favour of banning him in the first place, however I was not home to place my vote before it was all said and done.

That is all.

If you vote please post a reason why. Nothing is more irritating than seeing poll votes without a post to go with.

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My case-

Several months ago, when Zeus was about to be permanently banned from the forums for flaming Hypercore, we made a deal, we being P2, Junzou, Zeus, and I. In Ventrilo, we made it very clear that he was not allowed to re-apply for clan membership and if he began continuing trolling or flaming behavior, he would be permanently banned, no questions asked. I made the decision to ban him after what he mentioned above and a lot of this thread-


But my mistake, it's ok flame staff members because the rules don't apply to everybody. It's not like he hasn't already gotten a second chance or anything.

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I don't mind Clickerson. Everyone has a tendancy to go overboard in what they do, some more than others. Besides, I'd rather see him here than a lot of the new spammers we seem to have gathered.

EDIT: I should probably add that I didn't pay too much attention to when he was actually banned and such.

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In regards to that thread: Junzou poked, Zeus poked back and it pretty much ended. I agree completely with what Foh said in regards.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Fohacidal @ May 13 2009, 10:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

I got to take zeus's back on this, many of the people who dont support ZE keep jabbing at the old regulars with ridiculous insults like "you suck at propmenu so you hated it". If anything zeus has a right to be as indignant as he is now.


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To be honest, you've pissed me off more than you've made me feel content, but in order to properly advocate my vote, I'm going to tell you that you're the least of this clan's problems right now. You're not someone I've come to know very much about or grow to fond of. Likewise, you're not someone who has pissed me off to no end (like some others).

I can't tell you to change your attitude, nor was I going to. Just be wary of what you say, despite whether or not you may think it's trolling or not. Bios may have been an asshole to you, but you seriously degraded your reputation from the amount of flaming that went on between you two.

Although Hannibal is a scumbag, I consider you above that and as such I am expecting that you show me something in return for this vote I cast for you.

All the pedophile bullshit aside, I vote "Keep."

Make it worth it...

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I vote to keep him in.

As controversial as this may sound, it's people like Foh and Zues who keep me interested in threads. They actually have the balls to speak their minds and aren't afraid to say anything.

Plus, I love dat foo.

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Guest Fohacidal

You know my vote even before I post in here. The only people I see in opposition to getting zeus back is Oreo, and he hates anyone that doesnt agree with him...

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I voted to keep him in, I know i rarely post here, but I do check daily, if only for the hilarity of people like Zeus. I've never really noticed him to flame really, he makes comments that may not be worded in the best of mannerisms, and sometimes takes things a step or two too far, but he's normally a fairly decent bloke.

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I think we should keep him around.

Reason being Zeus hasn't really done anything to warrant the ban.

I mean I get it, I know about the whole hypercore deal and honestly... if you guys are going to ban Zeus for those posts you should have banned him much sooner, because I seem to recall him saying some much nastier stuff before that.

The thing is, this time it just seemed like Zeus struck a nerve with Oreo and that is why he got banned.

Perhaps you should amend your deal? if Zeus is the center of another shit storm then you guys perm ban him.

I mean nothing really happened that is ban worthy IMHO.

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I voted to keep him...

If only so that the forums have some variety to them. I hate these new kids just spamming useless threads and comments that don't contribute towards the community.

"Whats your favorite shoes to wear on Sunday" thread

Every post in the god damn Funny Shaz section is


"So funny guys LOL"

"God lethander you find the bestest videos!!!! LOLOLOLOLOL ROFL"

People need to say something with their posts god damn it and while Zeus's posts might be regressive in regards to contribution to the community at least its actually something substantial.

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Guest NeverEndingXsin

i voted to keep him banned.

i have my own reasons for that decision.

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I vote to keep him.

Everyone gets a little harsh with words once in a while and sometimes Zeus has some troubles saying what he means in a nice way. I have gotten to know him pretty well, and he really isn't a bad guy at all.

He is for the most part fun to have around and keeps us entertained.

I agree that I think he needs to keep down the trolling, but I think he can do it.

It may seem that sometimes he doesn't give a shit about the clan, but I know, in reality he really does, or he wouldn't be wanting back.

Give him another go, what is the worst that could happen?

It's not like he is some crazy power abusive troll who will kill UV.

As long as he doesn't get out of hand, I say we should welcome him back.

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I think it would be a huge mistake to ban someone who keeps the forums at least slightly lively. To tell you the truth, I barely want to lurk these forums anymore. They are so fucking boring and barely anything goes on. Banning people like Zeus is a big no-no imo.

PS. I am pretty sure chaos said to keep you but voted to ban. As soon as I voted to keep it went +1 to vote to ban lol. This all happened while only her and I were viewing the thread. For shame.

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It's not often you actually post somewhere without being an ass. You've had your share of second chances and I think the leadership should follow up on what they say.

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I vote keep.

I love this motherfucker. He may seem like an ass at times, but once you get to know him, you know he doesn't really mean what he says. Unless, he's pissed.

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Guest NeverEndingXsin

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (UltimateOreo @ Jun 2 2009, 03:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

My case-

Several months ago, when Zeus was about to be permanently banned from the forums for flaming Hypercore, we made a deal, we being P2, Junzou, Zeus, and I. In Ventrilo, we made it very clear that he was not allowed to re-apply for clan membership and if he began continuing trolling or flaming behavior, he would be permanently banned, no questions asked. I made the decision to ban him after what he mentioned above and a lot of this thread-

if this deal is really true and you guys really did make a deal with him.

and yet he broke it knowing what the consequences would be then i see no reason why you shouldnt stick to the deal.

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